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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 242x208, 67yughfdrtyuygh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14839516 No.14839516 [Reply] [Original]

>I had a gf for the last 4 years.
>a qt3.14 everything was going great.
>i made a few million in the last bull market enough to live comfortaly and spend a hefty sum to please her with gifts and vacations.
>Last january gf suddeny start to be interested in keeping in shape. She already had a great body but always good if its maintained.
gf went to local gym and ask for a personal trainer.
>her training ? (not sure of the term coz im a lazy fag) keep getting more frequent and take a longer time.
sometimes at odd time.
>our anniversary is coming so was going to surprised her.
>bought her a custom made wooden bracelet with private key engraved inside filled it with some link eth and a few low cap gamble.
>she dont really know about crypto except btc
was planning for a great romantic surprise party.
>went to our house yesterday for the surprise. >she thought I was in china for a business meeting.
>heard panting upstairs. my heart race as I realised what might be happening
>I tiptoed to our bedroom and sure enough she was underneath the trainer which I fucking paid.
>contemplate to shoot them both and commit suicide
>figured its not worth it
>kicked both of them out naked
I sit on my sofa and cried the whole day

>> No.14839551

haha faggot

>> No.14839555

Kill them anon. Buy XMR, buy a Glock from some local nig and massacre them


>> No.14839557

kekked and cucked

>> No.14839566

>didnt kill them both
you fucked up desu, could have done it, then claimed they attacked you when you interrupted, you shot in self defense/crime of passion
expect your life to be destroyed by pregnancy/rape/alimony
the dead tell no tales in minecraft

>> No.14839586

nice cuck fantasy you got there fag

>> No.14839588
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>> No.14839589

you're rich anon you can build a new qt3.14 gf and then she'll never cuck you

>> No.14839592

Imagine living with a woman who isn't your wife

>> No.14839601

You brought this on yourself, cuck.

>> No.14839612

life long relationships are a meme
the odds are against you - just a question of when.

who tf stays with the same person for 50 years nowadays if ever

>> No.14839615


>> No.14839619

Sorry to hear that anon. Fuck her though thank God you weren't married or she'd be getting half your stack. Go fuck a bunch of Stacies

>> No.14839621

What a strange larp.

>> No.14839660

What a beta cuck, my god I can't believe there are people like this out there

>> No.14839691
File: 116 KB, 402x398, 1065 - cMiMck0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what else should he have done?

>> No.14839716

>I tiptoed to our bedroom and sure enough she was underneath the trainer which I fucking paid.

Why do retards do this? If you're going to cheat at least have sex at a hotel or something.

>> No.14839728

you should have taken pictures of them both in ur bedroom. this would be your proof that she cheated on you. since you didnt do it, she will get away with personal trainer with half your net worth. fuck man, thats why I gave up of all this woman shit. This game is rigged against us from the very beginning.

>> No.14839743


>> No.14839750

it's a larp

>> No.14839759

>*gets sent to prison*
ah yes VERY impressive

>> No.14839767

>>I had a gf for the last 4 years.
>>a qt3.14 everything was going great.
>>i made a few million in the last bull market enough to live comfortaly and spend a hefty sum to please her with gifts and vacations.
>>Last january gf suddeny start to be interested in keeping in shape. She already had a great body but always good if its maintained.
>gf went to local gym and ask for a personal trainer.
>>her training ? (not sure of the term coz im a lazy fag) keep getting more frequent and take a longer time.
>sometimes at odd time.
>>our anniversary is coming so was going to surprised her.
>>bought her a custom made wooden bracelet with private key engraved inside filled it with some link eth and a few low cap gamble.
>>she dont really know about crypto except btc
>was planning for a great romantic surprise party.
>>went to our house yesterday for the surprise. >she thought I was in china for a business meeting.
>>heard panting upstairs. my heart race as I realised what might be happening
>>I tiptoed to our bedroom and sure enough she was underneath the trainer which I fucking paid.
>>contemplate to shoot them both and commit suicide
>>figured its not worth it
>>kicked both of them out naked
>I sit on my sofa and cried the whole day

Pretty weird larp, "china"? Really,huh !

>> No.14839788

kek you cuck, that's what you get for trusting a woman and having a gf

>> No.14839798

I know but I always hear these retarded stories of getting caught cheating because the husband/wife finds out their partner is having sex with someone else at their own fucking house. Like god damn if I was cheating I'd be double cautious of what the hell I'm doing.

