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14728102 No.14728102 [Reply] [Original]

>Litecoin Named Official Cryptocurrency Of The Miami Dolphins


>> No.14728116

Privacy on LTC by November. Screen cap this

>> No.14728777

Its going to be pretty sweet when all the bandwagon memelovers who dont know shit get left behind because they wanted to invest like hipsters and be unique. Litecoin might be boring but its the best choice to have the majority of your stack in.
Tired of explaining why over and over, if you dont know - you wont make it.

>> No.14728786

the OG shitcoin

>> No.14728816

Bitcoin has a transaction cap its hitting, Litecoin is ~8x faster in terms of how many it can confirm per second. LTC will replace BTC.

>> No.14728826

I dont understand why, but I have noticed, somehow Litecoin attracts sports fans the most. Try and check it out yourself. Look up the history of some LTC followers on reddit/twitter and compare to other coin followers.

>> No.14728828

Litecoin is a great testnet, always has been always will be

>> No.14728903

It's the boomer coin

>> No.14728919
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>muh bugman testnet meme
More volume than BCH and EOS combined most of the time, shares all the atms with Bitcoin, shares institutional assets like TD Ameritrade, Eth is already bogged down itself and not a currency, XRP is a Jew banker currency.. LTC will win, thanks for playing, try again pajeet.

8x the transactions per section that Bitcoin is capable of and Bitcoin had over 200k unconfirmed transactions last bubble, its inevitable. Youre welcome to miss out, you deserve to miss out.

>> No.14728944
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>> No.14728978

I still remember the /g/ threads about this OG shitcoin, it was just after the 2013/2014 crash and people were mining it in thousands. People were posting their wallets with 7000+ litecoins mined in mere days.
In my mind I thought "lol fake bitcoins, who the fuck would bother with that" "They just want to make money on bitcoin's success and people think someone is gonna fall for their scam". I was such a fool. To my defense I wasn't even 18 yet.

>> No.14729014

Why is it dumping so hard tho

>> No.14729089


>Stable coin
>Supported by a slightly lower than mid tier NFL team

Anyone sleeping on this is an idiot

>> No.14729098

You are an idiot and really bad at memeing
I agree somehow on eth, it has its flaws and a bunch of faggots that used it as an illegal capital raising platform killed it, at least the price. Xrp isn't a jew bank coin, not even banks want to do business with Larsen. And LTC is and will always be the testnet for bitcoin, just do to the maindevs ideology. They are unfortunately far away from being professionals, same as the BTC maindevs and their retarded foundation.
>ib4 bch/bsv shill
Those two were and are scams. The first an attempt to control bitcoin by bitmain and a useful idiot known as Ragever, the second a pure scam by a known scam artist.

>> No.14729106

Because amateur speculators speculated wrong

>> No.14729110

You could be on the something, my friend is a sportsfag and the only crypto he buys is LTC. I tired to talk him into link and xmr or BTC, but he just sticks with LTC.

>> No.14729145
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>Xrp isn't a jew bank coin
People actually use Litecoin, its going to replace XRP and soon. Look at your pathetic "growth". Youve gained 30% since Litecoin went from 23-140.

>> No.14729202

>Look at your pathetic gains
Wut, are you thinking I'm an xrp shill? Top Kek. Read into xrp and understand why it is dead. Larsen killed the company and any chance of xrp ever having any chance to play in the big boy league. I actually know the people that control litecoin, they are a funny bunch and I like them, but if you don't understand what it means to be bitcoins testnet, well can't help you pajeet, buy and hold I guess

>> No.14729313

You denied its a kike banker coin, fuck yea youre a shill. Its run by bikes, advertised, sold and used by bankers.. and its a scam. Its not Eth, its not Jewple, its Litecoin. Muh testnet is not an argument, its a baseless bugman smear repeated by lemmings who think they know something. Ive listed multiple reasons and all you have are scamcoins by frauds and shitcoins with no infrastructure.

>> No.14729379
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>> No.14729383

>Being bitcoins testnet is bad
Pajeets..It doesn't mean that LTC can't go to 40 again, even with halving.

And again, xrp isn't a bank jew coin, it is a literally nobody Nigger pay day loan token. After what Larsen did with R3, nobody will ever consider doing business with Ripple anymore. You still rely on 2017 "news" you literal curry nigger

>> No.14729442
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It doesnt mean anything, its propaganda that diminishes the fact that Bitcoins at a transaction cap, Litecoin is 8x faster and the 2 in the way of LTC and BTC dont viable stand to replace Bitcoin either. ATMs, faggot. TD Ameritrade, youre not gonna make it.

