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14817736 No.14817736 [Reply] [Original]

mega boomer parents are dragging me along to financial advisor cuz idk why, they told me not to say shit about crypto. they think I am a responsible adult because I told them I work for a tech company remotely. (am on computer all day long and they can't complain) I am too old to be living at home, but this way my CoL is low and I can accumulate for the good life.

long story short, what questions can I ask a financial advisor to prove to him what a neet idiot I am?

>> No.14817767

have a car accident on the way and kill the boomers

>> No.14817833

boomers enjoy making useless NEETs go through the shredder because boomers were unironically bigger fuckups than millenials at their age (sex drugs rock n roll) and they went through the shredder anyway so you have to as well

>> No.14818432

what questions would fuck with a financial advisor lol. I am thinking about asking about tax loss harvesting, any other ideas you fellow retards?


>> No.14818464

Can I fuck your wife?

>> No.14818532

Just ask them how they get a fair value for stocks using financial statements, that will fuck them up. Also ask what their MER % is for the fund they will try shilling you. (Anything above 0.3% in my view is unacceptable)

>> No.14818825

thanks based anon, arriving now, no car wrekts

>> No.14818896

>(sex drugs rock n roll)
We would too if we could afford it.