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14759653 No.14759653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

aesthetics > money

>> No.14759694

get money to be gaypilled.

>> No.14759695

even with all fortune, you will have a babe like those.

>> No.14759714

Imagine putting pussy on a pedestal.

Money buys me freedom to do what I want with my days. This is something legitimately desirable.

>> No.14759718

Does that still work if I'm a /fit/ asian?

>> No.14759726

have sex

>> No.14759736

As someone who blew a small fortune in college getting laid, taking drugs, and smoking, I can definitively tell you:

>> No.14759745

Lol. I’d rather have the comfort of knowing I won’t have to work another day in my life, be able to travel to Japan, eat at high end restaraunts, and spend time on my hobbies.

—uggo anon

>> No.14759754

health is side effect of aesthetics so you just confirmed my point you dumbass nigga

>> No.14759761

you're right, I will

>> No.14759764

I need money to exercise all day and eat right .

>> No.14759768

'aesthetics' has nothing to do with health you idiot

>> No.14759785
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>> No.14759794

you only need to exercise 3 hrs/week. eating right is cheaper than eating shitty prepared food. cooking food for a week in a crockpot or whatever takes 30 mins to prepare on a weekend max. you're just a neet moron.

>> No.14759800

Hahaha oof. Yea, sorry bud. Unlucky

>> No.14759801

he's right though. starving and dehydrating yourself while injecting test is NOT HEALTHY. the healthy way maxs out at the natty look.

>> No.14759805

you only need to workout twice a week and eat quark+oats+eggs which cost cents to get lean as fuck.

>> No.14759807



>> No.14759808

im a girl . money>body, see ya losers

>> No.14759833

you still need to eat veggies if you want to be healthy. fat+protein are not enough. good thing is that veggies are still cheap as fuck. just fry some spinach with butter instead of eating quark and you're all set.

>> No.14759838

implying 12% bf with good mass isnt already aesthetic enough to mog +99% of the world

>> No.14759848

you're right, but the pics in the op are obviously not natty.

>> No.14759851

Why not?

>> No.14759866

Bones > Muscles

>> No.14759874

lmao. only 2 might be not natty, the rest is doable natty if you dont have shit tier genetics including your frame and willpower

>> No.14759901


>> No.14759906

Theirs a limit to vanity.
Imagine having more money than half the world
>Now that's power

>> No.14759922


this is literally just /fit/-tier coping for being poor losers

>> No.14759971

your goal should be /fitbizlitsci/

>> No.14759973

Get cucked lol

>> No.14759980

you can have sex for 70$ an hour

>> No.14759982

Women are trash

>> No.14759988

Oats are vegetables, retard.

>> No.14759993

and its not the same when a whore craves and lusts after you because you a greek god or simply only wants your neetbux, dumbass nigga

>> No.14760001

Trying to sow the seeds of discontent in the /fit/biz/ alliance seems like a Jew trick anon

>> No.14760002

how to achieve those lines? any specific exercises?

>> No.14760006

Lose weight fat ass

>> No.14760019

There are no exercises that target that area. It's a bone that cannot be seen if you have a moderate amount of body fat. The exercise is to stop eating like a pig

>> No.14760024

yeah, 6-packs are largely just getting below 12% body fat. chicken breasts and rice are the way to go.

>> No.14760028

stop eating nigga

>> No.14760030

Girl here, not LARPing, the face is the most important part. I’d rather fuck a skinny chad than a ripped incel.

>> No.14760044

There's something funny about quoting what I assume to be some sort of Greek or ancient Roman philosopher and relating it to picking up vapid whores on tinder. That shit is pathetic.

>> No.14760049

wew, oats are fruits of a type of grass. they're commonly classified as grains. yes, they are healthier than other grains, but they are not nutritious as vegetables are.

>> No.14760054

no shit you dumbass bumass hoe, aesthetics includes face you retard

>> No.14760095

I don't care about the preferences of women because I am asexual.

Money is the only thing I care about. Just lmao @ you if you waste hundreds of hours of your life in the gym trying to impress roasties.

>> No.14760101

starvation; I cringe when I see those lines, its just the pelvis.

>> No.14760114
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rate me, bitch

>> No.14760113

greek philosopher
he was into guys anyway

>> No.14760136

3, im a girl. so skinny

>> No.14760149

>...Anonymous (ID: Vavvj4uF)
>07/13/19(Sat)16:01:56 No.14760001
>>>14759653 (OP) #
>Trying to sow the seeds of discontent in the /fit/biz/ alliance seems like a Jew trick anon
ure a poor loser too

>> No.14760152

Not so good haircut.
Beard needs redefinition
You're almost basedboy. You should have a shape, men shouldn't be women with a flat chest. But rather have large muscles.
Such genetic potential wasted. Go hit the gym and see more sun my man.

>> No.14760160

ITT: Closeted homos ogling pictures of half-naked men and trying to convince themselves it's about girls

>> No.14760170

> see more sun
> get free cancer

>> No.14760189

cope thread
women like muscles on good looking guys
no 4chan virgin is gonna become a chad by getting ripped

>> No.14760198

Why do you assume that it's all closeted homos? Some of us are out and proud of it. We're just fishing for these closeted hubby.

>> No.14760313

>he thinks literal whores are lusting over him
oh no no no

>> No.14760328

Face is alright, if you wear clothes that hide the fact you're a manlet you can be easily be a guy above average

>> No.14760342

0/10 frame
5/10 face

>> No.14760360

>get more sun, palelet

I'm northern European descent living in the southern Midwest. Uh, no thanks, I'll use spf 50

>> No.14760672
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/biz/ /fit/ masterrace

>> No.14760724

Yeah as long as you're attractive. Attractive people of any race are attractive. It's just that unattractive people of certain races are super unattractive and that pulls the average down for that race down.

>> No.14760743

I’ve been ripped and poor for years though, I need to make money so I can go somewhere where the women aren’t all fat and disgusting

>> No.14760764

What would be a good place to get steroids, paid in privacy internet funny money?

>> No.14760785

Money > Social skills > Aesthetics

>> No.14760806

biz hm is the master race

>> No.14760835
File: 1.03 MB, 767x768, 1562790931385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bwahahahahaha cope ugly ass nigger

>> No.14760850

I had like 10% body fat in college and girls were repulsed by me.

>> No.14760861
File: 108 KB, 528x396, malemodelsmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final redpilled: all chads with abs eat mcdonalds pretty often, you just have shit genetics

>> No.14760866

Are you American?

>> No.14760867

>lifting for women
Not even once

>> No.14760870

not over him, but over chads

money is cope

>> No.14760879
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either u missing bone frame or are ugly ass shit. its a doggy dog world bro

>> No.14760882

Do working on my appareance matters if I'm below 5'8?
Tell me the truth 4chan, but be gentle, this is a very sensitive topic for me

>> No.14760906

I have a pretty decent face and a good jawline but I was skinny and probably too effeminate looking.

>> No.14760920

two in the center look chill. One on the far right looks like he might suck two balls, the one on the far left looks like it he has told a gf to shove a dildo up his ass, or at least thought about it.

>> No.14760960

>improving yourself so that you can have sex with herpes dispensers on tinder
imagine being this much of an incel

>> No.14760984

why not both?

>> No.14761013

Yes but I live in a very shitty part of the country. I’m not even talking about sexpatting even moving to New York or whatever would make a big difference for me