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File: 48 KB, 590x350, bitcoin-1128124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14734575 No.14734575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Operation greater good.

Attention fag bros, we have now been presented with an almost unique opportunity to generate a YUGE meme campaign where we quickly shill technical points of BTC to any rich educated white liberal you know and present them with the best points in the business. Show them Max keiser, explain to them how using DCA daily made it the most lucrative asset in human history so far, etc.

Things that might seem entry level to your average bizlet but will sent your lib friends straight back to the past where their alt right friends told them about bitcoin and will create an *eureka* moment for them where ti brings all of us closer for the greater good. *And they will also trigger DRUMPF&jouuz*

We can leverage trump all the way to 20k, things can go so fast right now if we just weaponize autism hibbbbe mind :DDD our shit for like TWO days, this time it would actually change the world for the best instead of making a cool internethistroian episode, and why not both one day. I am a very low energy smart man atm but you bozos can make some memes that will easily get viral and regurgitated on liberal social media channels.

This can also be a huge play for unironic commies and anyone who feels like shorting the us and banking. In operation greater good, we have no bias on our block-chain friends, anyone who holds is a brother, irrespective of political opinion.
If we can coordinate even 10 percent of what this website did in the past this can orbit cannon us up really well for the future we've seen through the looking glass of block-chain.

This will be up to all of you to decide and bring about, but i hope you will coordinate and make it happen somehow. Otherwise humanity just became too degenerate too fast and if we only care about price the entire experiment will fail anyway.

Take the golden age bigdick love dimension pill or the maggot rat park pill biz.

>> No.14734620
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Can you make a post with more simpler and shorter plans

>> No.14734634

remember when retards fudded holo for being a sjw?
yeah you dumb fucks, anyone of us with a fucking brain knew trump would always turn on crypto as soon as his corporate masters ordered him to, guess what coin is going to be an easy sell to everyone that things trump is a piece of shit?

>> No.14734650

I had the same idea OP, but capitalizing on leftis isnt something you can do overnight. They are slow at adapting news.

>> No.14734655

liberal tears

>> No.14734663

I'd help but I'm too JUSTed to be of any use. Goodluck though.

>> No.14734670

Donald may have manipulated the spark of hope we had left to fuck us good but we can still become the daddy trump we hoped he will be.

>> No.14734709


Bitcoin, because that's the one he said he doesn't like. Don't try and push the masses on an obscure alt nobody has heard of.

>> No.14734747
File: 240 KB, 1082x1396, 77F2D473-0518-4C11-A6AA-FE2A116DF355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent idea but we need to come up with a plan! ASAP
Like a step 1, step 2 plan
You gotta be patient we have autism. I was thinking maybe something like how why Trump and the “alt right” hate crypto currency Idk

>> No.14734755

I think he gets what you said already and you might be the one who actually misinterpreted him.

....Maybe it is over..

>> No.14734794

Fucking fabulous. I would kike to live in an ethno state but that is a pipe dream, right now i would actually just like to live in a morally clean world where there are no evil jewish or otherwise bankers. We can definitely broad stroke the alt right into this and make it a whole orwelian scare about how we hate it because it is free and immutable and we can't do our bad conservative crimes on it and pay for child slavery,


>> No.14734807

Easy sell how are we going to do it???

>> No.14734813


We've only just begun.

>> No.14734860

Has to be bitcoin just because that’s the first thing that comes to the minds of the masses.

>> No.14734938

And generally because we are already 10 years into the future minimum, and most of us aspies truly are..weather it is good or not. Bitcoin has to become god before anything else steals the limelight, you should hate any alt even the <10m mc ones for stealing some of BTCs money, it's only been 10 years out of which only the last 2 have truly had mainstream coverage. Crypto may have mooned already for us due to our basement neet origins and age in the market but it will be much bigger than you can imagine, shilling any other alt to your friends is selling your SOUL to the BLACK JEWISH DEVIL.

>> No.14734964

Xept ETH and LINK

>> No.14735013

Aye what about this.
> immigrants (illegal) have begun to to use crypto currencies in America to send money back home to there families in mexico
> Trump the racist has learnt about this and is doing his best to stop it
> FIGHT back against trump and the Alt right begin using crypto as your main source of currency

I don't know guys just an idea anybody have any suggestions? I'm going to begin turning this into a plan.

