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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14781838 No.14781838 [Reply] [Original]

Attention all defaltionary token holders!! By now, most of you have heard the sad news. Claymore token ($CLM) have officially exit scammed. The dev dumped millions of tokens on their exchanges and deleted the twitter and locked up all their other social media.
The NUKE team tried to warn in advance that most of these shitclone NUKE/BOMB copycats would do this.
And because it pains us so much to see genuine people losing their crypto savings to scams, the NUKE team has decided to work on something to help all those who fell victim to claymores malicious efforts.
To be announced. NUKE was made by the people, for the people. We won't stand by and watch as peoples hard earned money is stolen.

>> No.14781880

Nobody cares. Buy link

>> No.14781940

yes, the project where the admin pays NUKEs for community member to do nsfw videos playing with their private parts LMAO

gtfo with your white knight bullshit

>> No.14781972

I mean, private parts are private parts... Shows that nuke can be used as currency LOL

>> No.14781990
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If bitches don't get naked for a token then it's worthless. Gtfo with your incel bullshit and have sex

>> No.14781999

Butt hurt spotted. Nuke modeling is a contest, winner gets to run the Instagram you colossal faggots

>> No.14782045

NUKE is down more from ATH than Claymore is despite the fact that Claymore just exitscammed. You might not want to talk right now. The fact you haven't accepted that your coin is dead is just sad.

>> No.14782068


You are all licking nakamota's dick and you sure seem to enjoy it. Fuck you submissive bitches, if you had a minimum of a spine you'd know that some things that are going around there aren't okay.

>> No.14782069

why cant I find nuke on coinmarketcap are you getting on there??

>> No.14782074

>nuke is down more

Btc is down more from ath than claymore is as well. Are you implying claymore is better than btc?

Buy a brain you fucking retard.

>> No.14782081

this wasn't a contest btw, it was nakamota wanting to pay a community member for playing with a dildo

>> No.14782088

Why do you hate tits incel?

>> No.14782103


based & redpilled

>> No.14782116

NUKE will exit scam, too. Or actually hopes to. Actually op is living proof of that with his damage control posts.

>> No.14782142

>Btc is down more from ath than claymore is as well
WTF no it's not

>> No.14782152


Nice debating skills you brainlet. Try not calling people names next time when trying to onboard them on your ponzi. Your "nice guy marketing scheme" will and has already failed miserably

>> No.14782223

How is it submissive again? Please do tell.
You seem pretty wound up about this, why?

>> No.14782236

Btc is $10k down from all time high. Are you implying claymore was $10k at one point?

Seriously how fucking stupid are you?

>> No.14782273

You are a tremendous faggot. All these clones literally exit scam and you can't say shit about that other than, "oh nuke will too." Stay poor and alone

>> No.14782300

It's on coongexko.com

Ticker is half life. Market cap is 690k

>> No.14782321
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Deflationary pajeet scams, please kill yourselves. You’ll probably end up doing it anyway, you schizo devs

>> No.14782377

>measuring crypto in USD
>measuring two different assets price changes in raw dollar amount and not percent
I'm pretty sure you're just fucking with me. There is no way even pajeets are this stupid. I did get a laugh though.

>> No.14782413

BOMB is fine. I don't think you realize how bad NUKE is though. It's on a different level than any other crypto scam before it. The dev is so incomptent they tried to exit scam and got caught so they put it off for a bit. And then they DID exit scam and sell their tokens on forkdelta before the airdrop. Yet the pajeets with the free airdrop are so goddamn stupid they still are hoping their -97% bags will come back. It's the equivalent of niggers shilling bitconnect after bitconnect collapsed.

>> No.14782416

Imagine being this upset about an erc-20 token. Hahaha what a fickle faggot

>> No.14782452


>> No.14782481

>BOMB is fine.
Except it's missing decimals. You know, the most important part.

>the dev is so incomptent they tried to exit scam and got caught so they put it off for a bit. And then they DID exit scam and sell their tokens on forkdelta before the airdrop.

What a total load of horse Crap, does just making shit up mean it's true now? Holy shit you are deluded.

>yet the pajeets with the free airdrop are so goddamn stupid they still are hoping their -97% bags will come back. It's the equivalent of niggers shilling bitconnect after bitconnect collapsed.

