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14812809 No.14812809 [Reply] [Original]

In an alternate timeline:
>BTC devs never went off the rails about a modest block size increase and a few new opcodes
>ETH is a sidechain
>Autists and druggies have an MW sidechain, no monero
>Lightning much further along, maybe even usable
>United front, little to no fragmentation because everything fits under the BTC umbrella: at the cost of doing one hard for every 3-5 years we have snarks, starks in development, sidechains, more efficient transaction types, MAST, perhaps more performat script, compressed blocks, other improvements, off-chain computation proofs, L2 mixers
>No segwit, clean break hard fork for the tx malleability
>Lack of fragmentation means most projects are stallman-tier, ICO boom never happened.
>BTC at 50k+

Don't shill me SplitShitVision or "Bitcoin BCH". It's not bitcoin, there was only one chance and the market decided. Creg is not satoshi, BSV is for QAnon's conspiracy boomers, and BCH is a fringe ancap group mostly held together by something like 50 people on reddit and private groups. What has been done cannot be undone.

>> No.14812838

it exists. it's called litecoin. what's the difference other than it uses Scrypt which also has a mature asic ecosystem

>> No.14812851

No. Post-fragmentation things can never be the same. Litecoin is a zombie.

>> No.14813002

Who fucking cares lol.

Hyperledger will be the only blockchain that survives in the end and Chainlink will be the only token/coin that matters.

>> No.14813090


>> No.14813106
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BTC is dead right now. LN dont work and its too complicate. Only btc forks have future right now (bch/bsv)

>> No.14813107

I'm not wrong lol

>> No.14813136

Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer

>> No.14813162

>we have snarks, starks in development, sidechains, more efficient transaction types, MAST, perhaps more performat script, compressed blocks, other improvements, off-chain computation proofs, L2 mixers
You described ethereum in the near future.

>> No.14813175
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Your asian is showing.

>> No.14813181

Ironic coming from a Bitcoin shitter who thinks he has first mover advantage kek.

It's been 10 years and still the majority usecase for BTC (90% of transactions) are people sending to exchanges and speculate kek.

>> No.14813196

You fags keep missing the point. The great split is the worst thing that happened to crypto. It's not about the tech, it's that now we have 1 gorillion coins all competing when we could have had a single umbrella to work under.

>> No.14813207

I didnt say what coins I have kek. I said that you were too confident in your prediction kek.

>> No.14813231

You are a weak troll kek.

>> No.14813234


>> No.14813282

contrarians lose their money and get put in their place
good projects are still being developed on BTC and it's getting bigger and better than ever
with bcash's failure and ETH's failure and all the others it will become clear that bitcoin is the only coin that matters and people will come back
this is all natural and punishes those who are stupid

>> No.14813314

>good projects are still being developed on BTC and it's getting bigger and better than ever

>> No.14813323

Seething with no arguments lel.

>> No.14813381

The split was a good thing, because even improved bitcoin still has unfixable problems like PoW. It's insecure and can't scale. Sharding is impossible on PoW.
It would be a local maximum, ethereum is moving to a global maximum at a cost of maybe 2 years in total delay.

>> No.14813385

Bitcoin is going to wreck your Hyperledger lel. LINK will be sub 0.1$ EOY and team will disband lel.
Just provided same amount of arguments as you, but I am right you know kek.

>> No.14813410
File: 396 KB, 630x475, 154813103266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hyperledger will be the only blockchain that survives in the end and Chainlink will be the only token/coin that matters.
It's time to stop, anon.

>> No.14813430

>mah flippening
nah, ethereum will never have the intangibles that BTC has.

>> No.14813537

Btc is objectively worthless, so whatever you think btc has that eth doesn't, it's likely a good thing for ethereum.
No PoS = no income for token holders = worthless token.

>> No.14813661

I am familiar with the issues of PoW and I like ETH. Beacon chain could simply have been a slave to the bitcoin mainchain, all other things could have been basically the same. TX fees on ETH would then go to stakers, making BTC valuable from that point of view.

BTC does have something ETH does not, same reason diamonds are still a thing. Both are fairly worthless. The "PoW makes the token useless" is only true for non-BTC coins. yaddayadda maximalism

>> No.14813680

Ice cream for all BSV supporters

>> No.14813717

KYS chang. BSV more irrelevant than Fantom or whatever they're shilling today.

>> No.14814579

PoW makes token worthless because the price is based entirely on the greater fools theory
>Beacon chain could simply have been a slave to the bitcoin mainchain
nobody would even develop something like that, generating value for bitcoiners for no return.

>> No.14814718

>price is based entirely on the greater fools theory
Overly complicated way of saying things have value because people agree they do. Art, diamonds, antiquities. These all seem like "greater fool valuables".

>generating value for bitcoiners for no return
They would be bitcoiners themselves, or they have an interest in there being a smart contract chain they can run their business on. This kind of thing happens all the time. Red hat submits patches for open source projects because it benefits them, but it also benefits others.

>> No.14815097

today mostly money laundering, partially status symbol
>diamonds, antiquities
status symbols
Owning btc can't become a status symbol because there's no way to show it publicly without becoming extremely obnoxious.
>They would be bitcoiners themselves, or they have an interest in there being a smart contract chain they can run their business on
Free rider problem, concentrated costs and diffused benefits. Both rootstock and liquid capture all fees themselves.

Btw, one thing that's happening fast and that few people realize - bitcoin's utility as a medium of exchange is rapidly losing to stablecoins. Look at volumes, usdt alone has more than btc - by about one billion. It already lost the status of 'store of value' in 2017 - to usdt too. People started "tethering up" rather than selling to btc.
It's not happening because of scalability or lacking opcodes, but because of volatility, and would happen regardless of block size and other upgrades. Usdt transactions were up to almost 20% of all btc transactions, they only started dropped after the switch to erc20 usdt started.

I predict DAI is going to completely displace BTC on darknet markets as soon as suitable mixers arrive (which may require full eth2.0), while the percentage of btc's volume as stablecoin's volume is going to go down and down. Stablecoins are just objectively better for payments.

>> No.14815138

>Free rider problem, concentrated costs and diffused benefits
Yet it happens IRL all the time.

I hold both but bitcoin today sucks ass.