>> No.14735067


>> No.14735113
File: 44 KB, 351x440, 1318451957149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nailed it. Let's fucking do this.

>> No.14735143

I trust this plan.

>> No.14735198

Whoa, that's amazing. They'll eat that up

>> No.14735209

Dumbest shit i've ever read

>> No.14735217
File: 417 KB, 1080x1812, Screenshot_20190711_214716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the phone only but a simple graph like that could do. Kim was right.. Orange man truly is a dotard

>> No.14735222

Ight bros I'm going to do my best
>what should step 1 be???
I was thinking maybe some typical memes maybe some wojack mexicans sending pics of bitcoins to family in mexico then pepe trump blocking it or something. The key with that is we gotta make sure the lefties see it they'll see pepe trump again and they'll loose their shit.

> idk bros i'm kinda autistic help me out
anybody got some ideas

>> No.14735233

JEEEZ MY BROTHER YOU HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT. Remember where this all started from, people were starving and becoming homeless less than 10 years ago. We let't them do it again, we can now cater to so many demographics now. Even bringing bitcoin up in online arguments as A POINT OF DIVISION is bullish for us, we are all agents of god.

>> No.14735301

Message occupy democrats on facebook, tell them about refugees using crypto as a way to send money home to their families and how Trump is unfairly trying to influence the market. We gotta get the ideas out to the major liberal media mouth pieces and let them run with their own narrative which will without a doubt have a massive spin on it to anger liberals. The key is reaching the mouth pieces. VICE, Buzzfeed, Salon, FB liberal pages, those are the targets.

>> No.14735372

I'm on it my fake accounts are already part of the democrat groups & republican groups (manipulate both sides) that are 5000 people plus.

>> No.14735422

Hey can a Anon anybody here get started on making a buzzfeed article/post???
Just try and make it legit as possible reference to Venezuela and how they are using crypto make it seems like its a common practice for hispanics.

POST HERE WHEN DONE with link so we can spread it around.

>> No.14735513

This shit will streisand effect so fast if done even half right. They really went too far with the unfounded stickman FUD, this time they will just become like the boy who cried wolf and now btc will bite back.

>> No.14735545

can someone make a pol and b version of this thread pliz , we need all the cave

>> No.14735575

you know those fucking annoying as instagram story posts that all the lib sheep will post on their story for attention well that's step 2

I'll make it fancy and attractive the only thing we need to pol, b, biz, to do is get the ball rolling for this one.

>> No.14735592
File: 10 KB, 248x203, 1560551678612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simpler plan
never change biz

>> No.14735593

It needs to be really simple.
Like remember the its okay to be white posters that was massive success. Try and follow that format who ever takes on the challenge of making it.

>> No.14735620

I posted it on /pol/

>> No.14735661

good on you anon i don't know how they are going to react.

I'm doing the facebook shitposting right now ill post some for you boys once I'm done.

if we can have pol's help great! if not this can be a biz solo opp

>> No.14735681

Getting the usual "hurrrr nut yer pursonil arme" bullshit

>> No.14735685


>> No.14735699

You are an utter fucking moron.

>> No.14735706

start a hashtag trend like #Bitcoin4Drumpf and post screen of you buying

>> No.14735716


>> No.14735746

this is perfect

>> No.14735758

How so, please explain your stance.


>> No.14735776

i haven't seen you since highschool !

>> No.14735844

I'm on anon making fake accounts to shit post right now will start posting results as soon as they start flowing in.

I don't know how much of a journalist you are but if you have some extra time today do you think you could make a Buzzfeed post once your done post it here so we can start to spread on buzzfeed so we can gain some traction on that front.

>> No.14735870

fuck it
biz solo for now maybe once we get the ball rolling we can reintroduce it to pol and b

>> No.14735894

when I get some time tomorrow I will be whipping up some memes to make liberals shotgun blast their welfare check straight into BTC. This is gonna take a few days to really whip up the freenzy but I am confident it can be done.

