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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 174 KB, 1252x262, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at 3.40.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14783275 No.14783275 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the Pi Network phone app? I just downloaded It and am wondering if it's just a scam or really worth the time.

Use the code " PYBIR " if you try it out, PYBIR is the 2nd biggest network on the app with average mining rates of 25%.

>> No.14783382
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The Pi Network is cryptocurrency app that has about 120,000 users. Be an early enthusiast and start accumulating today your Pi Coin stack today!

Mobile app has been developed by folks over at Stanford.

Download Pi Network from play store to try it.

>Hardware or internet doesn't get used.
>Doesn't drain battery
>Doesn't cost you a penny
>App acts as a tracker for the amount of coins

Ambassador code for frens to get 25% mining rate bonus! Use code:


Get in lads, what you got to lose?

>> No.14783417

My whole discord used the pybir code because it has acquired 438 miners so far and is maxed at the highest mining rate.Thanks for whoever posted it.

>> No.14783447

Proof or BTFO

>> No.14783450

use the code mhue302 if you want to be in a team of 100+ miners.

Don't fall for the 'bonus' bullshit, the only way to get top mining rates is to have a big team.

>> No.14783467
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Pi will allow us to ascend into a new era of wealth for the enlightened /biz/boi.
use invite code
And you can join in on the ascension.

>> No.14783501



>> No.14783503
File: 30 KB, 552x615, retard.pgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bad at lying
>cant read whitepaper
>1+1= 5

>> No.14783551
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>> No.14783628
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fuck you only

>> No.14783848
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Reminder that:
-"join our circle" posts are bullshit, security circles ONLY benefit the inviter
-"join us" posts are bullshit, teams/groups don't exist
-large "teams" you see posted are just the number of people that person invited and ONLY benefit the inviter

-all invite codes give the same +25% mining bonus to inviter and invitee
-anyone claiming higher % are bullshitting you
-all invite codes are infinite use, there are no "last spots"
-the ONLY way to earn mining rate bonus is inviting others
-security circle bonus maxes at 5, and your inviter counts as one
-inviting 4 then adding them to your security circle gets you +100% mining bonus

-using the invite code
will make anime real

>> No.14784695


>No Github
>No Blockchain
>No smart contract
>No wallet

There is no transparency going on here.

I'm calling it! It will turn out to be a psychological study on human cognition and what the individual deems as a currency.

Screencap this!