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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14753325 No.14753325 [Reply] [Original]

Well is it?

>> No.14753332

From where? Do you not trust coinbase?

>> No.14753341


>> No.14753357

Yee it coo

>> No.14753358

send 1 you moron

>> No.14753378

Yes. Did it. Sold it. Just like you are about to do.

>> No.14753394

Send 1 to be safe, then, if all is well...DUMP THE LOAD, lol!!

Hope you paid your taxes big boi because coinbase will be notifying the government about your linkies ;)

>> No.14753430

From my hardware wallet, i just don't feel comfy about them knowing about my stack, should i send it through an exchange first?

>> No.14753478

The exchange can still notify the government about the source of the LINK. You'd have to actually mix it. Use anon coins.

>> No.14753491

Elaborate for a brainlet?

>> No.14753538


>> No.14753552

LINK is blockchain agnostic. Send it to a Monero wallet to anonymize it before moving it to coinbase

>> No.14753567

What do you mean "safe"?

>> No.14753591

What do i use to do this?

>> No.14753616

I prefer using a skycoin wallet, that way I earn a handful of LINKhours while they're sitting in the wallet before I transfer out. Then I send the LHR I earned to idex to sell for a few extra bucks. Basically offsets transaction fees that way.

>> No.14753621

A Monero wallet will receive Link? What does sending it to Monero and then u coinbase do exactly, tax-wise? I know Monero hides your identity, but if you xfer a bunch of Link into coinbase, isn’t the irs going to identify you there?

>> No.14753631

But $1,000 by eoy still right

>> No.14753633

No retard. Dont send your erc 20 tokens to a monero wallet you won't be able to get them back.

>> No.14753638
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>Moving your link
Holy shit my sides

>> No.14753646

hopefully most interfaces would choke on the address.. but what a fucking retard

>> No.14753663

Yea, probably, it still does not make my bills go away.

>> No.14753666

That’s what I thought. Someone else said to send it to a Monero wallet to anonymize it

>> No.14753681

No, they just want you to lose your corns.

>> No.14753682

Don't listen to this faggot, LINK is an ERC677 which allows cross-chain functionality

>> No.14753696

Just keep them on your hardware wallet. They don't know "who" owns the hardware wallet you sent them to. Don't get autistic and if you're feeling antsy just put your ledger/trezor into a safe

>> No.14753730

Don't get ANY advice from /biz/, especially not the advice that seems legitimate

>> No.14753890

Why would you want to do that? You're not trying to sell, are you?

>> No.14755006

What do you fuckin think? Only less than 1% of my stack though.

>> No.14755068

LOL ya if you don't mind the IRS seeing it

>> No.14755149
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>> No.14755183

this /thread. I always rely on the privacy of monero with the added advantage of chainlin's patented blockchain agnosticism

>> No.14755239

you nufags are such plebs Blockchain Agnostic is the only tech sergers swears by. Why do you think link is memed non-stop on here?

>> No.14755262

check out Grin if you would like to add a little MimbleWimble to your linkies