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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1476257 No.1476257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want you guys to know that every single story, every single thing someone on here has said about how they have a lot of money or are in some kind of ideal financial situation, is 100% bullshit 99.99% of the time.

I can't tell you how many posts, how many threads I've made since the beginning of /biz/ for shits, giggles, and fantasy about how I make 6 figures at like 21 years old, inherited millions dollars, own a house and work as an engineer making $115,000 per year working at some sick company at 25. I've made so many of these hypothetical situations that are all total bullshit just for myself to pretend my life is great. I've lied to so many anons that it's fucking insane. I'm a skinnyfat NEET of 3 years that sits in his room all day and showers maybe once a month and lies to people on the internet about anything to make myself feel better and forget about my actual life.

I've lost probably $1,000 of my savings in crypto trading. All of those threads you see every month about how an anon makes $100+ per day/$45,000 per year just trading crypto from his laptop while he travels the world at like 21 years old with no debts having sex with cute girls or whatever other fantasy? That's me. Every single time, it is me. I've done this consistently since the dawn of /biz/, and it's all a big, fat fucking joke. This board is a joke. It's easily one of the least useful boards on 4chan, because it's just for people like me to pretend for a few hours that my life is some amazing experience and people think I'm some special person with all of the answers, the secrets to life and whatever other bullshit that makes you think I'm better than you, when the reality is that I've barely left my bedroom in 3 years other than to take a shit or get food. That's who you're talking to.

>> No.1476267
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Is this supposed to bother me/anyone on this board. Anyone with a brain can see right through your shitty fabulated existence.

I feel so bad for you. Must suck knowing your peers are achieving so much why you sit watching the days go by.

Must suck having to go on a board and create an imaginary life.

What's that? Oh your moms call the lasagna she put in the oven is ready, better put some deodorant on for the fifth day because you smell like shit. They can't even look you in the eyes.

Cya later you parasite.

>> No.1476274

Lighten up, Francis.

>> No.1476286
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I've had full threads of people who believe me for the past couple of years. What you're saying is pretty falsifiable from my view.

>> No.1476287

We know anon. Same could be said with other boards. 80% of posts are by the same 20% shitposters.

>> No.1476318
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Impressive pasta, very nice

>> No.1476324
File: 68 KB, 709x566, long way to go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're one of the faggots always spouting off about how real estate and stocks are just memes. Really the only reason I come here is for entertainment value, and to validate my feelings of superiority.

>> No.1476369

I'm not. That's the mission of another faggot.

>> No.1476386

I really don't understand how people can lie on the internet. This is so pathetic, you can't suceed in life if you make it up online. Stop lying and then maybe things will go a bit better.

>> No.1476399

this is bait

>> No.1476407
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I'm a moderately wealthy business owner but that's difficult to prove.

Here's a pic of me blowing a grand on an hour's entertainment for me and the family. Perhaps not that impressive, but it's probably the most wasteful single thing I've done in a while.

I think overall this vacation (2 weeks on the Big Island) cost me about $25k, and I do something similar every year.

downside is I'm much older than the average anon here. Upside is I made my money young and have spent over a decade not working. I haven't worked an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week in 12 years. My average work week is 3-6 hours.

I'm nothing special but I do know how to start and grow a business. And I do hang out here sometimes.

>> No.1476412

Nobody on 4chan is rich from fucking around with bitcoins or that garbage.

But you would be surprised by how many traditionally successful people with actual careers lurk on here.

>> No.1476415

yes that's what we needed

more cryptocoin threads

>> No.1476421

There are actually well off people here but nobody made their riches off something retarded as gambling on the stock market or cryptocoins. I hate to say it but you can only get rich by PUTTING IN WORK. Work can be your 9-5 or starting a business. There's no shortcut, buddy.

>> No.1476426

you must be new to 4chan we have all kinds of celebrity that come here a browse i wouldn't doubt that we might have a few rich kids here

>> No.1476434

you do realize that the older kid isn't yours, right?

>> No.1476438

His mom isn't mine anymore, that's for sure!

>> No.1476439
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>> No.1476440
File: 36 KB, 336x334, 1432198898975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've lost probably $1,000 of my savings in crypto trading.

So you lost fucking ONE GRAND by trading NEETcoins and decided to lie then mope about it?

FUCKING KEK, one grand is fucking nothing in the long run

>> No.1476441

No, I've just been doing both at the same time. Everyone is trying. I make a decent amount and then one wrong play loses everything I made and a bit more.

>> No.1476467

monero went up %500 in the past 2 weeks. How have you been losing money on crypto? Did you try to corner the DOGE market or something?

>> No.1476475
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If you're a successful business owner who can afford 25$k vacations then how come your wife is fat

>> No.1476478

Not from hard work, I can tell you that.

>> No.1476518

Kek same here m8

>> No.1476601

His point wasn't that you can't get people to believe you; it was that you're living a life that I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy. Sure, congratulate yourself on getting people to believe your fabricated stories. If that's something you want to take pride in, go for it bud. I just wouldn't recommend bragging about it to anyone, if you catch my drift.

>> No.1476604

I never said I was bragging. He presumed that and wrote some dick-swinging response to get a dopamine hit from an argument that he just made up.