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14742719 No.14742719 [Reply] [Original]

Hey waaaaagie

wagie wagie wagie

it's a friday wagie, are you excited for your upcoming 48 hours of freedom? It sure must feel good knowing that you will soon be able to take a break from your slavery, aren't you glad your masters have given you 2 whole days to do whatever you want? You could almost pretend you were a glorious neet for those days! man wouldn't that be something? just imagine being able to do whatever you want, whenever you wanted to. Too bad this little dream of yours will only last until Monday huh? Then it's back to the grind, earning that pittance that your masters give you to waste your life away, and remember to pay your taxes so that I can get my neetbux! hahahahaha

>> No.14742756
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>> No.14742769

This is unironically never not funny. I can't understand how wagies cope.

>> No.14742797


>> No.14742806

Fuc you op, i have to work tomorrow so i don't even get a full weekend off

>> No.14742820

By seeing work as fulfillment rather than the lifestyle of soulless consumption promoted by NEETs. Some of us enjoy our work and the sense of satisfaction it provides. You'd know this if you ever went outside and did some lawn work.

>> No.14742832


>> No.14742877


>> No.14742896

Agree with the former aspect of actually *accomplishing* something of value. Disagree with your pathetic mental gymnastics about how answering phones, making sales calls and earning absolutely no revenue from company earnings (personally) except for your minimum hourly wage, is enjoyable you disgusting kike-enabling normal faggot.

>> No.14742912
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ah the typical wagie cope, "fufilling work" do you enjoy enriching others at the cost of your own life? Because that's what a job is, you exchange time (your life) for a small amount of money, while your masters reap the benefits from what you do . Meanwhile, the superior neets have all the free time in the world to spend on self improvement and a long free life, able to do whatever we want without having to get permission from our slave masters to take some time off to do it.

>> No.14742947

10x your crypto with moon3d. bonus schemes awaits

>> No.14742964

I have to work 7 days a week so I don’t even get a break. I couldn’t tell you the last time I had a day off

>> No.14742969

Joke's on you, I sold 500K Link at $4.20 and don't have to work for like 20 years. Re-entered into SNTVT and will wait until that numbers hits 60, dying in a sea of filth.

>> No.14743010
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>tfw a good well paying job that gives me honor and is essential for society to function
>tfw would give it all away to play TBS in my underpants 12 hours a day

>> No.14743070

Do you work in a sweatshop in china or something

>> No.14743341

NEETs are just depressed and not motivated to do anything other than smell their own farts

My job gives me good money, 6 days work ,4 days off a week, I'm currently on 18 days paid holiday

Plus it makes my time off to enjoy hobbies so much more pleasurable than when i was a jobless loser with all the time in the world

Also NEETS can't ever have families and that's the #1 purpose of any man

Inb4 neet cope and larp

>> No.14743379
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>> No.14743443

>Net neutrality has little to do with politics, greed, or morality and everything to do with bandwidth quickly becoming a scarce resource.

I hope not. the manifesto on their site is written poorly and isn't sourced