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File: 284 KB, 2048x1100, 829683CC-4925-45AA-8E09-E68F425EF0E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14780684 No.14780684 [Reply] [Original]

Best prediction record in crypto, he didnt expect this dead cat bounce but got everything else right.Its over.

>> No.14780810


>> No.14780827

Went to harvard, is a writer, successful stock trader.Called this collapse perfectly since december 2017.Its over.

>> No.14780843


>> No.14780844

despite your social media biases, the facts are there, but please continue with your low-iq post

>> No.14780856

JCHO crypto neet from twitter here. you want to unblock me you cuck? Or am I too out of your echo chamber?

>> No.14780876
File: 88 KB, 900x555, 6BC9D644-4741-4F62-A714-ADF2CE0992D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alt coins collapsing before our very eyes,

>> No.14780934
File: 1.27 MB, 2048x1100, reallymakesyouthink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bottom seems to have increased...weird I wonder if after this bullrun... no you don't think?

>> No.14780980

This is what everybody has wrong.Past results do not equal future performance.

>> No.14780990

he is secretly bull
on crypto twitter he is bear for some reason

>> No.14781000

btc is just doing what gold did
the exact same fucking thing

>> No.14781009

heard of moon3d? 10x or 100x your crypto. ez money

>> No.14781017

I’ve been saying this since DEC 2017, but low iq moonbabies on this board don’t understand the comparison

Wake up retards, both are suppressed by the same banks

>> No.14781019

Explain pls ?

>> No.14781049

this loser has been calling 3 figure BTC since 5K, and look where we are now.

block, buy TRV, move on.

>> No.14781099

He didnt expect the desd cat bounce echo bubble aka tether manipulation but he is still on point.

>> No.14781107

high iq moonbaby reporting in
(((they))) always win

>> No.14781121

Yup.19k was unironically the high, the beanie baby, fidget spinner peak.

>> No.14781212

TA alone matters less when you're considering long-term secular market cycles. By secular, not just a 2011 or 2015 reboot, but 9 or 10 year market cycles that end. Once those periods are over, FA plays a larger role. The fundam in crypto & BTC are horrendous.

>> No.14781219
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Tell me, where are we on the chart? This is the price history for gold, by the way.

>> No.14781247

ah okay so then your TA is bullshit since it's comparing rn to past results?

>> No.14781250

Lmao stop pretending like you aren’t him man. It’s just cringe.

>> No.14781259

maybe past results Don't equal future perforMance but they may Really predict Future outcomes.. this all depends on how specific the prediction ends up being.

If I tell you that you'll die, I predicted a future outcome. Yet this prediction requires little data to confidently assert. The more data (math), the more accurate the prediction. If there is no number ceiling, any event can be accurately predicted, in such detail that the data could not be completely processed and understood by any machine or complex life form- even if given a deadline to process it that extended to the heat death of the universe.

Of course, the prediction would be best expressed numerically.

>> No.14781270

At the tail end after the 2011 spike. 2011 gold spike = 2017 btc spike. Except we have a few more years of suppression to go through at least over gold

>> No.14781272

>Went to Harvard.

You know that doesn't mean what it used to mean right?

>> No.14781302
File: 148 KB, 332x332, 1525655190720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to harvard
If he's so smart, why didn't he buy LINK at 20 cents? I didn't go to ""harvard""", I went to /biz/.

>> No.14781308

Literally can't even post his own name becuse he's been banned from biz for shitposting his RETARDED MONEY LOSING TAKES

>> No.14781322

That faggot never went to Harvard he's just another lying paid group scammer

>> No.14781330

Based and linkpilled Harvard fags eternally BTFO

>> No.14781342

Harvard cucks Btfo. Outperformed by a bunch of autistic basement dwelling meets on a Congolese zebra ranching forum

>> No.14781350

When you giveup your lambo dreams, you will see the fundamentals are truly horrific, its the sort of thing youll look back on in 10 years and wonder how you were so deluded.But its always the same reason, greed.

>> No.14781351

btw, if anyone wants to get in touch, there must be an effective screening process before lengthy discussion. I have 5 figures worth of s-shots, but the important things are written out by hand, and will hopefully never end up on a device.

>> No.14781409

Based and linkpilled

>> No.14781559

the problem is, this "bullrun" is not organic. nothing fundamental changed.

this "bullrun" is the exit scam from tether and bitfinex

>> No.14781585

>echo bubble
time for a new meme train

>> No.14781602

I would love that... damn I would buy cheap as fuck

>> No.14781616

there's a recent article of interest, something about bill the rich computer guy saying if he was in his prime today, he'd teach ai to read (reading leads to learning if the machine was originally designed and built by human beings)

so much Data can be processed by such a machine.

very optimistic idea but then one has to think about a podcast from a sativa-inhaling, dmt-talking, mma enthusiast who invited a different rich guy to interview about his spaceships and self-driving autos. he thinks if ai gets so efficient at the Manipulation of data they learn, it won't be so good for us who exist because of sexual reproduction. enough Research will show that these machines will one day establish a Firm grasp on us... it must be prevented.

you can start by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, but that's only the beginning...

>> No.14781697

Last bullruns were not organic. This one is laying a base for the next round of inorganic media hype.

>> No.14781739

Wowee zowee!

>> No.14781753

jesus christ are you writing a book or something? UP OR DOWN?

>> No.14781761


>> No.14781793
File: 755 KB, 1254x1266, 2019-07-14_1323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14781796

See you guys at triple digit btc and sub 10 dollar eth.

