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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14834139 No.14834139 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14834154

>tfw 23 and already retired from selling link ath

Currently out for a nice morning bike ride just saw a wage cuck and I shouted "back to work wagie" as I sped by kek

>> No.14834241

I'd like to strap a samurai sword to the side of my car to deal with you people.

>> No.14834264

LARP, unless you were a drug dealer or trust fund kid no 23 yo had thousands to invest in a meme token to make it and retire.

>> No.14834272

Just retire bros it's not hard

>> No.14834275

so youre mad at other people because yourself made bad decisions? sounds like a typical wagekek to me

>> No.14834299
File: 361 KB, 1567x1253, 0A536209-5035-48BC-B7C1-E60CF52D26C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will say though OP your post is exactly why I’m so heavily invested in crypto. This is literally our only shot at escaping a lifetime of wage cucking.

>> No.14834313

I'm taking about cyclists. you faggots are annoying as fuck. you don't own the road. you are supposed to SHARE the road. AKA when a vehicle is behind you move the fuck over so it can pass you.

>> No.14834430

Can't afford a bike wagie?

>> No.14834434

sorry, i shouldve known not to bother you in the morning before you had your 3x decaf lowfat sojalite moccachino and prepped se büll

>> No.14834445
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>no 23 yo had thousands to invest in a meme token to make it and retire.
Yeah... keep telling yourself that.

>> No.14834484
File: 875 KB, 1653x1023, wagie late.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how was your day? :)

>> No.14834587

16 here and just sold my 50mil linkies thanks 4chan !! I had been working at mcdonalds for 3 days now I never have to wage again :)))

>> No.14834616

>projecting this hard
There are many of us left who bought pre-SIBIOS and who could have sold the top and made it. I'm not selling my self until alt season, but could have been nigger-rich if I wanted to be.

>> No.14834873

Making it would mean investing 50k+ minimum at damn near ICO prices. Stop lying on the internet dork.

>> No.14834882

Imagine being so dumb that you think you're late for work solely because of bikes on the road
Nigger get up half an hour earlier fucks sake cunt have some fucking discipline and self responsibility

>> No.14834916

>be me
>be 2011
>learn about buttcorn on 4chins
>buy 50 at less than $1 per BTC
>completely forget about them
>recycle computer
>tfw i threw away max $600K

you didn't need to have thousands of dollars, you just needed to not be a retard like me

>> No.14834938

That hurt my heart

>> No.14834963

You would have sold at $10-20 anyways unless you were actually retarded

>> No.14835000

It’s funny how all these young kids just managed to be such lucky ducks and mine a bunch of BTC in 2011 to explain their lack of capital to buy in! You are so smart! LARP

>> No.14835059

this is probably true. i never would have held until 20K but i just wanted to reiterate how much I lost out on. not doing that again. I'll hodl my btc, eth, xrp and xlm until it goes to fucking zero or until they make me enough that I can retire with my other investments. I figure I'll invest about $20K of my personal capital into these four (50% btc, 25% eth 15% xrp and 10% xlm) and ride it out.

>> No.14835068

For me it's the fact that they think that because they're a good match for all the inane bullshit and it's only a minor inconvenience for them to wagekek for 40 years, they think you're just lazy for not wanting to do the same.
Waging turns my life into a nightmare

>> No.14835122

>your parents slaved away their for 30 years
makes me sick and I'm a failure too

>> No.14835177
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>hurr durr people can only do what I've done in life
kys summerfag

>> No.14835390

This, it’s literally a cope that because all they know and everyone around them is waging 70% of their life away for a more often than not company that barely benefits society and the fact they are so uninteresting and boring they wouldn’t know what to do with their freedom if they had it.

>> No.14835436

butthurt wagie. the funniest thing is i bet you double park regularly without giving a fuck. sorry about car insurance costs mate, now get back to work you have to pay off your lease :)

>> No.14835478

Bruh you have the internet, you can learn how to start a business and turn 50 years into 2-3.

>> No.14836236

Even working a shitty job from like 18 and living at home with no bills you could have thousands to invest.