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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 247 KB, 605x719, well shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14837240 No.14837240 [Reply] [Original]

FTM done did it lads.

Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum is president of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, CEO and chairman of the Emirates Group, chairman of Dubai World, and Noor Takaful insurance company.

We're gonna be fucking rich boys.

You fuckers said it would never happen.

Moon EOY. I'm so fucking comfy right now.

>> No.14837263

comfy? we're just getting started

>> No.14837282

Literally why WOULDN'T you be all in FTM

>> No.14837286

SEED partnership is the kiss of death for a project. Do you remember the last project that partnered with them?

They are going to kill FTM.

>> No.14837311

Too many shitcoins being shilled

>> No.14837312

I have Jibrel vibes.

>> No.14837333
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Sure thing pal

>> No.14837343

There was no other project. Ftm is the first. Maybe you're thinking of the wrong SEED

>> No.14837348

I lost over $100k on fucking jnt

I am not falling for the fucking seed group again

>> No.14837351

Still holding my precious jibrels

>> No.14837369


Btw you must be new here. Go back to rebbit

>> No.14837412

Except FTM isn't a sihtcoin

>> No.14837421

The people who hold ftm are newbiz retards who fall for seed group partnerships

I was actually thinking of buying FTM till I realized this

You kids need to experience your own jibrel I guess

But I am not taking seed group as a super positive sign. They did fucking nothing for JNT except abandon them when the bear market started. They bring nothing to a project imo.

>> No.14837480

Seem to be ignoring the fact that the Private Office of the CEO of Emirates is also in on this.

>> No.14837493

‘al Maktoum’ I heard the same fucking name for JNT which flamed our horrendously. This is not a selling point on /biz/ OP.

>> No.14837555

ITT Pajeets who threw theire money at shit project and now think FTM will be the same.
/comfy/iest hold rn

>> No.14837561

Lol a the discord trannies with their dumb jibrel talking points. Fantom is not Jibrel. Jibrel failed because it's a shitcoin, not because of SEED. Dubai is one of the many business leads being pursued by fantom. Stupid retards. But of course I know this is just accumulation talking points but fuck you guys are annoying

>> No.14837569

Is this the same dude as Jibrel?

>> No.14837583

Imagine not being in the most screaming buy of 2019.

>> No.14837587

JNT and FTM are completely different coins.

JNT is a legit shit coin

>> No.14837600

loool the new JNT
cant wait for the pink wojaks

>> No.14837619

Ftm has far more exchanges than jibrel ever did. Even before it was delisted from some.

>> No.14837623
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Yeah, you sure told us Ramesh

>> No.14837625
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See this guy shaking hands?

He is now a janitor

SEED is the kiss of death you dumb newfaggot niggers

>> No.14837627

gtfo newfag. biz knows all about SEED money.

>> No.14837631


>> No.14837715
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this is what happens when you trust SEED

get fucked newfags

>> No.14837746


>> No.14838023

>okex listing
>bitrex listing
>binance listing
>all for free in 2 months
>andre cronje
>weiss rating
>mainnet coming
>dubai confirmed

b-but muh jibrel

>> No.14838108

Hey newfag, go back and see how bullish everyone was at the jibrel conference where SEED was announced and CZ himself made a presentation

Youre gonna get fucked. You just wait.

>> No.14838171

and none of that shit mattered, the price keeps going back to 2 cents.

>> No.14838300

Thanks, sold now. Enjoy getting JIBRELED

>> No.14838337

Like we care about your weak money anyway kek

>> No.14838343

Kek at you bots.

Jibrel failing has 0 to do with Fantom. You guys are fucking annooooying

>> No.14838374

oh no he sold his lunch money!

>> No.14838414

Am i too late in to this?

>> No.14838457

Not even at 100m MC yet

>> No.14838501

lmao my first fucking thought

>> No.14838542

literally bought 1000$ USD worth at .02 cents

will i make it?

Also check em

>> No.14838634
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Yeah you'll make it, we all will one day.

>> No.14838663

Price predictions? Realistic ones that is. How high is this going to go?
>imb4 muh ethereum killer $1000 eom

>> No.14838705
File: 125 KB, 218x262, illusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just about.

this shit hasn't even mooned yet only .007~ cents higher than opening price.

>> No.14838725

$1B mcap EOY

>> No.14838789

Thanks. I'll take it.

>> No.14839104

Jibrel hadn't mooned either and never did

Remember "BBB" exchanges?
Remember $250M?

If seed group tokenizes 10% of $250m we moon, right?

Oh Don tapscoyt, remember him?

Remember cz talking at jibrel conference?

>> No.14839197

Jibrel was a completely useless idea, partnered with 4 literal who companies.

Fantom is different in every way, the only similarity is that SEED
has taken interest.

Jibrel failed because it was shit, not because of SEED.

>> No.14839270

Dubai is ahead of the curve by most global metrics, very excited to see them prove a real world crypto use case.

Thank god for islam and oil right!??!?

>> No.14839350

You said it, thank god for oil.

>> No.14839765

Jibrel shit coin also started at like 42 cents and is now trading at 2 cents.
-93% return rate

FTM is at a 45%+ return. This is the GROUND FLOOR.

FTM is creating smart CITIES.

"The platform aims to differentiate itself with its “Lachesis Protocol” , which will be integrated with Fantom OPERA Chain. The goal is to support the development of dApps that to enjoy instant transactions and near zero transaction costs for all users.."

>> No.14839781

How soon until Fantom is dubai official cryptocurrency?

>> No.14839826
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>> No.14839849
File: 1.20 MB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20190717-150246_Samsung Internet Beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14839879

yes brainlet this is dubai's fetish
they announce partnerships and then cancel them
this will happen every single time they announce a partnership

>> No.14840167

im not a newfag, pajeet. ftm unironically feels like eth in 2016 and jibrel was a shitcoin with no purpose

>> No.14840255

oldfag, price predictions?

>> No.14841098

The absolute state of brainlet JNT holders ITT.

JNT never had a strong dev team.
JNT never had a strong community.
JNT never had so many listing on exchanges for free.
And the list goes on.

>> No.14841119

Jibrel vibes

>> No.14841951

at least 20 cent eoy. 5$ eo2020