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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14761225 No.14761225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Marriage and children are the worst financial decision you can make, bar none.

>But its your only purpose in life to have children!
This is a feminine mindset. Only women believe children are the ultimate purpose in life. Men create and discover, women hold children as the ultimate calling.

>> No.14761257

>demographic/sentiment thread
go away

>> No.14761286

It's true, but prepare for the pol christcuck white american larpers screaming at you and calling you jew.

>> No.14761307

This thread got shut down last time. Probably the BTFO polfaggots reporting it

>> No.14761309

Why does this exact thread keep getting reposted?

Why does this exact same response keep getting posted?

>> No.14761326


>> No.14761332

Why do /pol/ cucks keep trying to shame people into having children on an anonymous imageboard?

>> No.14761347

It doesn’t matter ITT wether Creationism or Darwinism is correct because either way you are considered a failed human and a greedy delusional retard

>> No.14761357

this is coping bro, the fact that you have to make a post about it suggest that deep down you dont believe the shit u just wrote.

>> No.14761362

>Not wanting to pass on your immense wealth from your profits off of Link to your offspring

>> No.14761363

Without having children there won’t be any future you dumb retarded fuck.

Shit bait thread.

>> No.14761380

I encourage you to not have kids, you're useless. However you telling others to live your wine aunt lifestyle is reprehensible. Keep your status to yourself.

>> No.14761385

Found the feminine mindset anons

>> No.14761387

>y-yes, don’t pass on your white seed goyim!
>it’s perfectly OK not to breed, the Muslims and Latinos will have it covered anyways!

Yeah fuck off retard

>> No.14761395
File: 56 KB, 320x240, Tin_foil_hat_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14761423

inb4 the childless men and roasties come to say you can get laid lmao

>> No.14761435


>> No.14761442

You can't take your millions with you when you die anon.

>> No.14761451

What is with the discord jew posting today. Reported.

>> No.14761461

Kike spotted

>> No.14761470

Seething feminine """men""" spotted.

Go change some diapers you beta males.

>> No.14761472

You kikes are literally seething this hard about being btfo by the aryan anon in the last thread that you just remade it. Fuck me!

>> No.14761487
File: 121 KB, 540x675, B83F5F95-CD85-46F3-902B-8E318A933BCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex and procreate

>> No.14761490

What do you think that thing between your legs is for?

>> No.14761499

wtf i want to enslave myself to kids now

>> No.14761513

if you.can find a trustworthy women that isnt a whore and has a good job it could be a great financial decision to marry her

>> No.14761522

OP are you married and do you have kids? You are likely under 25 you brain probably isn't even fully developed. Your opinion means nothing and you don't have a clue.

>> No.14761524

>muh dick muhfugga
Nice argument.

>> No.14761539

True, but the chances that your children will do anything meaningful with it is delusional. Might as well donate it all to scientists who are actually intelligent enough to make the world a better place after you die.

>> No.14761543

I am 28 and make a lot of money. Still don't want kids.

>> No.14761547
File: 191 KB, 1024x768, 0660EC17-EEB7-4608-8EC0-71476D94BC94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degenerates like you will be exiled from our lands or be given the rope. A strong nation lives in accordance with law, law that’s purpose is to ensure the evolution of our people. This is what the future will be once the Jew is dealt with. Fuck your freedoms! The sodom and gomorrah society of today that you love so much is going to end as we rise up and you pathetically weak genetic dead end npc faggots that fall for Jew rethoric will have their heads put in pikes.

You like living in a prosperous society? Will it is only as ever prosperous as the people within it and if nobody does what is correct in accordance to natural law we will all devolve into nigger hordes. It’s all ready happening as we have lost touch with the obvious things and became weak. Times are getting worse and worse until the Saxon has had enough and puts and end to downward spiral that is caused by our pathological tolerance towards everything dysgenic the Jews promote to us.

>> No.14761549
File: 65 KB, 1024x682, 9CCFDD05-46B7-44D6-B964-E590AA2F5198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy being “taken care of” by migrants in nursing home when your old who will abuse you and steal your money
Instead of nutting out some minimes who you can boss around for 18 then have take care of you when you get old
>Anon will never walk into his kitchen and see his love like this

>> No.14761562

You won't ever see that either, ugly incel LARPer.