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File: 6 KB, 200x200, tether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14833676 No.14833676 [Reply] [Original]

Tether please print some 100 Millions. :3 We need your energy.

>> No.14833711

What if I told you burns are going to start happening soon

>> No.14833756

it would be the only way to save it

>> No.14833776

This, but you can see in the bitfinex price action they’re doubling down hard as fuck. But the banks are counter trading them because they’re going for the kill

They need to stop doubling down and just start burning. If they don’t the whole thing willl blow up

>> No.14833924

not counting the "mistake" 5B and the tron swap 50M, they have not printed anything in 8 days, and the price has been falling ever since, if they start burning now it will be a bloodbath.
I think they will find an arrangement on the 29 to burn USDT slowly and btc will keep following down until god know how low
that's best case scenario for them and the whole space

>> No.14833969

Its more than likely they have been stopped from printing anymore.I suspect Trump was given an emergency briefing on crypto after Libra,was explained and told about Tether printing and ordered his minions to have it stopped as soon as possible.

>> No.14834007

Look at the price action on finex. Normally it lags the stable coin pairs but now it’s leading. Which probably meana tether called crypto figures in a panic to buy because everyone realizes tether isn’t backed, and are panic buying. This could be ver, CZ, the founders of ethereum, etc...who are actively burning fiat to keep the price up

It’s not working. JPM Goldman bofa etc etc are supprsssing it the same way they’ve done with gold and silver for decades, except this time it’s going to blow up even worse because there was nothing like tether in those markets

We will see sub 1k within months if not weeks. When the court hearing hits this thing is going to unravel like nothing we’ve seen before

>> No.14834088

>>14834007I just don't see them burning until they are forced too, they know the implication

if anything Tether can be stopped for it's use in money laundering and criminal activities, it's also technically counterfeiting money which is a big no no no for the fed and they love to destroy those who try it
the 29 still seems so far away everything can happen until then

>> No.14834112

The court hearing is July 29th man, they’re going to be forced to show proof they’re solvent. Why the fuck do you think this runup even happened? Their gamble was that they could cause a fomo run an d siphon off funds to fully back their tethers with USD. It didn’t work, the implications of NOT burning right now are a complete blowup of the space. If they start burning they can at the very least survive albeit barely

>> No.14834118
File: 43 KB, 450x342, 5C71868B-0081-4B9C-8F38-E09E102584A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tether has been shit down and raided by the FBI for financing child porn.

BTC is FUCKED. See you at 1400

>> No.14834141

Exactly.The only reason they got away with it for so long is that nobody in traditional finance understood crypto.libra scaring the shit out of them changed all that.You can bet some very high up people became very educated, very fast in the last few weeks, and couldnt believe Tether was allowed to even exist let alone run their scam fro so long,They are done.

>> No.14834228

Is it fud will we see an absolute nightmare

>> No.14834231
File: 20 KB, 267x241, 1325175818623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they start burning, btc is dead just like in October/November last year, when they burned 1B coin and btc went straight down to 3K and only stopped because they re-started printing
now they have 2.5B more USDT from the bottom, I don't even want to imagine how much they have to burn for the backing to be 1-1 if this is even possible

this was just scary on the run up but at least BTC was moving up, but now that it's crashing pretty hard without a single USDT burned, it's just terrifying to think what can happen

>> No.14834249

I have some money in tether. Is there something wrong with it? Should i chang to annother stable coin?

>> No.14834298

Lol i just saw it has +10%???
How is it possible?

Why im home im gonna sell lol.

>> No.14834323

Yes, sell your bitcoin to government whales you plebs.

>> No.14834345
File: 106 KB, 1250x1283, 55B2C880-AD40-47CE-B9F4-0C897C081241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem doing that if btc is about to head to 1k. In fact I’ll trade with them, short btc, and make a shit ton

If you’re trying to prove an ideological point here by never selling you’re just screwing yourself short term and inhibiting your capacity to accumulate long term