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14783074 No.14783074 [Reply] [Original]

>Chad at work came into my office today and started telling me about COSS and how filthy rich he is
>i told him my bf is into that crypto stuff too!! <3
>he asked what kinds you have, I told him ONE, VIDT, LINK... but Chad started laughing!
>why did Chad laugh, Anon? He seems so confident and made you seem so... weak
>but I know my.. erm... boyfriend always makes the right choices... r-right?

>> No.14783113

If I chose a girl who's confidence in me is so easily swayed I guess I must not. Now do you want to get the fuck out or do you want to suck my cock?

>> No.14783132


Imagine not buying COS right now when they just introduced negative fees for market makers and are on the verge of a massive (real) volume pump. The fee splits are going to go way up and pump the value of the token 100X.

Have fun playing around with your pump n dump manipulated shitcoins though, biz.

>> No.14783179
File: 196 KB, 1280x959, 757CBCF8-AA31-4770-9C5A-631AA1908014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in

>> No.14783239


This is bullish.

>> No.14783471


Honestly, are you jerking off while writing this stories?

I'm psychologist and I can tell that you are slowly developing sexual fetish on cuckoldry and unfortunately you don't have too much time left, boy.

I've seen many shills here since 2015 but COSS and ZBUX are the worst, this guys should literally meet and have three day homosexual orgy.

>> No.14783473

I've tried to save anons from Coss before and I'll do it again, I'm honestly sick of seeing these threads even if they've thankfully gone down in quantity after people finally realized all of the problems with it. First off, the volume is all faked for bitcoin/ethereum, go look at the orderbooks-actual volume for the site isn't $3million, it's probably, legitimately, under $100,000. Seriously. Second, imagine ALL of the dumbass FUD about Sergey with McDonalds etc. was all TRUE. The absolute idiocy of that FUD is literally the REALITY for Rune Evensen. He is a scam artist. The coin is dead, stop shilling it so others don't get hurt. They're most likely running out of funds soon, and I would make a generous bet on them closing the operation either this year or next.

t. sold at 10 cents after buying in at 30.

>> No.14783493
File: 2.64 MB, 1600x1600, 324890329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read your post, sounds like it was written by a KuCuck. You can't stop the COS train, no matter how hard you cry on 4chan

>> No.14783543


I'm not stopping anything, I don't give a fuck about COSS or any other fucking crypto, you guys are just exceptionally pathetic shills so I'm letting you know to make you feel sorry (fags)

>> No.14783575

Rune Evensen was a recruiter for pyramid/Ponzi scams Plexpay, Giicorp, Alson Price and T5PC.


Use the google translate function to read this page. He's a scammer bro, I'm seriously trying to help. I don't care about dividend yielding coins anymore, I'm literally a chainlink fag now. Too much of the information about Rune is in Norweigan, unfortunately, which is probably why many people don't know much about him.

>> No.14784528

You sold for a massive loss, definitely nice unbiased opinion from you. You're going to be so full of regret when it's back at $1.

>> No.14784553

Agreed, Rune didn't exit scam when COSS was $3.50, his master plan was to spend years working on the exchange and then exit at 3.5 cents instead. What a mastermind.

>> No.14785046

bought link at .24 so I'm okay friend, it's sad that in the face of overwhelming evidence you're still sitting there refusing to believe. You can screencap this when Coss announces they can no longer continue their operation.

Dude... you said it there yourself. It would take a 100x for this coin to go back up to ATH. It's run by an incompetent ponzi scammer who has failed at every previous foray into business and is on the run from Norweigan authorities. This is not a moonshoot, you're going to lose what little money you have left. Those ICO funds don't last forever and the exchange is making less than $1000 a month from the actual volume.

>> No.14785171

Who that?

>> No.14785289

Scat Queen

>> No.14785464

>It would take a 100x for this coin to go back up to ATH.

It means 100x is just returning to ATH.

I sold COSS for a profit before, and I just bought back in at the bottom a few days ago before the negative fees announcement. I won't be losing shit, I'm in this for the gains, not for some blind dedication to the co-CEO.