>> No.14735913

i will follow up on all the suggestions on this thread and try to make new ones etc. Maybe a discord would be nice too. I will post ant article tomorrow when i have more energy, but i felt getting the idea out there now is key, now the internet will do it's thing

>> No.14735935

Agreed, a few seeds planted is all it will take to grow a forest. Then when the time is right you burn that motherfucker to the ground.

>> No.14735963
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>> No.14735989

Really hope something comes out of this, i was exhausted when i made the thread too but now it's just a bad joke, i wanted to see if it will get sage'd or not, i am confident in this slow beginning.


>> No.14735999

Good night BIZ don't let the bitcoin bugs bite your dick

>> No.14736038

check this thread later anon hopefully we got some action and some momentum.

This won't happen overnight anons but maybe a week if we do it right

>> No.14736089



>> No.14736121

Lol I don't think you should do it buddy I'm Canadian and I dream almost every day of moving to the states.

Trump may be a idiot but he's better than anything Canada can produce.

We take advantage of the things trump says you won't lose any money anon but we have to work together.

>> No.14736473

Take your meds you fucking retard.
Your whole post reads like a illiterate 12 year old getting excited about something.

>> No.14736679
File: 149 KB, 1786x1204, 2019-07-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gonna post what I said here

Hi Buzzfeed,

My names Xavier, I'm married to a Honduran women who came to the USA (Illegally) were married now so all is well she ins't facing any deportation risks.

I thought i'd send a tip to you guys about something most people don't know.
President Donald Trumps latest tweet about crypto currencies and a stronger US dollar actually has a a racist or anti Hispanic undercoating.

Immigrants currently living in the USA actually are converting the money they earn here into crypto currencies and sending it back to their respective home countries. It has become a very common practice after the issues with the Venezuelan currency going into hyper inflation.

Immigrants here use the conversion to make sure they remain anonymous in the United States. It's also useful to them because it helps them dodge extremely unfair taxes on money leaving the United States to Mexico and other South American countries.

I was hoping maybe we could shine some light on this topic to help people understand that crypto currencies aren't used by criminals and that these are just people trying to feed their families that are still facing unimaginable hardships in their home countries.

If you have any other questions I am happy to reply



> anons send a small story buzzfeed tips doesn't really have to be so massive and elaborate as mine just
>Hispanics + Bitcoin = Trumps racist.

Ill even include the link to make it easier for you guys


>> No.14736692

>Show them Max keiser
jesus fucking christ DO NOT do this

>> No.14736709
File: 113 KB, 717x880, 8E2984A6-5C15-4C6C-9882-74BF547829A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YUGE meme campaign

>> No.14736727

>buy my bags

>> No.14736747

get the FOMOing libbies to buy your bags at 25,000

>> No.14736758

Alright what are normie level entry memes for this? Use the attack on titan with the wall and btc photoshopped on eren?

>> No.14736795

I'm brainstorming some right now will post in group. If you come up with any ideas be sure to post them to.

>> No.14736800

Also there was the recent 60 min clip with Anderson and BTC. Can someone photoshop that with something BTC and Trump? Can be a fake quote but ppl won’t look up the 60 minutes episode

>> No.14736813

O shit that is a great idea.
Can you do that anon?

>> No.14736843

I’ll try anon

Pol used to have meme making tutorial threads during 2016. A trick was that any photo can have text written on it regardless of color if you outline it in black.

Now what we’re gonna do is think like venture capitalists. Let’s try to get a ton of memes posted here and the ones with a lot of hype here should be posted.

Persuasion trick fromScott Adams. There really aren’t that many ideas. One really good meme will spread like wildfire. Quality over volume

>> No.14736861

*original ideas

>> No.14736922
File: 353 KB, 675x374, 2019-07-11 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm shit at making memes anon I'll stick to fake accounts, and spreading shit

>> No.14736931

Great. Pol’s r*ddit cancer has spread to biz. Fuck this gay earth. Retarded ass generals for EVERY niche bullshit. Unironically shilling LINK instead of fudding to accumulate as much as possible to retire early. Overly pro-Trump (he’s great and I’m voting him in 2020 despite you faggots making me get sick of him). Not shutting the fuck up and understanding there’s nothing he can do about bitcoin without raising the price.

I hope all you fuckers develop a cancer as bad as yourselves.

