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1481165 No.1481165[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>fall for reddit memes and approach women for first time
>3 different girls today
>make small talk with the cashier at food place: she's very friendly and gives me extra potatoes
>approach girl at library reading inyuasha manga: sperg out about anime, she's like "ummm ok" and wants me to fuck off
>approach girl after math class: try talking about school, she says "yeah oh that's right" stuff like that, not really listening, goes off with her friend somewhere

Am I gonna make it? How would having money change anything?

>> No.1481169


>> No.1481172

Examine yourself.

Are you dressed somewhat nice?
Do you carry yourself well?
How is your "conversation voice?"

Many of those things factor in to what girls like. Just because you have a bad day, doesn't mean it's all downhill from here.

>> No.1481182

Seriously, having money won't change it.
But maybe money would make it easier for you to be more healthy, clean and well groomed
Aside from that, things will stay the same.

>> No.1481197

Go back to the food place and thank that girl for the extra potatoes, then ask her if she has plans for this evening.

>> No.1481693

OP so much work need to be done on you it's almost not worth writing anything. You trade stocks OP? Girls are like stocks.

You buy a little bit of a stock and let's say it goes down. Are you upset because it went down? Yes you are, but you KNOW that you really shouldn't be upset. You know that you just need to get better SKILLS at investing. When you talk to a girl and it goes sour, you just know that you have to up your skills.

OP you can't talk to beta-females. That's a mistake. Beta-females are very insecure and if you go up to them and flirt they will assume you are just trying to prank them. The hotter you are, the more they just think you and your friends are just messing with her. Do not waste your time on Beta-females, don't waste another second on them OP.

You need to talk to self-confident alpha-females. Girls will almost always be flirty and act like they like you even if they don't. This is just how they are. They aren't doing it to be nice to you, they are doing it because the attention you are giving them is triggering their reward circuits. They will be nice to you, but they are just seeing what they can get out of you and what you are worth to them. She may go on a few dates with you and nothing, she may friend zone you, she may FWB-zone you for sex, or she may want to be serious with you for a short time or a long time. You have to just be happy that you're getting anything at all, don't be disappointed if she doesn't want to marry you. Again, it's like stocks. If a stock goes up 20% instead of the 100% you were hoping for, are you sad? No, you should be happy that you got 20% man. Also, it doesn't matter what you look like. If you trigger a girls reward circuits, she will keep you around to see what else she can get out of you.

>> No.1481703

You probably reeked of pity.
Pity in yourself projects outwards and is noticeable.
If you can't like you, how will you expect others to do so?

>> No.1481710

Buy Monero before it's too late

>> No.1481712

The most important thing is to be confident. You need to be truly confident, don't say ridiculous trump-like stuff to try to prove you are confident. The ONLY way a girl will believe you are confident is by your body language and voice tonality. And that is something that you can never fake. If deep down you are not confident, no amount of "fake it til you make it" will make you confident. In order to make yourself truly confident, you will need to learn billionaire Charlie Munger's incredible problem-solving technique called inverting. Inverting can fix your confidence problems if you do it right. You have to invert the problem. For example: ask yourself "How can make sure I am always NOT confident?". Go through all the things that you do that make you non-confident. "To make sure I am always not confident, I need to keep on being nervous and worry about what people think of my hair". Then keep inverting, "What do I need to do to ensure I am always nervous?" etc, and explore your unique problems deeply. Keep inverting and you will keep uncovering WAY more information then just asking yourself "how do I be more confident". You can use inverting in literally any other problem you find yourself in and it works like a charm.

>> No.1481718

Interesting idea desu

>> No.1481725


Also having non pathetic social skills is like any other skill. Practice

Im sure if youd approached 10 instead of 3 you would have gotten one positive response

100 and your ick would be wet right now

But again


>> No.1481734

>free potatoes
Ungrateful little shit

>> No.1481774

Your best bet is to completely forget about women and focus on your ambitions. Fine tune any skills you have and work on learning new ones. Then when you're so wrapped up focusing on bettering yourself, a woman will just walk in to your life. Kind of funny how shit like that happens. If you obsess over shit you probably won't get what you want. If you choose to ignore this advice, just obtain a smartphone and download the app TINDER.

>> No.1481781

If you dress well, shower beforehand, and look 110% it will make things a lot smoother.

