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File: 406 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190712-123902_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14745500 No.14745500 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14745527
File: 792 KB, 1543x4845, chd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're Chad then yes

>> No.14745530

Checked. And jew id, nice

>> No.14745552

Yes because only extremely high IQ women will respond to that.

>> No.14745572

I am jew 2
Nice. Also why does that bitch have photos with other dudes in, ewww

>> No.14745595
File: 281 KB, 2048x2048, 05C7A1C7-B782-4ABE-8975-988B653CD1B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’s this

>> No.14745598


>> No.14745628

Holy shit that second girl...

>> No.14745629

Wtf I know him

>> No.14745686

It's not him obviously, it's someone using his pictures to make a point

>> No.14745733

Someone should do this now with a profile of an average/slightly ugly dude and post results for side by side comparison

>> No.14745734

holy shit

>> No.14745781

Just tried and I got banned immediately wtf?

>> No.14745810

More like this

>> No.14745814

even an above average guy wont get replies doing this

>> No.14745876

To be fair those aren't 10/10...

>> No.14745916


Nice. This is the first time I've seen "hot guys can say anything" experiment that ACTUALLY used kind of bad stuff. Most of them are made my incels and they make Chad say very confident, direct and attractive things, but their autism means they think those are "bad" things... when actually they're really good.

Being a child rapist is fairly universally seen as a bad thing, though, and not a "cool" type of crime by any means.

Still not surprising, though, that a subset of girls will overlook that.

>> No.14745987

take this gem from /tv/ and norm macdonald
>Women are attracted to funny men, it is often said. This is not true. It only appears this way because women laugh at everything a very handsome man says. So this gives the very handsome men the idea that they are funny.

>> No.14746034

can verify
funny, 6/10, haven't had sex in 6 years (25 yo)

>> No.14746081


Hmm, yea kind of true. I am pretty good looking (8+/10 for my age, for sure) and, despite being spergy as fuck, some girls REALLY fancy me sometimes, and it is actually so fucking annoying how much they laugh at everything I say.

Like, I can't have a serious conversation at all, they just crack up at everything.

However, humour is its own thing and plenty of non-sexually-attractive guys can make girls laugh like fuck and they will love to be around him, but they will never fuck him.

I'd say that being funny is not "attractive", girls LIKE it, sure - bitches like all sorts of stuff, but it is not a sexual or romantic thing and will not turn her on.

>> No.14746147

>6/10, haven't had sex in 6 years (25 yo)

What's your major malfunction? Tonnes of very average looking guys are getting laid all the time IF THEY HAVE THE RIGHT BRAIN CHEMISTRY, SEX DRIVE and GENERAL ENERGY.

What do you think is fucked up in your head that stops you getting pussy? Are you even horny much?

>> No.14746210

it is more a multiplier, if the girl is not attracted to you can never laugh her into bed but if she is it just makes things smoother.

>> No.14746254

i won't settle for a less than an 8
but a female 8 can easily get a male 10, so why would they settle for a 6

>> No.14746280

Guys want to fuck hot girls
Girls want to fuck hot guys
Water is wet
Fire is hot

What else is new?

>> No.14746283 [DELETED] 

based post

>> No.14746336

this post made my day

>> No.14746342

I can’t believe there are autists on this board who aren’t redpilled on this

Wake the fuck up you spergs, money means jack shit fuck all in 2019

Low bf + FACE + decent height

>> No.14746365

Just lift senpai, don't believe the face meme. If you look like you could kick Chad's ass then he won't mog you.

>> No.14746368

>wall of text

>> No.14746369

Lol stfu retard. The point is the veneer of female innocence is complete bullshit

>> No.14746372
File: 229 KB, 1600x799, woody-allen-manhattan-mariel[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is not true
ugly manlet with questionable habit of running off with your adopted daughter disputes

>> No.14746431

What this post failed to show was the hundreds of messages of girls telling him to get lost and that he’s gross. Online women have unlimited options if they aren’t deformed of literal chads wanting to pump and dump them. Don’t let this image if it’s even real make you think he got a positive response (or even a response period) from every girl he messaged.

>> No.14746435

To be fair, they have to already be sort of retarded to believe it's not a catfish.

