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14774877 No.14774877 [Reply] [Original]

- Ugly (5/10)
- neuro - a- tipic

Obv I lost my virginity with prostitutes... but the sex with whores doesn't satify me. Do you have any tipp to find satisfying the sex with prostitutes?
what doesn't satisfy me is the fact of knowing that they do it for money and having to pay for sex. Do you have any suggestions to look for nymphomaniac women who love sex a lot and who like being a prostitute?
P.S. do not advise me to find a normal girl, at the moment I can't do it I'm ugly

P.S. I would at least to have a decent sex I don't care about gf-s and relationships, they are for average looking people

>> No.14774892

>Literally never had a women in 29 years of life
>Obv I lost my virginity with prostitutes
Failed normie, kys

>> No.14774905

after 29 years still no woman? its probably god's will.

>> No.14774913


Damn who dat?

Also, try putting a finger in your butt.

>> No.14774914

5/10 and can't bag a girl? You're probs a 3/10 at best lol don't kid yourself buddy

>> No.14774925

>5/10 and can't bag a girl? You're probs a 3/10 at best lol don't kid yourself buddy
because I am also neuroatipic (social anxiety and shizoid personality), so I can't approach them

>> No.14774980
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fix your anxiety first anon. Look at some dating tips etc, there are TONS of self improvement videos on youtube, Elisha Long, How to beast, etc etc. you are single you got tons of time to improve yourself. Im in the process also, 26y old. better late then never, life is too precious to just not do anything.

>> No.14774995

thank you anon
Currently I feel better when I am high on alcool, my anxiety goes away

>> No.14775223

Be nice but alpha and have a good body (heavy lifting roids hgh stims and starve).

Tbh you're gonna say cope, but yeah that's the most effective cope that will get you what you want otherwise rope.

>> No.14775242

My advice is to join a neo-fascist organisation and quit porn, hookers and fapping. In two weeks you will have an asian girlfriend and will enjoy life.