>> No.14839891
File: 20 KB, 258x245, 9B4A47E4-3034-43FA-9562-F588C95DA356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is brilliant

>> No.14839909
File: 51 KB, 900x900, AGF-l7-UyPuoAIh4jHuNuU56w77qAI3ezujg1mhDOQ=s900-mo-c-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me bizman
>have a shitty idea
>saw many scat videos and wondered if i can sell my own shit
>created a website to sell my shit
>people can choose what i eat the day before
>i have 4 customer so far
>there is this one guy ordering the same everytime
>he wants me to eat raw meat with onions
>when im shitting it stinks so fucking hard but he pays 300Dollar for every package of my shit
>what is wrong with you guys
>is this guy actually eating my shit or is he building a house of my shit?
>no idea
>300Dollar every 4 days is ok
>now buying into Ethereum and making hopefully more from it

>> No.14839926

Honestly all you have to do is make it the first ~30 years, then no one will actually want to fuck her so she’s practically stuck with you

>> No.14839942

My parents have been together for 32 years and my Dad is a lazy ass.

>> No.14840006

Nice technique

>> No.14840031

Will definitely use it for my next relationship which hopefully wont repeat this same mistake

>> No.14840041
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Double cucked

Don't worry you can find another one at a cheaper rate

>> No.14840048
File: 378 KB, 750x684, 07F7CE2A-1EC0-4550-B414-91BB980C79F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heard panting upstairs.


Now man the fuck up and get back to work.

>> No.14840068

>Only charging 300$ for selling your shit online

even in the easiest most spoonfed situations, women are truly brainlets

>> No.14840091

thats bad fren, you are better now without that slut, there are a lot better women out there, just avoid whores

>> No.14840106
File: 10 KB, 220x200, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you need to learn how to properly put your pee pee in her poo poo and this wont happen again

congrats on the crypto gains

>> No.14840209
File: 272 KB, 750x388, 95A82B35-ABC8-4F79-BB0C-5740CC416D08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should buy the next events on xFutures. Akropolis did almost 800% this week there. It only did 200% on Huobi IEO

>> No.14840213

the ones that get caught were the ones that were incautious, thus the stories you hear are about those that are incautious

>> No.14840240
File: 299 KB, 673x669, 1544722822316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this "qt3.14" gf bring to the table?

OK, so we've established that she's cute. Great. She works out, has a nice body, wonderful. File that under "Sexually Attractive". Quick question: which do you think will hold its value better: her good body that is still in its 20s, or the ETH on that private key you got her?

Does she help you by running 50% or more of a shared business venture?

Does her family provide valuable business, legal, or political connections? If so, how do they help you?

Does she do anything besides provide an outlet for your sexual desires? Oops, looks like she isn't even doing that just for you. So, that's partially off the table.

Does she provide you with companionship that makes your life easier? Oops, looks like she makes you miserable and makes your life so hard you considered killing not only her, but yourself. So that's off the table too.

So, it seems like all she does is (sometimes LMAO) give you someone to fuck and (sometimes, or at least USED TO sometimes provide you with companionship and made you feel good about yourself.

What's your investment that you provided to get those benefits?

Can you think of a more efficient way to receive those benefits?

If you're literally a millionaire with all of these business ventures... Don't fucking give that cunt a second thought. Concentrate on bettering yourself. Go to the gym. Go to law school or business school. Find another qt (trust me, they are a dime a dozen) while you're in graduate school or who has a dad in business who can actually provide you with VALUE besides her short term, rapidly depreciating pussy.

>> No.14840249
File: 61 KB, 640x784, gskzd4ikow321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't control other people.

And if you tell yourself that you aren't a cuck and it could never happen to you then your less likely to catch on and notice if it does happen. On the other hand staying single out of fear will make you a sad loner.

Enjoy your relationships and do nice things and spend quality time with your girl but not so much that you'd regret it later if things don't work out.

>> No.14840274

Can I do the same as a male?

>> No.14840403

Wow great fake story bro. You should be a writer

>> No.14840435

Should have shot them you fucking faggot.

>> No.14840528

>business and finance

>> No.14840593
File: 231 KB, 726x391, 1481CD01-80FA-4C46-A6CF-6CC3DA68EBD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get rich by buying BNB?
Did you see BPRO ? All coins at one exchange?