>> No.14737017
File: 4 KB, 211x239, wack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I hope all of you get cAnSeR

good one anon really original

go get angry in a different thread and you can fucking relax its not like any of of are going to vote democrat instead

>> No.14737389

And nearly an hour later your disgusting low quality thread has died because you’re all too fucking stupid and lazy to do anything productive or develop a real strategy. You aren’t old pol and you’ll never be as good on top of the fact that old pol is leaving you filthy shitters out to dry because of how repulsed they are by you. You’re the 105 IQ red version of blue libtards. You’re right but for all the wrong reasons and your arguments are as fragmented as any SJW bullshit.

>> No.14737452

Real article (kek) been working on. Posting to buzzfeed. What you guys think?

In early 2017 undocumented citizen Alejandro Martìnez unsuredly walked into a bustling L.A. mall to purchase his first bitcoins from a cryptocurrency ATM. It was late in the evening after he drove from his construction job to the downtown core after a 14 hour shift under the sweltering July sun. He had heard of bitcoin before but thought it was only used to buy blackmarket goods on the dark web. But now, turning to bitcoin is his final option to provide for his family back in Mexico.

Alejandro Martìnez first immigrated to the States at the age of 14. He grew up in the violent city of Los Cabos Mexico where his father was a government official and his mother was a lawyer. His parents were killed in 2008 in what Mexican police called a targeted killing after his father backed legislation that would interfere in local cartel drug enterprise. Left with two younger siblings to support, Miguel and Rosa, and a risky status as the son of an assassinated government official who challenged the cartels, a year later Alejandro fled to the States to find any work to support his siblings who remained in Mexico with his grandparents.

Though Alejandro's story may be terrible to imagine, he says it is not uncommon to hear of incredible journeys from other undocumented citizens.

Alejandro lives in L.A. with his girlfriend of 3 years, Sarah. He works fulltime as a construction worker but struggles to find any work that requires documentation. On weekends he works on an impressive personal portfolio of canvas paintings, many of which can be found amongst small underground art galleries around the L.A. area, as well as the top floor apartment of his doting landlady. Sarah, who moved from Connecticut to attend UCLA, helps him interface with the more administrative aspects of living as an undocumented citizen in America. For Alejandro and Sarah, life was running smoothly. Then the 2016 elections happened.

>> No.14737476

For 10 years Alejandro has been working any job that will accept him so that he can save money to send to his family back in Mexico. Once a month he would visit the Western Union near his apartment to send money transfers back to his grandparents and younger siblings. Alejandro says he works hard everyday with the thought in mind that one day he'll send Miguel and Rosa to university here in the States. After the sharp fees of a typical international money transfer, what little is left at the end of the month goes to taking Sarah out for their monthly dinner date and art supplies for his new projects. Alejandro managed to live life on slim margins and avoid ICE raids, but crisis struck in 2016 after he was pulled over for what should have been a routine traffic stop but spiralled into a brutal detainment in which he says was reminiscent of the violence of Los Cabos and resulted in a week-long hospital stay.

>> No.14737497

With the escalating harsh policies of the Trump administration on undocumented citizens affecting more and more of his friends and community, Alejandro Martìnez was himself faced with no choice but to stand up against an impending and unjust deportation system. With what little they had, Alejandro and Sarah hired a lawyer to challenge his deportation. Alejandro knew that immigration law often leads to drawn out and costly conclusions, and he began to realize he would need more money to pay for his legal costs and to continue supporting his younger siblings Miguel and Rosa. To make matters worse, the Trump administration began placing restrictions on international remittances, making it even more costly and difficult for Alejandro to buy the necessities for his little brother and sister. All Alejandro knew how to do was to work harder. He took on more hours at work and found a second job on the weekends. Despite all his increased efforts, after analyzing their financial situation, Sarah realzied that more than half his paycheck was going to lawyers and Western Union fees. After months of networking and clever negotiation, she found them an available pro bono replacement by the name of Ted Rosenberg. This lawyer would go on to completely change the way Alejandro uses and thinks about money.

