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14732918 No.14732918 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.14732960


>> No.14732979

Fuck off back to lefty pol liberal

>> No.14733044


>> No.14733075
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Let me rephrase that for you
>it's not fair for the executive to take proportionally greater profits while worker wages stagnate since the 1970s, such that the constant increase in productivity only benefits the executive class and not workers
But hey, keep larping as an executive while you undermine your own interests if it makes you feel strong.

>> No.14733123
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>Rich GOOD
>Poor BAD

>> No.14733153

umm...yes its good to be rich and bad to be poor. I mean i guess its subjective since some weirdos enjoy being poor...

>> No.14733160

thanks for standing up for them poor millionaire ceos bro

>> No.14733166


>Left resorting to stealing pol memes


Left really cannot meme

>> No.14733173
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conservicucks arguing with feelings and strawmen again, whats new

>> No.14733196

Yeah man have you seen those videos on YouTube of people who love to live and hide in storage rooms leeching off their power supply and wifi for as long as they can? They post updates like it's a fucking reality tv show.

>> No.14733248

Fiat currency and inflation
Poorfags can't save up because whatever they put aside gets devalued by mr shekelstein printing dollars out of thin air

>> No.14733273

Have Sex.

>> No.14733282


>> No.14733295

Oh so hard. Hire everyone to do the job, say beautiful words to them, do nothing in practice. They don't even finance their business these days, it's all VC.
Outside the libertarian fantasy world, that's how most - but certainly not all - CEOs are.

>> No.14733303


>> No.14733336

major cringe bro

>> No.14733408
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>Ameripoors LARP so hard about being rich that they end up only voting for billionaires and tax breaks for the absurdly wealthy

fucking hilarious. And the Left's way of solving this is by allowing their sons to wear dresses and calling them xe/xir. Our country will burn to the ground in our lifetimes

>> No.14733540

It's actually that powerful people have successfully made you conflate the real meat of leftist politics (that the executive class are fucking everyone) with absolutely batshit insane nonsense like SJW trans shit. The fact that those lunatics get so much airtime is the point. It's SUPPOSED to make you think "leftists are fucking crazy irrational idiots" and so you throw out the worker's rights baby with the retard SJW bathwater.
And I have to say it has been spectacularly successful.

>> No.14733588
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shhhhhh they're not supposed to know

"Look, we have a ball pool in our office! We have sliders instead of elevators! We have an 'open concept' office!"
>what about my medical cover-

>> No.14733601
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Yeah except I can separate the SJW-tier shit from the economic policies, but guess what? The fucking two party system doesn't actually allow me to do so at the end of the day.

I have to vote for the billionaire asshole who won't chip away at important the Second Amendment or the guy who will tax the stupidly rich but embraces identity politics and literally wants to outlaw gun ownership.

It's either/or in this retarded country and idiot Americans think compromise is a weakness because they're fucking retarded. Americans are bread to be as obnoxious, loudmouthed and retarded as possible about their opinions and shout everything else down as wrong if it's not what they agree with.

>> No.14733611

It's the dem politicians fault for catering to that lunacy to begin with

>> No.14733738

Founders should be millionaires and billionaires

Career CEOs should not. They suffer no real consequences for failure, and take.no real risks. They can run a company into the ground and leave the employees dealing with flat pay and harder work while they fail upward into a different company with their golden parachute, blaming the previous CEO for their fuckups.

Founders take a real risk and should be allowed to reap the benefit.

If you roll a die and you get paid when you roll a 6 but lose the other 5 times, it's not a good wager for you unless you're getting paid 6x what you put in- and even then, it's no good, it's just break even, which means you'll eventually go broke if you make those kinds bets. You actually have to do better than 6x your money for it to make sense.

More than 6x or it doesn't make sense to roll a die.

How high do you think the multiplier has to be for it to make sense to wager everything you have on self-driving cars, electric cars, or going to Mars? How about revolutionizing the way we shop online, making it better and better even when your competitors are shit and you could still do well without constantly improving?

Do one of those and you absolutely deserve to be a billionaire, imo.

>> No.14733853

Tbh, I wonder if Warren's wealth tax idea, while probably overly broad, isn't a step in the right direction.

Suppose you want to live off your investments. To do this safely, with a portfolio nakvely diversified across stocks, real-estate, etc., you should live on less than 3% of your total wealth per year to avoid going broke. More than that and you actually have a substantial risk of losing your money over the next 20-40 years.

Ideally, you'd be consuming around 2% per year.

So a wealth tax of 2 to 3% means your wealth over $50m is not likely to get bigger in the long run- all the extra benefit (2 to 3%) from it that you would have consumed instead goes to the government. So instead of growing that wealth passively, you'll find that passive investment causes your wealth to remain essentially flat instead of grow.

That means if you want your wealth to grow, you need to be an *active* investor. E.g., Elon musk. And maybe those are the people who really should be massively wealthy.

>> No.14733876
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>> No.14733889

>Tbh, I wonder if Warren's wealth tax idea, while probably overly broad
E.g., let's say we have a stock market bullrun

AMZN goes up in price entirely due to a bubble
Bezos has to sell stock* and pay taxes on the bubble value of amzn, even though this wealth is essentially illusory: it is only on paper that the company is worth more, due to the bubble, or even due to inflation because the government itself is raising the price by printing money.

* And selling means he'll pay more than 2*, due to triggering capital gains tax.

>> No.14733899
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>> No.14733943

>Bringing up trannies in a capitalism thread
Rent free

>> No.14733957

>unironically defending the hoarding of wealth of the last few decades

this is what true cuckolding is

>> No.14734015

give link

>> No.14734016

Your post is entirely correct. Ancaps will say that "CEOs take the most risk!", when actually they'll just land easily on another big company - already arriving with a red carpet already rolled out for them - and the average worker has to constantly fight other workers for mediocre salaries.

>b-but muh qualifications-
Highly qualified professionals are actually the main group struggling to find good jobs, it's not so uncommon to see e.g a physicist driving an Uber.
It's also because university diplomas don't really mean anything these days. Every market is saturated.

I don't believe in anything that modern Democrats push though. They're in bed with companies, feeding the cycle mentioned by >>14733540. The more left they are, the more they feed this cycle. And fuck workers.

Bernie has a fucking R8, for God's sake.

>> No.14734055

What do you causes this?

Banks caused the 2008/2009 crisis

"Too big to fail" meant the fed printed - and is still printing - shitloads of money to prop up asset prices

When you inflate a currency, the people who benefit are the people who are first to get the new money

Thus, the rich, who actually own assets, are the ones who benefit from the fed continuing to pump money into the economy, making the rich richer

Let me put it in terms biz can understand:
The fed is preventing a crash by PRINTING MONEY TO PUMP RICH PEOPLE'S BAGS.

Inequality has been increasing for decades, but it has really become a much worse issue in the past decade due to the fed essentially stealing purchasing power (by printing money) from working people (who get paid and typically don't invest) and using it to pump rich peoples' bags.

We really need to end the federal reserve.

>> No.14734571

It's fucking crazy that you just said you want only the top 1% in both intelligence and drive to be able to retire.

To fix the stock market problem, we just have return to real money, or have a rule where we keep currency proportional to population.