This part right here really illustrates your sociopathic self. Pathetic.

>> No.14782548

Mate you are retarded?

>clm exit scams
>nuke pumps
>biz accuse nuke of exit scamming


>> No.14782568

man, i was looking into these deflationary tokens a while ago, check their contract, almost 80% looked like a clone of nuke. and nuke was the first to improve bomb, nuke is going to pump so hard. i just bought a bag

>> No.14782582

biz hates money

>> No.14782594

aftershock is way better than nuke

>> No.14782615

Oh look, a claymore dev is making a new scam. Kys

>> No.14782634

Literally everyone knows you guys are all from the nuke tg.
You are fooling precisely nobody

>> No.14782640

Looking at nukes chart, actually looks like a good buy rn lol

>> No.14782665

lol aftershock contract has been audited you piece of horseshit

its a unique contract not a cheap bomb clone like nuke

>> No.14782684

u think you're smart not buying? do u think they're begging u to buy? if you think that. u need to question how you're still alive. listen here faggot, it doesn't matter if u buy it or not. this shit. is THE SHIT. and it doesn't care if you're on the train when it goes the another fuckin universe! so, strap the fuck in, or sit lookin at this comment. dumb fuck

>> No.14782697

All of these 'deflationary' tokens are total shit scams.

You're welcome...

>> No.14782699

how about u learn to use 4chan first

>> No.14782701


>> No.14782734
File: 129 KB, 640x784, D01B4860-48E0-4E71-816E-51B4842FA893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look piece pf shit from nuke

nuke = scam and shit clone = no staking
golden token and aftershock = unique because staking

>> No.14782741

>Implying that this is a bad thing

You have a lot to learn newfag. There’s too many things nuke is working on right now. They’re probably the only deflationary coin that have real devs on it. See you at $10 and beyond.

Kys loser. Nuke devs gave tokens for free that at their ath were worth $6k so you’re not fooling anybody.

>nuke will exit scam
>shows 0 proof
You must be a bagholder of claymore or another shitclone. Fuck off loser

Kys faggot. Nuke is working on real things, they’ve already released a dapp along with tiered staking. You’ll literally Kys when it hits $10 again. Some folks just can’t be helped.

>> No.14782748

Flail harder faggot.

>B But you guys are all from telegram so that means your facts don't matter bc I don't like you. You arnt fooling anyone yet I'm compeled to come post here just to say this will fail and fun where I can. That's bc I'm a massive faggot that has huge trouble couping with missed opportunities.


>> No.14782753

Tfw nobody realizes what nuke is working on. Feels good being on the inside. Accumulating as much as I can.

>> No.14782757

I imagine this is your average /biz/ poster

>> No.14782762

Stop trying to pretend nuke isnt just a copycapt of bomb. You are all copycats of bomb, doesnt matter if you change one line or code the exact same thing from scratch after looking at the bomb contract. You are all copycats of bomb. With that said, dont buy any of these.

>> No.14782802

all these deflationary shitcoins are scams
i hope you get JUSTed next you retarded pajeet

>> No.14783370

This is correct. Most of the clones still say HalflifeDecay() in the contract.

Ask yourself this, if devs are too lazy to change the name of the function from HalflifeDecay() to something else, is it really worth your time?

>> No.14783392

This exactly. Shit clones of nuke are going to keep exit scamming everyone until retards stop buying them.

>> No.14783403 [DELETED] 
File: 731 KB, 1242x2208, 2CA6A6FD-9035-4DE3-9F50-DF3EAA9FEF97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only true deflationary coin, as the burn rate goes up with time rather than being the same as the others that never change. Go Maxum

>> No.14783707


>> No.14783724

hmmm yes nakamota's gotta love that cocksucking. don't stop just yet or you'll end up in jail lol

>> No.14784037


>> No.14784060


>> No.14784111

a lot of fucktards here hating for the mere reason of hating.
fundamentals don't lie. nuke and bomb the only real niggaz

>> No.14784370

any free nukes for rollin such a sexy trip? =]

>> No.14784391
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>> No.14784421


>> No.14784521

you know its a scam-in-waiting when the words "binance listing coming soon" are uttered

>> No.14785216

You really do