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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14722357 No.14722357 [Reply] [Original]

My dad was diagnosed terminal stomach cancer. It's over boys. I have 8k in crypto and we're gonna have to dump it all into this piece of shit illness so that he ends up dying anyways. Life sucks /biz/. Cherish the moment. I legit wanna kill myself right now

>> No.14722383

Wait this is Hal

>> No.14722406


if that’s your attitude you’re a piece of shit.

>> No.14722418

You still have a future. Don't do it, or you'll ruin it.

>> No.14722436

I'd rather have another year or so with my dad than some stinky linkies that will dump anyway.

>> No.14722440

Sorry fren. My mom died from cancer and it's the worst experience of my life. Hope your dad pulls through.

>> No.14722472

How do i short your dad?

>> No.14722480

I'm sorry, anon.
Hope for the best, but whatever way you look at it, children are meant to go through their parents dying.
Worst part of life, but a part nonetheless.

>> No.14722533
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>> No.14722560

Do you feel smart, or funny?

>> No.14722616

I think he's both.

>> No.14722631

thank you for your kind words frens. I won't do anything stupid but it's just frustrating to know that no matter how many treatments he may go through, there's still a high chance of him not making it. I never really had a good relationship with him, but it's not like i want him to die.
I sincerely hope none of you have to go trhough this. keep trying /biz/, you'll make it eventually

>> No.14722672

Stay strong anon

>> No.14722708

definitely has the emotional intelligence of an avergare /biz/raelite

>> No.14722723
File: 38 KB, 801x669, ppspain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hehe im so happy to not live in a shitty socialist count-

>> No.14722724

that's what you get for not having free healthcare.

Here in Britain that would be covered and you could buy all the chainlink you want

>> No.14722731

I lost my dad to cancer a couple of years ago.

Good luck m8, it will be ok.

>> No.14722752

Legit keked out loud here, oh gosh

>> No.14722913

Only the body dies.

People don't die.

>> No.14722958

play fornite on twitch like that kid did and earn donations for the cancer

>> No.14722962


>> No.14723078

good point, I didn't consider you had emotions

>> No.14723160
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>> No.14723230
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And that is why God fucks us all and dumps the price of whatever we buy.
Kek'd though.

>> No.14723632

Have you watched Clif High's cancer ward videos?

>> No.14723661

At least your dad didn't buy harmony one at 300 sats

>> No.14723678

Tell your gay pops to fast for one week. He better starve that fucking cancer out.

>> No.14723679

you just lowball the fuck out of all of his possesions cars furniture etc.

>> No.14723714

Cute pseudospiritual philosophy but I regret to inform you that we are unironically our bodies. despite the fact that ideas a person represents will go on without them, when people's bodies die people unequivocally die too.

It does bring some amount of peace to raise the suggestion that people "live on" through those ideas they represented in life, though.

>> No.14723720

This is the most r/personalfinance tier post I've ever seen

>> No.14723743

Does he have insurance?

>> No.14723770

Build a smart contract with Link that will execute order 66 on your Dad's cancer.

>> No.14723943

tell him u got liquidated
he an hero
have multi year sad
realize its all meme and doesnt matter cuz all die


has sad


>> No.14724031

I feel you anon. Good luck to you and your dad.

>> No.14724053

Sorry about your dad. 8k in crypto at this point probably wasn't going to make you rich anyways. Enjoy the time you have left with your dad so you don't regret it later.

>> No.14724077





>> No.14724108

I think his attitude makes perfect sense... hes getting robbed of his money and his father by an illness, he has every right to be upset on both accounts. You're the piece of shit for calling someone whos in a tough situation a piece of shit

>> No.14724422


At least you dont live in a socialist hell hole like Sweden where he ends up dying in a treatment queue.

He legit have a fighting chance, wish you and your family the best.

>> No.14724453

This actually isn’t a bad idea to try

>> No.14724524


Or, you know, you could just NOT spend that money on an ancient fart who's gonna die in 2 months anyway...

>> No.14724728

Baby boomers haven't taken enough from your future already? Everyone dies, anon. You can still care for and cherish your father without screwing yourself.

>> No.14724753

Make sure he goes to some cancer support groups...my mom recovered from late stage ovarian cancer and I think that played a role. She made a lot of friends. Also if bankruptcy is most likely, you could put the money in a retirement account and then they cant usually take that.

>> No.14724814

That sucks.
I'm not ready for my dad to die.

>> No.14724816

go back to 9fag

>> No.14724826


>> No.14725046

The victim attitude while his dad has cancer makes perfect sense.... Fucking es yourselves you worthless snowflakes

>> No.14725077
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>> No.14725132

Google "rso phoenix tears"
There are TONS of success stories of people curing their cancer with this.

It's just that it was illegal for the longest time so there's not much research on it. And big pharma doesn't like it since anyone can grow it and cook it up.

I mean, you are probably not that interested in alternative cures, but if I were in your position, I'd be willing to try anything. Plus in case it doesn't work, at least he'll always be REALLY HAPPY up to the last moment, so I think it'll still be worth it to try.

>> No.14725323

imagine being this much of a fag that you care more about the money it will cost to give your own father some last bit of comfort because it fucks up a plan you had that wasn't going to work anyways.

>> No.14725393

>Imagine making up a sad story to get some (you's)

>> No.14725395

tell him to pull himself up by the bootstraps

>> No.14725501

Except you won't be killed by incompetent somalian doctors

>> No.14725736
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>> No.14725761

Why would your dad let you sell your future if he's going to die anyway?

>> No.14725781

We should ban them. They're probably nazis or whatever.

>> No.14725814

this lol