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14838846 No.14838846 [Reply] [Original]

Columbia recognizes him as Satoshi, why don’t you?
Give me one good reason why you’re not all in original bitcoin (Sv)? Name one person who works harder than Craig, I’ll wait. Do stupid anons not care about the real original weather(Sv)? The forecast is 100% chance
Of $1,200 EOY.
What’s cooler: sending money to a random string of numbers and letters and waiting 3 days and paying $50 fees or sending money to your chad paymail account paying next to zero fee with instant transfer?
The only people who FUD bsv are cuckstream tertorists who want to buy CP using LN.

>> No.14839106

you don't know yet?

>> No.14839485

CSW is a deepfake made by the 1995 Dalai Lama to propagate Buddhism throughout South America in order to maintain control of the world soul, and Colombia's government is really an Indonesian bot farm with the same goal. I spend 5 hours masturbating before my prostate exams. I edge, and edge and edge, until a butterfly sneezing on my taint could bring me to orgasm. I tactfully shuffle my way down to the doctor's office and when he lubes up I nearly cum every time. But I've trained my keggle muscles enough to the point where I can hold in Mount Vesuvius' wrath. Then as soon as he puts the smallest bit of pressure on my prostate I unleash with the fury of a lion hunting its prey. As the room gets covered in my hot sticky juices the doctor looks on disgusted and leaves the room. I always go to a hospital far away from where I live to get it so that I don't have to go in for surgery under the doctor that I busted to. Best thing is we have free healthcare here, so the doctor gets me off and it's covered by taxpayers. That's my fetish.