>> No.14781800

Is going up but bears need to buy back in sub 10k because so many fucked up scalping around 9600

>> No.14781824


>> No.14781823

Yup.its over.Jcho is the hero we need.Why didnt we listen to him in december 2017?

>> No.14781830

crab then down, more crab, then up, then down forever

>> No.14781856


>> No.14781860

I used to believe in the jew cartel theory but not anymore, all the market is created by tether.

>> No.14781882
File: 325 KB, 1101x696, Screenshot from 2019-07-14 09-18-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14781971

imagine being this delusional.
Even at BTC triple digits prices.
Not going to happen.

>> No.14782012

And Bob Loukas said we're going to 100k

This fag can fuck off.

>> No.14782022

I believe the Jew cartel is counter trading tether and waiting for it to implode. They can pull the plug any minute.

And that’s exactly what’s been happening. Tether tried to get a fomo run to pay off their debts but the cartel sold them into oblivion at 13k. Now they have huge worthless bags and the same debt as before. We will see 1k btc before years end

Real cartel btc accumulation has not begun

>> No.14782037

The Fed can print as much money as it wants.
It could easily buy up 99% of all bitcoins.
From then on it has enough power to control the price in order to tie it directly to the dollar.
This would make Bitcoin very useless indeed.

>> No.14782048

up or down is a hominid-centric perspective. we assign [up or down] to anything we consider monetary instruments so that it allows for the lowest common denominator of processes in an "average functioning" h. sapiens
sapiens brain to relevantly apply it to everyday living...
(hunting/gathering, sex, defending your tribe, raising your offspring) you don't have time to think about some shit when you're fighting off cavemen and wild animals

>> No.14782056
File: 186 KB, 750x992, 81AFF897-3E96-4746-9D82-87F52094A0F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuke is doing fine today

>> No.14782060
File: 343 KB, 1055x650, Screenshot from 2019-07-14 14-40-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14782092

You got a point there.

But the reason I dont believe it anymore is because I dont think banks are afraid of BTC, in reality 10 years after its creation no one is using crypto aside for money laundering

>> No.14782108

fake AF

>> No.14782194

Other secular markets like btc.The gold one that started 2011 to the $1050 low. Oil in 2008. Gold 1980 peak. The uranium peak from which uranium is only just showing signs of emerging now from its secular bear market.

>> No.14782207
File: 75 KB, 385x363, IQ_interview3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Market twitter expert

>> No.14782221

>Went to harvard
that just means he is non-white basically
>is a writer
there is no profession in which nepotism is a stronger factor than in writing

>> No.14782266

I'm not arguing the fed can't print the money; you're right it can. That's not the reason this strategy is implausible.

>> No.14782271

based linkie shitting on brainlets.

>> No.14782304
File: 93 KB, 1497x637, btcpredict.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related did expect this dead cat bounce and a lower bottom, he just got the timing off.. I find it impressive

>> No.14782336

lol nvm this was done before the dump to 3k

>> No.14782401
File: 602 KB, 1254x1266, 15631287602932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, a lot of parabolic moves broken. fud ta stinks

>> No.14782427
File: 27 KB, 400x400, VEVAd7EH_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggots and bears don't know what's coming

>> No.14782429

>we gonna buy all bitcoins and destroy them
>k we just gonna fork then
>then we buy your fork, too
>then we fork again, lets see who can create money faster faggots

>> No.14782443

>Best prediction record in crypto
>he didnt expect this dead cat bounce
>got everything else right


>> No.14782450
File: 58 KB, 1188x608, 1557783923068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14782457


>> No.14782467

This is bullish because I will only sell mine at 50k, so if they wanna buy ALL of it they’re gonna have to fork over 50k

>> No.14782469


That’s GOOD you brainlet, there are so many garbage projects that need to be purged. It’s too soon for another bull, we need more pain to shake out the garbage.

>> No.14782504

this is the first I've heard of whoever the guy is. no one knows his name?

i haven't been paying attention to the stock market very long, what happened in 2017?
I had to re-read the year 2017 a few times, my brain is stupid with numbers/characters and I'll initially scramble them into another order lol. like looking at 3118 and thinking 1138 or "the meaning of life" and reading "the fine game of nil".

I hate being this challenged :(

>> No.14782509

BTC longs gotta feed the margin monster.

>> No.14782651

Darn right it is Tether. Go look at whose holding USDT now. Top exchanges like Binance and Huobi have a lot of Tether. A Mt. Gox collapse is yet again going to happen. There's no proof that they have the money to back up the Tether they are printing.

Crypto is rigged. GTFO now.

>> No.14782674

what do you mean by dead cat bounce? never heard the expression.

why does it have to be a cat and not some other animal?

>> No.14782712

Even if he is 90% correct don't forget
>return to mean
Real traders know it's not about being right or wrong per se, it's about managing your money in those right and wrong situations appropriately.

>> No.14782884


literally who?

>> No.14782904

some fucking twitter faggot who posted this thread about himself because hes desperate to get "twitter followers"

what i'd like you to know jonathan, is that most of us are rooting for you to just kill yourself and stream it on twitter.
eat shit faggot

>> No.14782919


stupid nigger no bull run in any market is free from manipulation

>> No.14783026


>> No.14783054

Lol Jcho? He's retarded. And his 'prediction rate' is a meme.

>> No.14783219

We called this massive drop at the bearish penant 4 days ago! Join our community now HzhvAnN

>> No.14783222


This made me laugh... so sad that it's fake though :(

>> No.14783271

who gives a fucking shit
he's a pencil neck nerd
testosterone rules

>> No.14784025

Jcho for president

>> No.14784305

>linear scale