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14749156 No.14749156 [Reply] [Original]

>have a job lined up
>later on get an interview with the government
>at the end they obsessively want my references and question me why it wasn't on my app (it wasn't required)
>awkwardly sit there looking for info and being questioned about it for a few minutes
>should've asked for my resumes back (100% serious)
>get a call from the guy who obsessed over references
>no response on 1st and 2nd reference so they want another # (likely called each only once and gave up)
>ironic, when I missed their call for an interview I had to call them 7+ times and they had no voicemail or automated message
>gave them hr's #
>get a call back
>a woman
>something about not being able to get info
>suspect they got told to call a 3rd party reference checker
>tells me that once I get a hold of somebody to TELL THEM TO CALL her

Well I'm not calling her back at this point, expect her to call me. I hate having to wagecuck!!!

>> No.14750069

I had one where they wanted me to get references to fill out an online questionaire. Didn't happen.

>> No.14750819

I have a factory job rn at 15/hr while studying. It's pretty comfy and I just watch a machine pump out stuff and fix it every so often. I'm posting at work atm lol

>> No.14751152

Highest paying job thus far, that's actually paid me, was a few years ago. It sucked and it had so much work to do. It paid $15 hourly, time and a half was nice.

>> No.14751369

i don't have any references because i'm a complete loner and have no interest in other people.

>> No.14751450

Honestly, I don't bother with companies that do this. A job is just a paycheck. I'm not looking to have my life micromanaged, and I have zero patience when it comes to jumping through hoops just to get through the hiring process. At the end of our lives, we all die, so why die with the regret of having wasted a good chunk of your life at a shitty company?

>> No.14751482


yet you are on your computer, chatting with other people on a Chinese basket weave board.

>> No.14751671

i don't see your point

>> No.14751757

in order to sit for the bar you have to have 6 personal references fill out a questionnaire. 2 professors or professionals in the field fill it out. and any supervisor from a previous job fill it out. imagine the fucking headache that was.

>> No.14751817

>have a job lined up
stopped reading here

>> No.14751838

I don't think I've ever had references checked, legally they can't actually ask them about your work performance they can only confirm your employment length

>> No.14751841

he saying (not entirely incorrectly) if you RLY had no interest in other people, you'd be living in a mountain or up a tree somewhere remote, or in a zoo, instead of shitposting on here

>> No.14751904

>not faking references when it's so easy

>> No.14752032
File: 80 KB, 804x802, 1553450870171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall for the trade meme
>fall for the military meme
>fall for the travel meme
>now have a niche trade, with work experience with a military nobody cares about and an 18 month hole in my resume which keeps getting deeper because nobody will hire me
>now about to fomo into crypto and fall for that meme too.

I hope it gets better, lads

>> No.14752100

Try going through 5 fucking interviews to them be ghosted. heh, thanks boomers really showed me how to pull myself up by those bootstraps

>> No.14752112
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It will fren, hang in there and itll work itself out

>> No.14752360

just learn to code and not to suck at it

>> No.14752583


Thanks fren. I'm thinking of reskilling but i dont know what. Sort of lost atm

>> No.14753189

Is it illegal to not give references?
I fucking hate that part of applying for jobs and I don't know what to do since I'm a huge autist that is not able to ask my professors if I could use their information for job references since I have no work experience.

The only thing I hate more is the cliche of add extracurricular and volunteer work in the resume.