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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14734504 No.14734504 [Reply] [Original]

if only cardano wasn't down 90% from all time highs :,)

>> No.14734515

What does cardano even do?

>> No.14734521

Thanks, just sold 100k.

>> No.14734530

U should ask him. I heard hes really friendly

>> No.14734543

Man talk about an immature reply

>> No.14734553

hahahahahah trump got btfo by a scammer hahahaha

how do he even will recover?

>> No.14734559

Wow Trump irrevocably btfo with one single tweet. How can a man be so based and dare I say it redpilled? He called him orange and dumb. How do you even recover from this??

>> No.14734566

>being this butthurt about your president

>> No.14734585

Kek all he does is ride his ATV around his Colorado property and post vids of it on Twitter. Imagine knowing you bought that tranny shitcoin and got dumped on by the creator and he does boomer shit in Colorado. Seething fags

>> No.14734599

Yawn, back to /pol/ my man

>> No.14734619

>defending TRANNYCOIN

>> No.14734659

welp, selling my ADA bags now.
trump curse is now in play

>> No.14734690

>we have to learn to live with things we dont like, thats called being an adult

LOL what is this cuck talking about. Being an adult is NOT living with things you dont like. What a dumb liberal cuck

>> No.14734723

You're obviously not adult enough to understand what he meant you fucking retard

>> No.14734757


Could have offered some counsel and reason, as one of the leading professionals in Crypto

Could have Built Bridges and laid a great foundation


Orange Man Bad??

What is the end game? How does this help?

>> No.14734797

I unironically just bought 10s of thousands of dollars worth of ADA this week.

I don't regret it one bit. Hope more people pussy out so this drops lower and I can buy another batch in 4 weeks

>> No.14734817

Cardano was already down 90%. Trump curse is irrelevant. Charles is an OG regardless if his project isn't gaining any traction at the moment.

>> No.14734838

I was thinking about buying ADA too anon. Very solid project, the main FUD for cardano is that it is still down 90% from all time highs.

>> No.14734883
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>> No.14734901

another cuck being someone else's bitch.

>> No.14734904

Yep. Brainless FUD is never worth digesting.

>> No.14734979

Fund that fat faggot's vacations

>> No.14735024

If This becomes a hot item topic and then Shelley Drops


We've got our next 1000X

and it will be completely fully decentralized with Staking Rewards and the Absolute Best research and science behind it on the planet.

>> No.14735027

He's not wrong though. Charles should at least attempt to make an intelligent response, instead all he did was fuckdrumph'd.

>> No.14735034

Trump is rich in USD not BTC, what the fuck did this faggot expect his first tweet about crypto to be like?

>> No.14735104

Elon Musk can smoke weed and post anime but Charles Hoskinson needs to wear a suit and act proper? You guys are nuts.

>> No.14735118
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>> No.14735117

Anyone who put their money in ADA deserves to lose them to fund that fat soifuck vacations.

>> No.14735119


>> No.14735130

he is cryptos crazy schizophrenic uncle.

>> No.14735152

He's the CEO; traveling, making connections, raising brand awareness.

It's what they do

>> No.14735180

ADA had literal tranny on the team fucking kek, that is enough brand awareness for eternity.

>> No.14735229


I'm definitely not saying we have to want to hang out with any of these people.

But a live Shelley Main net changes things.

>> No.14735269

This desu

>> No.14735387

it pays for exotic vacation and expensive hookers.