Rosenburg, a bright and young graduate of UCLA's law program, specialized in immigration battles against ICE for the undocumented communities in and around L.A. He developed a love for cryptocurrencies when he first heard about bitcoin back in 2011. Since then, he has combined his interests in bitcoin and immigration law by teaching undocumented clients how to use bitcoin to circumvent banking restrictions on undocumented citizens living in the U.S., and more importantly for Alejandro, how to send international transfers to family back in Mexico. Instead of spending thousands on remittance and money order fees, bitcoin payments cost Alejandro fractions of a penny.

>> No.14737504

What we need to do is use his genius for our gains. Let's donate a few Bitcoins to his election fund and ensure he will stay to save the white world for another 4 years. By giving him donations in crypto, we can show him that crypto is great for white values, and since he's a genius, he'll understand the importance of crypto easily once he sees how useful it is. If you're a white sane man, it's basically your duty anyway.

>> No.14737510

Alejandro was sceptical to believe that bitcoin could solve all his problems. He thought that if it were that simple, everyone would be doing it already. He definitely wasn't prepared to lose a months wages to imaginary internet money, so he decided to test the process with a small amount. With Ted, he Facetimed his family in Los Cabos to teach them about what bitcoin was, how to set up a bitcoin wallet and how to receive a bitcoin transfer. He remembers struggling to translate bitcoin terminology for words that didn't exist in Spanish.

Alejandro says he's surprised at the tech-savvy of new generations, as his young siblings picked up how to use bitcoin faster than he did. Soon enough Alejandro was sending bitcoin to Miguel and Rosa with ease, and they were exchanging them for Mexican pesos. He nearly cried when last year his siblings used the bitcoin he sent them to order him a birthday gift to his address. It was a thick scarf. He still hasn't been able to convince them that it doesn't snow where he lives in California.

>> No.14737544

For many, bitcoin is an unnecessarily cryptic technology. For Alejandro, bitcoin is the key to his younger siblings futures and a necessary technology in avoiding a tightening grip of a government that wants him gone. The money he saves from using bitcoin every month has helped him save enough money to start a college fund for his siblings. Soon he plans on bringing them to the U.S. to live with him and Sarah and to attend school in California. But this future is being threatened. On 11 July 2019 President Trump, in a series of tweets, criticised bitcoin for enabling unlawful behaviour. He expressed a strong interest in regulating "crypto assets". Although not directly stated, these statements follow a pattern of behaviour that categorically disrupts the lives of millions of undocumented citizens living in the U.S., as many like Alejandro and his family have come to depend on bitcoin. Alejandro fears that actions taken by the Trump administration could destroy the future that he's worked so hard for to give to his younger siblings. Like many of Trumps tweets, these words may only equate to hot air. Alejandro says it's another jab in a series of insults that threaten the future of his family.

What is certain is that banning or regulating bitcoin would only exacerbate the problems undocumented citizens face every day while living in this country.

>> No.14738168

no one is buying your bags pajeet. kys

>> No.14738263
File: 121 KB, 740x989, holochain-trump-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing gods work anon. Link it so I can post to reddit to shill and they can pump my bags.

>> No.14738353
File: 179 KB, 590x350, drumph2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orange man bad
>orange coin good

>> No.14738460

You have to call them undocumented workers.

>> No.14738494

just immigrants, it sounds harmless.

>> No.14738960
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Something like this?

>> No.14739054
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Alternative Facebook one

>> No.14739148

or it could be something like "BUY BITCOIN, DUMP RACISTS" to really reinforce how hateful and racist the image is

>> No.14739250
File: 136 KB, 250x203, 0012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do my part and start emailing leftest news agencies and pretend I'm a insider

>> No.14739275

Guys I was listening to charlie shrem's podcast the other day and he said he got into bitcoin because paypal locked his money he raised for charity because the charity wasn't registered or some bureaucratic bullshit

we can start making stories on how the evil government is withholding money from women and children that was raised through charitable efforts
I can even make a few $100 donations in bitcoin to some charities and publicize it as an act of "defiance" to the federal government

>> No.14739295
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>> No.14739335

>by the name of Ted Rosenberg
this is perfect

>> No.14739799

I'm pretty creative with memery but I'm totally out of the loop when it comes to what Reddit would use. If anybody has some templates I'll edit them appropriately.