>> No.14729477

You are repeating yourself pajeet. It doesn't mean a damn thing how fast it is. Bitcoin and Litecoin both have no chance playing in the big league, no company on this planet is going to work with it. The only thing that makes them somehow valuable is a kind of okay story and deflation. The ONLY thing that makes Litecoin more interesting than Bitcoin is that no jew manipulator like CME or Bakkt has it on its radar

>> No.14729535

Thats not even a coherent argument, they are popular without companies, companeis can go fuck themselves and many currencies already are accepted. Litecoin and Bitcoin are taken by merchants at stores already, DASH for example which is more a long long term investment already has instant pay being accepted in places like Venezuela for fast food. Litecoin and Bitcoin have a payment mafia, they also have a special tax status being declared not a security, theyre special already. They have all the ATMs, they have the volume. You have no clue what makes or breaks a coin. People will continue using Bitcoin until it physically stops working and costs too much, then they will work their way down to Litecoin skipping past Eth and XRP. Its used by all the ATMs, they will just buy LTC instead of BTC. Eth is rare, Dash and BCH are rarer. The rest are shit, they can fuck off, not needed as an exchange currency. Litecoin is easily going to 100x and likely 1000x.

>> No.14729569

Charlie Lee says August will likely be a bad month for LTC, so there's that....

>> No.14729587

He said the weak handed miners would stop mining, that doesnt mean much. Lower hash rate, not price. Historically in the full year after the halvening it rises, so now is the time to get in.

>> No.14729627
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>companeis can go fuck themselves
>Litecoin and Bitcoin have a payment mafia,
Thanks for the laughs poor 2017 marketeer, or ideologue, not sure what of the two you are pajeet. DLT is certainly the future, but open permission less ones, no. Professionalism won over ideology and you are definitely on the wrong end of the stick.

>> No.14729664
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I asked a computer store why he only accepts Litecoin and Bitcoin and not say Nano as a random choice. He said hes only *allowed* to take Bitcoin and Litecoin, had to fight to be able to take Eth and it was hard to get them to agree. So they have a "mafia" and your shitcoin, Link or whatever, is never getting on it. Litecoin also is already pursuing debit cards so yea, kill yourself kike.

>> No.14729740

Why they have a mafia? Because it can easily transferred to cash. Nobody, beside some geeks and people that use it to buy drugs, illegal weapons and child porn will ever consider any legacy crypto currency, Sugarjew will learn this the hard way, I can promise that. DLT is interesting for many branches for different reasons, but as a currency in itself, na, that was just a 10 year long fever dream. The scene grew up, you can do it to.

>> No.14729821
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Im going to be filthy rich and Ive already proven myself half right by picking LTC back at 23$ to be where it is now. Next step is kicking the fuck out of XRP, because its stagnant and dead.. and then Eth, because its mostly owned by exit scams waiting to dump on it.. and it already has scaling issues. Its also has no infrastructure. Litecoin is going to dump a stinky load all over your pompous face as it rockets to the moon (and back) at which point Dash is going to replace it. Im fucking cryptodamus, cap it.

>> No.14729829

>Additionally, Lee states that many LTC investors are expecting a price increase and have been buying as a result which is “kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy.” As such, some analysts have warned that the subsequent price increases are setting Litecoin up for a dramatic retracement that could see the coin dip below $50.


>> No.14729848

Charlie tweeted Litecoin is overpriced like 2-3 times.

>> No.14729852

Thats a total load of bullshit and Lee is a piece of shit unrelated to Litecoin. Cunt has been a shill for Jewbase since 2013. Hes not some oracle of the price, its easy to figure out where LTC will be. I hope it goes down that low, Ill go back to eating potatoes bread and water.

>> No.14729866

>Get rich quick
good luck youngling, you will most probably not make it

>> No.14729886

He knows LTC is pointless and is slowly setting up the community to not be angry with him, when it fails.

>> No.14729906

>Lee is unrelated to Litecoin
>Founder of Litecoin

>> No.14729966
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>get absolutely destroyed
>resort to baseless accusations
Stay mad.

>> No.14730004
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Dolphins are absolutely based animals.

The Miami Dolphins are not, tho.

>> No.14730010

Let me requote you pajeet
>Im going to be filthy rich
as said, good luck, but with your point of view on the industry, you will not make it

>> No.14730044

Its decentralized and run by an organization hes not a part of, he also abandoned it and its open source. The changes he made are minimal and public, and yet game changing. Hes opinion is worthless, he cant predict its price better than anyone else. Bitcoin was at 100B market cap at the time when Litecoin was at 5B, this was about the low pretty roughly, anyways when you return Bitcoin to its former ATH when it was about 20k, you can compare to Litecoins ATH of like 350. So bitcoin being 60% of its ATH at 12k half of 350 is 175 , +10% of 350 which is 35, 210, now double that, 420. Thats where Litecoin should be compared to 12k Bitcoin post halvening, but were not post halvening Expect it to shoot past that within the next year, halvening rallies come in the year that follows not before. Id say 1k is easy, likely 2-3k by the time Bitcoin starts going past 20k again.

>> No.14730061

I got like 260 ltc. Gimme a reason not to dump for link.

>> No.14730064
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Know nothing about my age or portfolio and Im going to keep it that way

>> No.14730086

Well Serg keeps dumping 700k stacks and its an exit scam, that should be the only one you need. Im not worried about your 260 ltc really, now is a really stupid time to sell so whatever. Anything below 100 is ridiculous, 23 I was going without food to buy more.

>> No.14730095

Definition of COPE!

>> No.14730102
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>> No.14730188

Charile sold this scam coin long time ego. Why you guys hold it??