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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14820308 No.14820308 [Reply] [Original]

Shortly before conference there will be pump to 3$. Then there will be dump. Am i doing it right?

>> No.14820318


>> No.14820338

its a fucking DEV MEET UP, do you retards have any idea what the fuck that is?
a bunch of fucking nerds gather round and talk how you can connect a contract to an oracle, aitn gunna be no announcements my nigga get that thru your cracker head

>> No.14820341


>> No.14820346

Tomorrow's conference? No. It might go up 5% while the conference is going on and then plunge 10%. In September? Yeah.

>> No.14820348

This we're fucked until August.

>> No.14820354

The conference will singlehandedly save crypto while simultaneously triggering the next bull run.

>> No.14820371

I wish my "*$" filter actually worked and didn't filter every single post on /biz/. I take it back, having all of the garbage threads on this board is actually a good thing.

>> No.14820380

What conference? There won’t even be a small pump

It’s literally just a meetup

>> No.14820647

Yorke Rhodes is attending. Cryptlets tomorrow

>> No.14821104

Should i sell it now and rebuy for 1$ in september?

>> No.14821131
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1543536976106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cashed out at 3.60

I'm comfy asf right now, see you guys in september.

>> No.14821139

Yes I finally capitulated. I'll buy back in when it dips to $1.50

>> No.14821586

It won't go up that much. And remember that the throngs of fat sweaty superstitious mongoloids will "buy the roomy sell deh nooz". They may even start midway through the conference because any news, however unknown, is priced in.

>> No.14821946

My expectation is that during the SF ETH Dev meetup. The 700k daily sells have to be addressed because that along with the BTC crash are the two major causes of LINKS decline (all other FUD is just noise). The rest of the announcements are of little interest and are "priced in" as you say. My major concern is the memedate SIBOS converence. No mention of Chainlink in the itinerary. Considering this is the time LINK marines as important I would have hoped there would be some mention of LINK on the Sibos page.
Anyway I am 80% going to sell and cut my losses in the next couple of days. Just losing confidence now and don't really want to spend 16 months saving to recoup my losses.