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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14801001 No.14801001 [Reply] [Original]

I'm considering a change in career, I'm looking for job satisfaction, not a high salary. At the moment I do IT support, get paid £22k, but the company is a disorganised mess and some of my coworkers are intolerable autists.

Suggestions /biz/?

>> No.14801036

what the fuck is a £

>> No.14801049 [DELETED] 

It's the facebook currency brainlet

>> No.14801053

Healthcare, education, charity sector. All are fucked in their own ways but come with job satisfaction

>> No.14801074

Just get a better paying job in IT

>> No.14801102

>Just get a better paying job in IT

maybe this is the way to go, public sector IT is silly overpaid.
none of you guys work in fitness or some other miracle ticks all boxes field of work?

>> No.14801121

>job satisfaction
You can't define or rank this rigorously. You are already helping people.
A better measure might be the ratio of time spent outdoors to physical intensity.

>> No.14801131

>the company is a disorganised mess
All companies are. I changed job so many times for the same reason and never found one that isn't. If one Boomer is in middle management, the company is shit. Period. Go NEET till the boomers all die

>> No.14801140

i might be helping people but none of them appreciate it and often they believe that I am the cause of their problem, even prior to contacting me, I'm dealing with some very frustrated irrational people on the daily.

>> No.14801188

Teaching. In america, people that work in education have the lowest suicide rates. Teachers get 3 months off (unpaid but their salaries make up for it).

What teacher make in 9 months of working with 3 months off, most don't even make that working all 12 months with no days off.

Their jobs are also easy. Time consuming, but not too stressful (they plan out the day, the homework, and correct papers. That's about it). It's not "on the spot" so to speak. It's not like a cashier job where if you make one error, a shitstorm occurs. With teaching, you have time to process information.

The hardest part about it is probably public speaking. If you choose to teach elementary, you probably won't feel nervous, just off and strange at first since you've never done it before.

This is the only reason I'm finishing a bachelors. I hate working for for-profits too which is another reason I want to go into teaching. I see no meaning working a job that only has a purpose to make others rich off of your labor.

One con of teaching is if you're teaching GE classes. Personally, they feel like a waste of time that doesn't benefit students (hence why people graduate at 18 with no marketable skills. Because all your life, you are not taught ANY skills [besides the very basics of math and english] that can help you put food on the table).

>> No.14801354

>public sector IT is silly overpaid.
I used to work in public sector IT. The pay is good but the users are quite literally retarded and management only buy the cheapest things possible. Right now I'm in financial services and it's way better. Also, you should be changing jobs at least every 2 years and aiming to get 10-30% increase each time.

>> No.14801421
File: 84 KB, 1839x834, minecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just open up a Minecraft server. It's easy this is what I made last month doing it.

>> No.14801449

what the fuck

>you should be changing jobs at least every 2 years and aiming to get 10-30% increase

thanks for the advice anon

>> No.14801518

Lmao wtf is this? I don't know anything about minecraft so I'm not sure if this is a meme, but if not, what exactly did you do? How do you open up a server and how did you get any kind of sales off of it?

>> No.14801978

throw all your savings into crypto

>> No.14802011
File: 57 KB, 400x400, buOJhAIE_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> £22k
Imagine the taxes.

>> No.14802030


>> No.14803059


>> No.14803187

I sell items and ranks to the players to use on the Minecraft server.

>> No.14804140

How do you do that? How do you open an MC server and how much does it cost?