>> No.14746512

>Not all women are like that
It's just nature, baby
Accept it or COPE

>> No.14746525

yea that woody allen is a real sex symbol

>> No.14746546
File: 37 KB, 473x512, 874E1FE5-C408-46B7-8E47-E96D6EBCED6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14746548

I'm not mad, honestly I'd fuck an ex-child molester if she was hot, no hesitation. Wouldn't have a relationship with, but I doubt the women replying here want a relationship either.

>> No.14746551

It is nature but this post will make autists think chad really has it that easy and that girls on the internet don’t have a million other options and still even treat chads as disposable dildos at times too.

>> No.14746614

yes, that was kind of the point.
gsoh or even fucking a soh WILL get you far

>> No.14746659

How do I short this line?

>> No.14746774

Even I’d he’s a chad physically this is a metaphysically pussy bitch of a line. Girls will never respond to this in a positive manner.

>> No.14746812

sure, it wasn't millions of dollars he owns, it is purely his sense of humour

>> No.14746850

that id
>j looks a lot like an i
>i am jew too

anyway your line's autistic enough but i hear tinder's a bad place if you're actually in search of anything serious
it seems like every time i see mention of tinder—even in promotional material from tinder themselves—the women on there are just looking for a ride on the cock carousel

i'd tell you to give plenty of fish a shot—but honestly, if you're living in a large city and are in fact too much of a jew, like me, to actually do the money-sinkhole shitbox meme to get places, then you might be fucked
the only women who seem half-decent on PoF are waaay out of the city i'm in
otherwise, literally just pigs with retarded photo filters, thots, obsessive neurotic SJWs, women with some kind of parkinsons/polio, and obvious hideous trannies who don't even say that they are half the time
the profiles they shove in your face, you feel like you're being stared at by all the tards on a short bus on its way to a google office for employment


>> No.14746910

Not even once

>> No.14746964

>I don't rape anymore it's cool

Fucking LOST

>> No.14746983


>> No.14747005

You must've missed the thread about the guy who pretended to be a sexual predator while using an ultra chad photo. He had 100s of replies.

>> No.14747016

>i won't settle for a less than an 8

Ah so you have a low sex drive, basically.

>> No.14747171

>stfu retard. The point is the veneer of female innocence is complete bullshit
If you are not a child this is not news to you. The point is that autists cannot get over that fact, like >>14745916
>This is the first time I've seen "hot guys can say anything" experiment that ACTUALLY used kind of bad stuff. Most of them are made my incels and they make Chad say very confident, direct and attractive things, but their autism means they think those are "bad" things... when actually they're really good.
That really hits the nail on the head.

>> No.14747221

took my chad friend out for a drink last night to a pub i've been going to for years, he instantly hooked up with a barmaid there i've liked ever since. they've already exchanged nudes and he asked me if i would drop him off at her place tonight. top fucking kek. what a scam clown world.

>> No.14747415

are you retarded? this one was almost definitely made by an incel as well. there are multiple pics like these with similar things, but the best way for you to truly understand is to TRY IT YOURSELF. Seriously. go find pics of whatever model lookism is shilling atm and do exactly what you see here. otherwise you'll never truly accept it

>when actually they're really good
point that theyre trying to make with those ones, is that if an unattractive male says those same things, it turns from a good thing to a creepy thing. how do you not pick up on this

>> No.14747443
File: 26 KB, 500x498, FB_IMG_1550893136171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why even bother

>> No.14747466

meant for

>> No.14747498
File: 288 KB, 1440x2880, 1517611677814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else remember this thread? It was fucking glorious.

>> No.14747552

Actually you're just thinking about looks, the formula is looks+money+status...

And guess what? They're all interconnected... attractive men make more money and snag high status jobs. But with money you can get personal trainers, personal chefs and plastic surgery and buy status items like sports cars and fancy watches.

>> No.14747562

>>Extremely high IQ women on tinder
Fuck the fuck is anyone posting in this thread

>> No.14747709 [DELETED] 

lulz this is the only type of shit i find entertaining

>> No.14747818
File: 870 KB, 736x896, 666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this

>> No.14747900

please post more, i missed that thread

>> No.14747931

>Even I’d he’s a chad physically this is a metaphysically pussy bitch of a line.
this is perhaps, quite unironically, the worst written line of English that I've ever read