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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14804282 No.14804282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How fucked do you have to be to laugh at a girls death like this then harass her parents like the faggots in this thread have done? This would never happen on /biz/. What has happened to society? Unironically sad!

>> No.14804334

yea pol is literally damaged in the head who gives a shit

>> No.14804368

/pol/ died after 2016. All that is left there now is crater brained magapedes and supreme edgelords. It's fun during major happenings and maybe it will be fun again in the future but for now there isn't much reason to lurk there. I have more fun getting gun nuts or tankies to hate Israel right now.

>> No.14804370
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Pretty based tbqh

>> No.14804394

Imagine actively emotionally abusing mentally ill social rejects and thinking nothing would happen.
Like how retarded do you have to be.

>> No.14804503

What happened to society? A lot of things. Your moral superiority isn't worth an ounce of shit though just so you know.

>> No.14804513

Who Trump? He got elected remember?

>> No.14804517
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and /biz shilled link to them

>> No.14804521

Who is she/What happened ?

>> No.14804527

Trump can suck my cock.

>> No.14804542

Complete empathic disconnect. You know how you have a sense that you are part of a wider human network, and that sense gives rise to things like guilt and shame and other emotions that are strong behavioural mediators? This is the complete, total absence of that. The absolute inability to imagine that it is a real human being on the other end of the interwebs.

>> No.14804547

they were both probably tranny posters/manipulated young lads on r9k to make shit decisions because they got off on it for some sort of kink

they deserve pity?

>> No.14804555

o please princess cut the bs you fucking faggot

>> No.14804559

kek they unironically think crypto is a scam like Dlumpf. Also we actively fudded link everytime there was a mention of it in 2018. So glad these fat fucks are now priced out.

>> No.14804567


This is why biz was gifted Chainlink. We are pure of heart.

>> No.14804576

/pol/ isnt one person, I learned about Ethereum back in 2016 because of /pol/

>> No.14804591

>/biz/ - business and finance

>> No.14804598

Fuck her, I'm tired of roasties' overvalued pussies on the market. Let them live in fear of death for a few decades.

>> No.14804603

>heard about btc since 2012
>heard about eth since early 2016
>only invested mid-2017

not sure if i made it just in time, or too late
bit of a confusing feel

>> No.14804609


>> No.14804632

Did you just turn 14?

>> No.14804644

Thread closed, give me a rundown please.

>> No.14804646

The fucking ancap said the stupidest, most autustic shit he could have possibly said in that situation. Why don’t ancaps just admit they’re just virgin losers.

>> No.14804655

Actually, it is the manifestation of rage through the Kierkegaardian veneer of anonymity. You paint any person as the evil in the world, let them vent in an anonymous fashion and this inevitably happens.
There is a reason we say consequences will never be the same, it’s no different than what happened to Jessie slaughter.

>> No.14804691

>some whore ethots on /r9k/
>turns out the betas on /r9k/ weren't just LARPing they really are fucking nuts

>> No.14804696

>off topic
who cares. Just a dead roastie that would have heroed one or another way. Fuck off

>> No.14804726

It was fine up until Trump was actually elected. Before then, there were some golden memes and decent conversation. Went to complete shit after that.

>> No.14804738

>look at me im so edgelord and cool!

>> No.14804769

Geez. I thought you yang gang incels ran out of money to keep posting

>> No.14804806

you can suck my cock nigger

>> No.14804835

Sure you did buddy.

>> No.14804868

She had it coming. Did you not read her convo?

>> No.14804873

/soc/ thot with daddy issues, toyed around with some discord beta orbiter's finer feelings a little too much. Our Supreme Shitposter calls her out of a party and attempts to remove her head form her shoulders, with some degree of success it must be said, then, sudoko (attempted). All this (naturally, because current year) with Live Instagram Updates. Thats about as much as I can be arsed reading or typing tbqh. tldr, ded thot, the /r9k/er/discord tranny did it, it'll be a meme for almost a week

>> No.14804964

way to start another thread on it OP fucking faggot, anyway from what i heard she was a bitch, from experience every girl is a bitch, they deserve it

>> No.14804984

Very biz related sir

>> No.14804999

look, i've been here since late 2007

s4s is the best board on 4chan. it's what /b/ was like in the olden days. enjoy /s4s/ responsibly.

you are welcome

>> No.14805052

why did i click that
holy shit always remember people like that when you think you have a bad day... back to my wagecage

>> No.14805120
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oh no, so sad

>> No.14805157

>e thot charging $200 for feet pics murdered by crazy guy

>> No.14805168
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ladies, there are better places to attention whore

>> No.14805203

>Mentally ill social rejects fail at everything in life and are useless
>We should be scared of them
Most of the high iq turbo autist anons left a long time ago. Now the boards are full of brainlets and larpers.

>> No.14805211
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>> No.14805234

>finally a girl joins 4chan
>gets murdered

>> No.14805236
File: 38 KB, 529x598, 1563215837674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she deserved better :(