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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14831434 No.14831434 [Reply] [Original]

>Studied Business school
>Working for 4 years
>Making 45k before tax (25k after tax)
>Working 9 to 5 as a consultant and lots of OT every other month

Study biz they say, It will make you rich they say.

I cant even save up shit. My morgage is 50% of my income.

Fellow /biz/ Should I sell and invest in the Dow Jones?

>> No.14831459

Only studying financial stuff and working for your own could make you money

>> No.14831458

wtf man. that's a scam for low iq immigrants. if you go to university for anything other than the liberal arts, you've been had.

>> No.14831462

dow jones yeah you get rich in 20 year or not

btc dropped alot its a good moment to step in to btc/eth and hold it. maybe also check some alts like coti ,ftm , bpro, link everything is a bargain now!

>> No.14831469

Liquidate all and invest in crypto.
We will hit 2 trillon MC by next year this time. Screep cap this.

Solid projects I have invested in:

>> No.14831480

>Buying the literal peak of the Dow Jones after a 10 year bullrun
What could possibly go wrong

>> No.14831504
File: 102 KB, 280x400, 05FB4A49-4434-46B0-81C2-5FFC0DEA829C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yourself a coti bag and keep working to generate income so you can buy more

>> No.14831505
File: 343 KB, 750x558, 544FA8C2-67F7-4993-A6E2-AADCA6B9E17D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart money invest in futures and trade unreleased hyped tokens.

Akropolis on xFutures sold out in 15 min and went 7 x

Akropolis on Huobi did 2 x

See where the money is at?

>> No.14831508

LIT devs exit scammed pajeet

>> No.14831544

Look into bitconnect, you invest and get a garanteed amount of money every month. Also link. Same projects devs as bitconnect

>> No.14831561

>studied business

larp out of here

>> No.14831574

>just sold all my coti yesterday for the massive FTM dip since coti is obvious manipulation and pnd scam based on market movement and partnerships

>> No.14831589

you must have lots of online frens

>> No.14831602

what dip? it never went under 200 sats. I had 2btc orders at 185. Didnt fill

>> No.14831611

I literally was buying this up at 185 from kucoin, what the fuck reality are you in?

>> No.14831629

I have 3 and I keep it that way, stupid npc, friends can be made in a day and lost in a day. Kek //you must have lots of friends'' is that freudian for your own helpless situation?

>> No.14831631
File: 114 KB, 750x524, AD861126-7B8B-4433-B618-66DE228746F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of investing in exchange tokens? BNB,KSC, HT.

New comer and game changer, BITCLOUD BPRO.

trade all coins at one exchange. exchange token offers real value. Take a look if you dont believe me

>> No.14831673


>scouping up kucoin crumbles

TOPKEK. Binance is where the big boys play. 500k-4mill orders. Kucoin orders are 1.4 ftm, 1000 ftm, 25000 ftm. KEK KEK KEK TOPKEK TOPTOPTOP KEK

>> No.14831686
File: 60 KB, 500x433, 1559456356204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25k after tax
>mortgage 12.5k
>other expenses 7.5k
hmmm let's see here if you invest 5k a year and make 7% on average then...
>inflation eats away 3% a year on average
>meaning inflation-adjusted returns are 4% per annum
so your real dollar value t+30 will be 297k and your nominal dollar value t+30 will be 510k

However the good news here is that if you increase your yearly investment by 5k every year (so that you begin investing 30k per annum by year 25) then you should have a real dollar value of 888k. Together with your home equity you should easily surpass the millionaire mark.
Yeah just wageslave for 30 years opie

>> No.14831701

if you increase your yearly investment by 5k every FIVE years*
sorry that was quite stupid of me to forget to include that very important part

>> No.14831708

You fucked up then, im pretty sure your not supposed to go over 30% max for you mortgage repayment/monthly income. You either bought something too expensive or your trying to pay it off too quickly

>> No.14831762

Sounds interesting.

I think I will KMS if I do this for 30 years

Bought too expensive for me but prices rising. Bought 280K in 2016. Now worth 400K

>> No.14831800

Also where are you from, 25k after tax on that salary is getting absolutely cucked

>> No.14831816

yo is this bait?

or are you genuinely stupid?

>> No.14831819

I wish knew this sooner, but i regret not becoming an airplane mechanic or something like that. Good salary, 0 debt, and get a job many years before people that attend college.

>> No.14831877


>> No.14831991

Makes sense, it's surprising how even though you Scandinavians get shafted on tax you're still the happiest countries on Earth lmao. Maybe there's more to life than being a jew.

>> No.14832026


>> No.14832066

Hahaha same. Consulting is an absolute Cuck-Job. Hours are insane, work is demanding and at the same time you could make the same money as a nurse.

>> No.14832083


It should be called cucksulting

>> No.14832138

Kek imagine studying law

>> No.14832211

Also you have to invest in nice shoes and fancy suits to be convincing so your real net pay is even lower.

Enjou getting cucked OP.