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14744601 No.14744601 [Reply] [Original]

I have 180k in student loans and a minimum monthly payment of 1.7k. I have no job and only 3k linkies. What can I do?

>> No.14744608

die and start over

>> No.14744613

sell those links and buy some high quality knee pads, then suck away for pay

>> No.14744634

180k in student loans? There's no fucking way, dude. I mean, Jesus Christ. For fucks sake.

>> No.14744641

have you tried swing trading or leverage trading?

>> No.14744644

have you considerer sudoku, fren?

>> No.14744654

Leave the country. Go to some cheap Asian country and teach English. Smash puss too

>> No.14744664

Sell your link and all-in CHR before the 2020 dApp bubble.

>> No.14744669

Sell your LINK and neck, you aren't destined to make it, only true faggots would pull out that much money to buy a worthless piece of paper.

>> No.14744696

I don't think you can margin trade link anywhere in the us...right?

>> No.14744722

Move to China and work as an English instructor. Make sure you get paid in cash.

>> No.14744771


>> No.14744774

>Get a democrat elected
>They remove the student debt (let's pretend that they will do it for a second here)
>Now debt free
>Use your money to invest in crypto's and China since democrats will stop the trade wars and let China run rampage again

>> No.14744790

get into more debt

>> No.14744792

>Bernie Sanders taxes capital gains at 95%

>> No.14744793

Don't know.. but why would you margin trade link? you should pick BTC or something like that.
The point is that you have 10K$ worth of Link, if you buy BTC with a x5 leverage, and price moves in your favor 1% you would have earned 500$.
It is not as easy as it sounds, but there is a lot of potential in margin trading or swing trading.

>> No.14744796
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All in coti now!!!!!

>> No.14744877

1) put loans on IBR (bases repayment on AGI
2) get passport
3) secure employment abroad by a foreign entity
4) file tax return with form 1040 and 2555 (foreign income tax exemption)
5) your AGI is now $0 thus your repayment per month is $0. $0 payments count towards your 240 successful payment payoff (forgiveness)
7) stack money while living abroad for 20 years and not paying shit on your student loans.
8) when the loan balance is forgiven, it will be a taxable event. so have money ready for that year. (for example, if they forgive $250k of loans, that year you will be taxed at a rate of someone who earned a $250k salary
9) you are now free.

>> No.14744880

because link dumped and I can almost guarantee that it will be over 4 bucks in a month

>> No.14744897

Loans are private...no income based payment options

>> No.14744924

Do what every jew slave does and vote for those policies then immediately leave.

>> No.14744938

well, you could try running abroad until they write off the loans. when they write the loans off, the IRS will treat it as a taxable event as well. if you remain abroad and owe the IRS over $30k, they will revoke your passport and force you to return and settle. even then, you could probably settle with the IRS for much less than what you owe.

>> No.14744952

dude you dont have to pay back debt. all they can do is shit on your credit

>> No.14744958


Then you declare bankruptcy. There is no other option with $180k picking up interest and no job. If you have no assets you care about them seizing, go ahead and do it, get it over with now. Or face a lifetime of major debt slavery.

>> No.14744966
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Stop paying your student loans. Put it all in in LINK. If the student loan companies harass you, do everything in your power to delay everything. Make them send paperwork. Schedule follow up phone calls 2 weeks later. Throw away the paperwork. Follow up call. Make them send the paperwork again. Follow up call. Tell them your consulting with an attorney. Make them send the paperwork again. Follow up call. Make them send the paperwork again. Say your consulting with a class action law firm because they have violated the law. Etc, etc

>> No.14744978

>believing you can bankrupt out of student loans

fucking boomers

>> No.14745003

Who tf gets 180k in student loans? You're actually a fucking retard. I hope you're becoming a doctor or some shit after this

>> No.14745012

They will sue and garnish wages, hold tax returns etc. So plan on paying for everything in cash for the rest of you're life

>> No.14745030

they can't do shit to you if you live and work in a foreign country.

>> No.14745036


Private ones, yes. Why do you think their interest rates are so much worse?

This nigger is probably collecting 10% interest on $180,000 fuckin dollars, he is done for.

>> No.14745044

Holy fuck how do people still not know student loans aren't removed with bankruptcy

>> No.14745053

private student loans cannot be escaped with bankruptcy, faggot. the reason is because there is no collateral on the loan. they cant open your skull and remove the information that you learned in college.

>> No.14745158


I just looked it up, Congress made both harder to do in 2005, but private is still possible where federal will follow you to your grave. You just need to prove hardship, which isn't easy.

I doubt the OP has made a good faith effort to work and repay though so he'd never be able to make his case.

>> No.14745178
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>I have 180k in student loans and no job

what the hell did you waste your money on? post major and school

I bet you went to one of those """academically rigorous""" small private liberal arts colleges that exist to warehouse dumb rich kids for four years so they can party and drink and fuck and do drugs semi-safely in a controlled environment. A lot of these schools don't even let police on their campuses unless the administration invites them in.

OP I hope you can leverage your college friends network and get some of the dumb billionaire's kids you went to school with to land you a cushy busywork job at their dad's company. Otherwise you're fucked. Oh wait lmao you are asking for advice on an anonymous cartoon pornography forum, you were "that kid" and didn't have any friends.

Sounds like you're shit outta luck pal.

>> No.14745179

you sir. you.

>> No.14745184

the only way they would approve hardship would be if both his parents died, he became a quadriplegic, was diagnosed with parkinson's disease, and lived in a typhus infested homeless camp for 15 years.

