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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14730451 No.14730451 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else genuinely elated Link is crashing?

I don't usually take joy in people losing money, but you Linkies have been insufferable cunts for the last 2 weeks.

You honestly all deserve this for being such smug, annoying, and spamming pieces of shit.

Fuck you all, dumb fucks. Hope you lose even more money over the next few days and weeks. Utter utter utter shitstains, kindly fuck off thanks

>> No.14730493

I think probably most people are happy to see these little beta fags squirm.

>> No.14730515

You're salty you missed a 1,800% increase

>> No.14730524

You're probably still holding your micro sub $100 stack anyway you bought at $4-5 each

Kys loser

>> No.14730529

Lost 80$ woo

>> No.14730550

Swinging from 4 bucks boi

>> No.14730551
File: 346 KB, 990x682, 1562858664869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao seething

>> No.14730552

>2 weeks

Nigga, its been two years.

>> No.14730573
File: 570 KB, 1142x1018, D50BAE60-CAAA-4A9A-93F0-CC99BC7413C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always happy to buy more fren

>> No.14730583

11k @ .25, haven't sold a single one since Dec 2017. let the weakhanded faggots off, dump this bitch. We've held through the worst of times. Can any other marines report in?

>> No.14730592

Imagine not selling for $5 when it was obviously going to dump

>> No.14730602


I'm honestly overjoyed. Literally deep belly laughs all day my ribs hurt

>> No.14730615

50k here.. 39 cents. Never sold a single one.

>> No.14730616

I don't give a shit how much money they lose, I'm just happy they will stop shilling that total vaporware shitcoin, maybe people on /biz/ can talk about legit crypto now

>> No.14730633

yes I am happy Also
linkers are the idiot scum of this forum
i cannot believe the stupidity of mens on this website sometime

>> No.14730635

This, they deserved these gains.
I could have bought it as any else could too, I missed out and it was my fault. Who took the risk has been rewarded.

>> No.14730657

Imagine being a nolinker.
Also, you realize that most link threads here are from discordfags falseflagging/trying to PnD, right?
Also, you realize this board has been literally /link/ for the last two years, right?
If you're not holding Link you may as well leave, kek

>> No.14730673

What do you hold that's better than LINK?

>> No.14730681

so much salt so much seethe :-)

>> No.14730688

You're probably missing a good buying opportunity right now OP.

>> No.14730703

Nobody cares how many cult members there are sucking Sirgay's exit scamming dick. Link is still a shitcoin.

>> No.14730725
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>> No.14730727

please dilate and castrate. We don't need any more of your kind on this earth.

>> No.14730733
File: 53 KB, 403x448, spc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a shitcoin that it's integrated with the biggest tech companies in the world
wew lad

>> No.14730749

rent free faggot
take your meds

>> No.14730766

Here's the angry, triggered cult members coming out of the woodwork like fucking clockwork. Even as their money goes down the drain they try to shill their useless, 200 lines of code erc20 shitcoin. Sad, sad and pathetic.

>> No.14730769

Some stupid Google blog post made by some random does not mean that anybody is integrating your scamtoken

>> No.14730841

Back to discord f a m
The redditors have all left, no one here will fall for your weak fud

>> No.14730848

>you Linkies have been insufferable cunts for the last 2 weeks.
They've been insufferable cunts since its very inception, they've been gloating eversince the ico about how they got in before the block number was breached and started thumbing their nose at other people who didn't get in on time.

>> No.14730858


>> No.14730869

so glad i sold at $4, this shit will be worthless for another couple years, this rally was nothing but speculation.

>> No.14731886
File: 1.63 MB, 2960x2124, red-monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about fucking time