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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 392 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190709-140156_Pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14719423 No.14719423 [Reply] [Original]

Join early and build you Pi holding before it hit exchanges.
It is literally free money, available on Google Play and Apple Store as PI Network. Already over 100k users after 1 1/2 months.
Get some PI while it is hot.
Whitepaper, download link and everything else on their website

You will need an invite code to log in the first time
Use my code if you are at it.


Remember to go into profile in the app to hide your real name from your team, to be Anon.
Every code gives you the same boost, so at the beginning we all start out equally, it just depends on how many you invite.
But what I can guarentee you, is that I will be mining 24/7 there will be no inactivity from my side, so you will A L W A Y S get that PI boost from me.

>> No.14719711
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Mobile app has been developed by folks over at Stanford.
The app is solves the problem of people trying to enter the crypto markets and this tool allows them to mine coins using their phone.

>Hardware or internet doesn't get used.
>Doesn't drain battery

Ambassador code for frens to get 25% mining rate bonus! Use code:


Get in lads, what you got to lose?

>> No.14719722



>> No.14719850

If you don’t use “goldknight” your mom will die in her sleep tonight.

>> No.14720134

My code is "haxordie" lads. Jump in.

>> No.14720219

Use code zippo to join. As one of the first thousand pioneers I am your senpai and will guide you through.

>> No.14720747

Use my code "Melgon" anons.C'mon do it buckaroos

>> No.14720759


>> No.14721436

how many people used your code besides myself? I see you're still mining

>> No.14722427

I will stay active forever
Doesn't cost anything

>> No.14722675

Ridiculous. Within the third paragraph of their FAQ there's a spelling error and when they post videos their accents are so thick you can barely understand them. These guys have never been in a hundred mile radius of Stanford or any reputable US college.

>> No.14722769

Please use my code Mobile363
Early adopter here so you will get maximal mining benefits.

>> No.14723183
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im active forever and have a large group providing mining bonus

>> No.14723271

USE CODE bradkac TO GET A 20 inch cock

>> No.14724043

reminder that it doesn't matter which invite you choose as it provides no bonuses and the only way to get bonuses is by inviting people on your own after you're invited

which is why you can use the code Pupcian and get started
code: Pupcian

>> No.14724317



Trust circle of gains means more mining power

>> No.14724633

use my code pls


>> No.14724912

Use code zippo to join. As one of the first thousand pioneers I am your senpai and will guide you through.

>> No.14725034

Use code k3nnysan for MAX mining! I'll add you to my elite security circle so you get a headstart. REMEMBER code is k3nnysan.


Also remember to toggle hide real name in the options menu!

>> No.14725211

This token is being mined by clickfarms and will be dumped on anyone stupid enough to buy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_pRsSM_sXQ

>> No.14725827
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>accumulate early
>Hardware or internet doesn't get used.
>Doesn't drain battery

Ambassador code for frens to get 25% mining rate bonus! Use code:


Get in lads, what you got to lose?

>> No.14725933


Join me

>> No.14726295
File: 1.58 MB, 900x866, 1562019040764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pi is an awesome project. If you're wondering why there are 100,000 threads on this its because we just hit 100k users. In the last month we went from 10k to 100k. That's massive. But, it also halved the mining rewards. So that's why everyone on here shilling. They are trying to get back to the rate they had a week ago. Good news is, it's still early. The network has to 10x twice before they shut down the beta. So at 10 million users in network it closes. Or, at least this portion of the project does.
use code : dirtdog
Get in early while you still can. Dont miss the boat on this one.


>> No.14726817

Use my code before you kill yourself


>> No.14727025
File: 185 KB, 1080x1183, make it for bruna bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pi is garbage mine Electroneum where you can actually cash out your earnings now...

Step 1) Install Electroneum (https://electroneum.com/))

Step 2) Turn on simulated mobile mining to earn free coins without damaging your precious hardware.

Step 3) Trade your hard earned coins on TradeOgre for LINK, BTC, or another coin of real value.

Step 4) Cash out on Coinbase buy lambo and big jugs of milk

Step 5) Look in the mirror knowing you've finally made it

Bonus: Use code 349F56 for mining bonus even more free money to add to your already infinite % returns

>> No.14727441
File: 1.27 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-07-07-00-13-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a code? Join the 34 of us.
Get a 25% mining bonus.
>Pi's Core Team

Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis
Head of Technology
Stanford PhD and instructor of Stanford’s first decentralized applications class; combining distributed systems and human computer interaction to bring cryptocurrency to everyday people.

Dr. Chengdiao Fan
Head of Product
Stanford PhD in Computational Anthropology harnessing social computing to unlock human potential on a global scale.

Vincent McPhillip
Head of Community
Yale and Stanford-trained social movement builder on a mission to democratize how society defines, creates, and distributes wealth.

>> No.14727457

True /biz/raelis should use

>> No.14727483

Use code kitaz