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14780322 No.14780322 [Reply] [Original]

>parents wont take grandma off life support after a whole fucking year of her being a vegetable
>tfw gonna miss out on investing my inheritance in LINK before it moons
>tfw gonna die poor and it's all because my parents are misguided moralfags
I wish I wasnt even getting an inheritance rather than deal with this infuriating shit with my boomer parents. I tried explaining to them that the window for investing in LINK is quickly closing but they wouldnt listen to me.

How do I kill my grandma and make it look like an accident or due to natural causes?

>> No.14780331

Stale pasta

>> No.14780350

Stale shilta

>> No.14780358
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>how do I kill my grandma?
feed her this rotten pasta

>> No.14780376

i fucking hate moralfags who think their granny will magically come back to life from being a vegetable, in fact i fucking hate old people. just kick the bucket alrady you cunt