Also, talking to women is a process. Just reflect on all your conversations and try to figure out why they went wrong and avoid doing those things again.

>> No.1481785
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>approaching 100 women

>> No.1481790

>Try to figure out why they went wrong, and avoid doing those things again
I agree, but to an extent, you can do everything "right" and the woman is having a bad day, can't talk right now, etc. I don't think there's a way to smooth talk or persuade a women into your bed like a lot of PUA guys believe. Either she likes the way you look, and your personality clicks, or she's not interested.

>> No.1481799

This all makes sense except for the beta-females thing. If women are like stocks, wouldn't some beta females be like high quality stocks that the market has just priced irrationally low for some reason?

>> No.1481805

selling yourself is an incredibly important skill. It forces you to believe in the most important product you'll ever try to rent, become comfortable with rejection, makes it easier to sell anything else, and dating is actually an activity that, because it instinctively frightens a lot of men, is easy to use as a vehicle to achieve flow.

I don't get why anyone would think approach exercises aren't a legitimate method for a shy guy to better himself.

>> No.1481823

What do you mean by selling yourself? Taking care of yourself by pursuing the things that interest you and taking care of yourself physically or making your life seem better than it is through social media?

>> No.1481840

I'm saying the dating game is like the stock game. Talking to beta-female's is backwards, they won't respond to your advances because they are suspicious of you. Alpha-females just figure "oh think guy probably thinks I'm hot, that's why he's talking to me" and they will be flattered no matter what you look like. All you have to do is contribute to that infinite positive feedback loop. Trying to compliment a girl that doesn't feel like she's deserving of a complement is an uphill battle you will never win.

>> No.1481864

No they're lower value stocks because of their personality. Crazy, clingy, jealous bitches with no self confidence.

>> No.1481872

100 rejections lol
>a good entrepreneur takes rejection in stride

>> No.1482024


>make small talk with the cashier at food place: she's very friendly and gives me extra potatoes

A hot chick at the coffee shop thought I kept coming back to see her. The reason was she thought the price/250g was price/1kg.

She's not there anymore. I'd genuinely ask her out if I didn't think every creep in the callcentre next door probably already tried it on. But truth be told I care more about getting some of the nicest roast beans on the cheap. Sad thing is that's probably why she was always flirting, tripping over herself and giving me free espresso shots.

The more you ignore these women and stare right past them the more interested they are in you. If you have a girlfriend girls will flirt with you just to see where they are in the pecking order. They are a very good judge at knowing what they can get from trying stuff on like that.

Who knows maybe she got fired because she was dumping 2kg of beans into me for £10 every 2 weeks. That would probably turn her on more that I would use her like that.

We had a good run blondie. You see, I don't even know her effin name.

>> No.1482052
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be the kind of guy where you respect yourself and your own integrity so much that you dont' need validation from the external world.

then all kinds of hot girls will constantly try to prove they are worthy to you . you wont have to think about how to start conversations anymore , you will have to learn how to let, sweet , hot, but ultimately unworthy, girls down easy and keep the crazy hot ones that just cant understand why u reject them ,from keyin ur cars and shit. .

>> No.1482055

Why don't you let them talk you fucking autist? Obviously you're boring and noone gives a fuck about your life. Figure out what the girl likes, ask her about it, then stand there

>> No.1482061

women usually have nothing of value to say.

>> No.1482064

great so you already have something in common

>> No.1482073


Ooo you burned him
+1Month Reddit Gold for you ;)

>> No.1482076

Then why do you want to talk to them?

>> No.1482077


Just keep persisting. Even good looking guys only close like 30% of the time.

Sounds like your just on a bad beat.

Also try church. Srs.

>> No.1482114
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God damn it, seriously.. /r9k/ and lack of moderation completely killed this board in 6 months flat

I do like this gem though, it fits well into our frog board
>how to be a cucked beta faggot 301 - intro to advanced autism and it's universal applications:

>> No.1482124

Successfully approaching women is an extraordinary complex interaction. The sexual receptivity of the female you approach is influenced by many different things such as: how physically attractive you are, how she is feeling, etc. Thus, it is imperative that you approach the right women at the right times, while working on your ownself.

If anyone would like me to share my experiences and knowledge regarding the subject, please ask me questions. This is coming from a guy who has successfully picked up women on the street and brought back to my place in less than 10 minutes.