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1473732 No.1473732 [Reply] [Original]

Is working a night shift a good idea?

>> No.1473749

I think it's an especially good idea for nocturnal people. The drawbacks include not meeting as important of people (usually), a 180 to your schedule (nocturnal no prob), few viable options (most good jobs occur during prime business hours). However, your employer is forced to pay you more. Depending on your profession (medical field especially), working night shifts can be just as lucrative as working during the day.

What's the job OP?

>> No.1473760

receptionist and the pay is the same
i'm not nocturnal

>> No.1473766

It is if you're nocturnal

>> No.1473770

>the pay is the same
fuck thatttttt

>> No.1473773

Depends on the job. For many it's worth it because you don't have to do as much and the per hour pay may be higher.

>> No.1473777

It's going to murder your bio-clock for the first month at least. You'll have to learn how to sleep during the day. Get black drapes and hope aren't bothered by people during the day. Shut your phone down when you sleep. Don't obligate to any activities during the day, you'll wreck yourself. Having experience with clerical work is a good thing for future opportunities. Make the most of it if you are going to go through with it. The good news is that when you wake up on your days off, you can go club if you like that stuff or to bars and when everyone else is worried about tomorrow, you're not sacrificing your usual sleep hours. If the pay is good and/or it's your best option, take the job, just be curious about finding an alternative eventually if you can't handle the change in your daily life.

>> No.1473931

It isnt worth it OP. I worked a grocery store stock crew for a year at age 19. Worked from 11pm to 7am 48 hours a week. Surrounded by old people who hated everything and basically made it obvious the only people who take that job are dead end futures who have dug themselves so many money sinks that they have no choice but to cling to the night shift for guaranteed hours.

Learn from my mistake OP.

>> No.1473952

Stay away from night shifts as much as you can. Only do it if you have to. I worked night shift for one year and it got me through life, but I felt like shit for one year. It degrades your health and sleep.

>> No.1473997

2/10 its ok if you start at a resonable hour like 6pm so you have time to do "daytime only" stuff in the afternoon

if it's like, 9pm to 9am tho, fuck that.

>> No.1474003

if you are nocturnal

you make a few dollars more than daytime shifts in most places

if they dont offer that though i wouldn't bother as they aren't incentivizing a gravediggers shift so fuck them

>> No.1474242

work as nightshift in a local hotel for one year now...most easy job ever...but you have less sleep and have to sleep during the day

>> No.1474251

>work nightshift friday and saturday
>get up to go to school at 9am on monday
Nightshift is alright if you're just going nocturnal
But switching is fucking painful, I hate my life.

>> No.1474319

Shit really fucks you up. I worked graveyard the past two years, and let me tell you it is not fun. Your schedule is all fucked up; sleeping during the day while the hot sun blares outside mixed in with other noises like lawn mowers etc will really eat away at you after a while. If it's some shitty min wage job then pass it up. if you're getting paid $25+ and hour then you have to decide these trade offs.

>> No.1474616

I work out, I'm in fantastic shape, no major health issues to speak of.
I had a heart attack at 28 after working graveyard shift for 2.5 years.
The doctors said it was 99% stress, and that it was likely completely attributable to my shift.
Consider that.

>> No.1474818


Only if you dont give a shit about your health.

>> No.1475758

doing it for a lifetime you´ll surely die at age 60