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1483754 No.1483754 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get depressed when they think too much about compound interest? Like I'm lying in bed working out how much money I'll have when I'm 60 based off average returns and its all well and good. But then I start to visualise that future version of me, looking at my account balance. Happy that I'm rich but I'm also old now, my parents are dead, I'm possibly alone, thinking back to when I was 21. And now I'm in the old mans head fantasising about when I was young. Looking back on things that seemed mundane at the time, but now provide nostalgia and melancholy. I start crying but then realise i'm still young and should do the best I can to make the most of it, maybe spend more time enjoying things while passively investing in retirement. Time is our most valuable asset

>> No.1483762

As long as Capital growth significantly outperforms inflation then your fine, relax and have a beer m8

>> No.1483768

Well said.

>> No.1483789

getta girlfriend, she will leave you piss poor but you will have plenty of stories/memories. your "rich" account will bring you no satisfaction unless you have a legacy to devote it to, i.e. children, doing something of historical note,

>> No.1483869

Yea - doing something people will remember you by...

>> No.1483945

Don't wish your life away anon

>> No.1484066

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle seems relevant here.

>> No.1484091


>> No.1484093

try r9k

>> No.1484190


Would you rather:
>Be old, parents dead, your best years behind you -- but rich.


>Be old, parents dead, your best years behind you, and poor to boot!

Investing is just as much about minimizing loses as it is making gains.

>I prefer to imagine the 36 years on so in between and all the fucking amazing things which are still going to happen to me before I get too old.

>> No.1484392

at least with tax advantaged accounts holding low cost index funds
the government doesnt get any of those earnings to distribute out to the MIC and single mothers, AND very little goes to the financial services sector

i dont actually care that ill only have the money when I'm old because at least the niggers didn't get it

>> No.1484437
File: 283 KB, 1450x814, LifeIsAfuckingScam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't win unless you inherit/have massive luck (hold tons of Bitcoin before 2012 for example)

Time is everything. Being a bald old guy with money = who fucking cares.

It's such a harsh reality that we have people coping thinking rich good looking kids don't enjoy their wealth because they didn't make it themselves. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.1484440

the power of cope

>> No.1484444

>>I prefer to imagine the 36 years on so in between and all the fucking amazing things which are still going to happen to me before I get too old.

If by fucking amazing you mean wagecucking then yes.

>> No.1484518

>Being a bald old guy with money = who fucking cares.
no being bald old guy with money = not living on the streets.

>> No.1485370


Nicely put. But instead of being sad about it, search "motivation" and listen to some videos.

Time is our most valuable asset but you can only enjoy it if you are in a flow state. Then the passage of time will seem to hasten.

This is a paradox of life: the more fun you have, the more quickly it ends but the more valuable it will be to you.

>> No.1485663

I read about Bitcoin in early 2011 and was really intrigued by it as I was interested in the politics of currency at the time. I almost bought up a bunch for shits and giggles.

>> No.1485673
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this is so true. if you dont inherit you hage to GAMBLE to win.

hell, you dont even know that you live to be 60yo, many die earlier.

>> No.1485713

Who said anything about a conventional job?

>> No.1485727


>not living a good life enjoying your security
>being alone at 60
No one actually does these.

>> No.1485984

This is exactly why I started lifting, eating healthy, and going on /fit/.

Men who maintain themselves can still enjoy life in their 40s and 50s, even 60s. I know it might take a while for me to be rich, but I want to be in a position to enjoy it.

>> No.1485987

Jesus man, bitter much?
Ok, I'll get back to thinking about how we're all going to die.

>> No.1485994

M8 you can still pay an 18 year old a few bux to lick shit off your penis, why so sad?

>> No.1486004

>Take $100
>But bitcoins in Sept 2010
>Sell bitcoins in Nov 2013
>Have $1,500,000

What the actual fuck where's my time machine

>> No.1486010

My friend told me about bitcoin in 2010 but I didn't have a PC to mine it and I had fuck all cash. Sad stuff

>> No.1486053
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I think of this often. I am a young man by most accounts still, and if my genetics hold out will pass as one for another decade or so, but much of my time whether working or idle is devoted to memories. I remember summer vacations and journeys I made when I was a younger child, all of the fun I had and the enjoyment I felt in the exact moments I crystallized them in my mind. They're all insignificant to anyone else: For example, one of my fondest memories was during a random summer day at a cousin's house, reading a Nintendo Power in their living room just before setting it down and running outside. I can still feel the excitement from that exact moment as I looked at an ad for Harvest Moon on the Gameboy.

I know I'm not alone in my thoughts. Anyone I speak to agrees, they have these pictures in time they would give anything to leap into even if just for awhile. Given the embellishment of the mind I am sure I will think similarly now in another fifteen years. It doesn't stop me from feeling such melancholy though.

>> No.1486881

Beautiful. I guess the only problem with all this is that instead of enjoying a moment, I'll instead think about what a great memory it will be.

>> No.1486923

That's why I want to retire early, like really early. If things continue as they are now, I'll be free in 5 years, when I'm 30. I won't be rich or anything, but will have all the time in the world to do whatever I please.
I don't even make that much, combined with gf it's £80k (around 60k after tax). So it's entirely possible to not be a wage slave forever even on a middle class salary.

>> No.1486934


Let me offer a different perspective.

I have never had fun. I was heavily bullied as a kid and tween; my HS and college years were spent completely alone. After that, I spent a year in hell, also known as mandatory military service. I have no photos at all, and my memories are either terrible or empty. Most people just cannot comprehend why I have almost nothing from my past.

I have nothing to look for in the future either. I'm in a shitty world, and my best chance is to try to minimize suffering. So, I'm working hard to retire at 30, five years from now. At least I'll be free of the rat race and all its demands.

You're afraid of wasting your youth in favor of longterm goals. To solve that dilemma, you need to get to know yourself, truly yourself, the values that will not change, and then weigh the options with those.

>> No.1486947

Are you me?:)

>> No.1486952

First build smth or do smth you love. Women will follow. Fuck, who needs a woman in order to live
OP, thanks for the reminder

>> No.1486954

nice quads

>> No.1486976


I hope not, since I don't have a gf. That would mean some serious cognitive dissonance.

>> No.1487011
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>> No.1487059

>being this much of an emotional, consumerist, retarded faggot

Anyone who can't retire by 40 is scum and should be put to death.

>> No.1487067

>being this edgy

>> No.1487229

you might as well be a tripfag at this point copeguy