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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14772984 No.14772984 [Reply] [Original]

No this isn't a joke. This will be the final shakeout. DO NOT SELL.

>> No.14772998

This. Honestly, I can't believe you guys are still around. I have to commend you on the long game. For the past two years, Link shills have been coming here to take advantage of vulnerable new members on biz. You know the whole /ourcoin/ thing? It's true. Check the archives, there were plenty of posts trying to force Link as a meme. The project is literally two guys and a whitepaper. Google isn't even using chainlink, they just wanted to shill their own services to the blockchain market. It's amazing that some of you faggots actually fell for this. I do have to admit, the fact that sergey has kept the curtain up this long is surprising. All of the other scam projects died during the bear market. Do you honestly believe a philosphy major with a minor in religious studies could be the one responsible for arguably the largest and most revolutionary technology in blockchain? think again faggot. Steve isn't even a real fucking person. Adelyn still works for her old AI company, and gets thrown just enough LINK to buy her cup of coffee each morning. Maybe she'll get around to writing a blog post on a lazy weekend. Rory got fired for not adhering to the team's strict diversity standards, he kept calling Thomas a bitch-ass faggot. The only person actually working on the project is some autist named Navyadmiral on github. Last I heard, he was picked up through one of those government "hire a retarded kid" programs. He doesn't even get paid by the team, meanwhile Sergey is dumping batches of 700,000 LINK for the Steam summer sale. How can you actually have faith in this? My recommendation, sell while it's still above $0.25.

>> No.14773017

OP you retard if that were the case you'd be instructing people to sell and re-buy at $1, fuck your larp

>> No.14773019

Have sex

>> No.14773143

didnt read not selling

>> No.14773686

Sold, didnt read.

>> No.14773694

sold, thankyou based op

>> No.14773704

didn't read
never buying

>> No.14773733

Nice reverse reverse reverse psychology. I sold

>> No.14773795

didn't sell
never bought

>> No.14773823

if so i will be putting my life savings into link

>> No.14773824

Shit ass
Fuck hard

>> No.14773848

Bought & Sold. Didn't read

>> No.14773852

If it goes to $1 I'll buy 5000.

>> No.14773866

Kek this shit is never dropping below $3 again.


>> No.14773875

Shit tier pasta bro

>> No.14774515

I only need 397 more link to achieve my goy dreams. But I will donate 1 link to something on this board after i've made it. Because if it wasn't for the FUD and crazy angst from the nolinkers I wouldn't have even heard of LINK hahah.

>> No.14774560