>> No.14745242

I was in school for 7 years and my debt was only 40k. How the fuck did you manage 180k?

>> No.14745246

Good one. Not a single statement in there is even close to the truth.

>> No.14745252

Damn I thought my 100k was bad

>> No.14745268

Out of state...Obviously I know how retarded that was

>> No.14745275

Should literally be illegal to loan kids money. And kid should be redefined as anyone who has worked less than 3 years fulltime in their life.

>> No.14745282


Yeah I didn't realize the threshold was so bad, OP should probably consider $ROPE or $EXPAT.

>> No.14745295
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oh, I'm wrong? You didn't go to a private liberal arts school that's a defacto daycare for 18-24 year old rich kids (plus scholarship recipients to boost academics, and chumps like you)? then explain how you racked up 180k in four years and have no job.

Post your school, and post your major.

Yeah, I didn't think so.

>> No.14745296


>> No.14745308

How about you become a cute floofy animal? No one can hurt animals! :3 Raaawr

>> No.14745376
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>> No.14745396

0) Get a job
1) Get 180k worth of credit cards
2) Use credit cards to pay for living expenses
3) use job to pay off student loan
4) once student loan is paid off, make minimum payments on credit cards for 6 months
5) File for bankruptcy

No more credit card debt. Loans paid off. Can’t buy a house because credit is shit for the next 7 years. You are free.

>> No.14745397

200k student loans, 50k personal loans, and 300k mortgage here. Make 110k a year and live decent but 60% of my monthly salary just goes to paying loans. You're in a shit position op and need to figure it quick

>> No.14745402

Out of state school you sweaty nerd. Literally a public school.

>> No.14745435

this is a larp right? paid like 180 bucks per semester for my eurofag university and ended up taking a 6k loan to party abroad. Im pissed I even had to pay that much. no way you faggots go 200k in debt for some meme degrees and end up jobless.

>> No.14745447

>no way you faggots go 200k in debt for some meme degrees and end up jobless
haha yeah...

>> No.14745468

Its kids going to college and living on campus getting a business or communications degree because its easy only to find out their tuition may have cost 15k a year but their living expenses were 30k a year

>> No.14745485

brother you need to apply for income based repayment, you shouldnt have any monthly payments at all with 0 income.

>> No.14745505

in america universities are rapacious swindlers who charge you 4000 dollars a month to live in a flat with 3 other people so they can build 300 million dollar handegg stadiums

>> No.14745510
File: 63 KB, 377x485, 1548785764345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stfu eurocuck how do you feel about the Somalis and Muslims gang raping your women and children when they invade your home like parasites

>> No.14745528


>> No.14745547

dont like it but Im actually using my free degree to immigrate to the US and take full advantage of your higher wages. how do you feel about that amerimutt? kek

>> No.14745549

can't do that on private loans

>> No.14745583

OK that's actually pretty based desu

>> No.14745588


I actually don't know which situation is worse, yours or his. His life is ruined but he didn't have anything going for him anyway, it has to be tormenting to be making $110k a year and see most of it pissed away on interest and bullshit.

>> No.14745631

>180k in student loan debt
never gonna make it, anon. you never should have agreed to those terms
no, its real. my buddy here in the south went to a fucking art school for photography and racked up nearly 200k in debt. dumb faggot is never going to pay that off with his freelance camera job. le epic bantz country shit aside, don't know why anyone does this shit to themselves.

>> No.14745661

kek you aight white boi
shits crazy senpai. I felt sick to my stomache going 6k in debt to party and bang sluts in EE desu. cant imagine the feels when you're six figures in the hole for a worthless meme degree.

>> No.14745702
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Just make money from fuck prostitute!!

>> No.14745707

What a idiot you must be to take a 180k loan and to earn the same as a blue collar worker. Better work at a factory, invest money and buy a house with 180k.

>> No.14745751

sell it all and get into TRV before the samsung announcement.

>> No.14745939

>180k in debt
did you repeat every semester like three times, Jesus Christ what the fuck

>> No.14746780

1. Lucky you, I have over $250K in student loans at one time
2. Apply for forbearance or deferment for 1 year. (don't tell me private loans don't do that, they do)
3. If truly private loans, not originally sallie mae or freddie, then sold to a private servicer. File for bankrupcy.
4. Move out of the country, never come back

Plenty of choices.

>> No.14746878

Kek this is actually the correct answer and I'm laughing

>> No.14746955

One more
5. Vote for Bernie next year.

>> No.14746969


>> No.14746975

Yeah it fuckin sucks but student and personal loans will all be paid off in 6.5 years. Hoping my cryptobag will start to make gains

>> No.14746996

actual good response

>> No.14747071

I'm in dental school with 400K in debt when i graduate.. you've got it easy pal

>> No.14747117


>> No.14747153

You're fucked, if your daddy isn't another dentist with an office good to go for you. Unless you're the top 3% of the class going to ortho or os... get ready for a 25 year repayment and wageslaving.

>> No.14747157


What's your net? As long as you have some spare cash to dump into investments you have a light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to

I make $75k per year in a low CoL area but have $50k in student loans so I'm speaking a little from experience with regards to the torture of seeing lots of it pissed away on payments

>> No.14747216

no worries bro, i owe the money to my dad but he's not charging me any interest thank god.

Also have 13K linkies and plan to do OS

>> No.14747282

>Also have 13K linkies
by the time you graduate you would've already made it.

>> No.14748459


>> No.14748491

Lol sounds like you were “that kid” at one of those schools