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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 339x350, 785CD817-E6D3-499C-BEC4-3B0E20CB552B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14718258 No.14718258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit these fags are so fucking clueless link related


>> No.14718318

lmao. piss off back there you subhuman

>> No.14718352


>> No.14718369
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>> No.14718381
File: 835 KB, 761x889, 1552704095381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is literally saving western civilization and if you're opposed to that, you're a fucking kike nigger faggot. we're fucking everywhere and you commie fags can't do shit about it but cry.

>> No.14718410

Lmao, I just go over to laugh at those subhuman dorks

Biz and fit are for the real chads

>> No.14718586


>pol is saving western civilisations rapid demographic decline by shit posting about da joos on a containment board in their moms basement instead of creating white children and striving for positions of political power

literally have sex incel. /biz/ and /fit/ are the boards that will save the world.

>> No.14718601

This. Pol is just a bunch of subhuman incels who know they are genetic trash coping about things they can’t control

Biz and fit are for men who still believe they can make it and are trying to change what’s in their control

>> No.14718609


kys you delusial incel virgin

>> No.14718611


>> No.14718619
File: 264 KB, 787x1233, 1539397360842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine unironically going to /pol/ lmao
fucking yikes
try having sex sometime
absolutely based

>> No.14718628

Imagine being a pol posted and not having bags of UND

>> No.14718635

Have sex.

>> No.14718672

You must be new here. Biz doesn't actually care for Pol.

>> No.14718681

>saving the world by posting on a basket weaving forum
imagine being so useless you have to delude yourself into believing this to feel purposeful

>> No.14718699

Came here from /pol/ originally but after being here so long it's the only board I frequent. Stopped caring about politics and took the moneypill. Now I realize, the final redpill is to BECOME the jew. My fellow whites are too dumb to see what's going on let alone actually do anything about it and that won't change anytime soon. Might as well profit off it for myself and my family to survive.

>> No.14718819

4chins is the embodied collective unconscious mind. A short post that adds something can echo forever. Because we now have write access to the collective unconscious human will can again triumph over the will of demons.

>> No.14718845


based and zarathustrapilled.

all /biz/raelis will make it

>> No.14718852

>has already identified that material wealth is something all men strive for and can achieve if they are driven enough, and is not limited to one ethnoreligious group, is now following the path of those he believed suppressed him and his "kind"
You are very close to consuming the real red pill, but are probably not conscious enough to realize it just yet.

>> No.14718856
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>> No.14718892

this right here. someone told me today that I can't take any of it with me when I'm gone but I said that's not the point. you want to leave it for the people behind you and make dat dere generational wealth

>> No.14718909

I support the cause but I hang out here because the IQ is palpably 10-15 points higher and the memes are fresher.

>> No.14718943

Aside from actual wealth you want to leave behind a good society for them too, it doesn't matter if your kids are rich if the kikes welcome billions of shitskins a d tax them at 90% to subsidize their pets dummy. And /pol life comes after fit and biz are achieved, once you have kids and actually realize you need to improve things around not just yourself.
>t. 5'10 175lb father of two 92k last year (sales)

>> No.14718973

do you know how many fucking robots there are on /biz/?

>> No.14718980

Fucking yikes. This guy is going to wagecuck until he's 60.

>> No.14718996

This board is retarded as fuck. 10 to 15 IQ points higher? You're delusional.

>> No.14719016

Obviously you have to filter out the poojeet and chink spammers but you’re really saying that /pol/ has a higher avg. IQ? Do you see the nonsense that is posted day in day out on there?

>> No.14719018

This post is quite true unless you call striking it rich as making about a quarter to a half a million dollars and putting all your money into crypto an likely taking out a $20,000 auto loan to do so
Then you still have a chance
t. BTC maximalist (+5% link allocation) btw

>> No.14719054

10 to 15 points higher than /POL/ though, friend
The correlation is clear

>> No.14719105

Golden age of pol is gone, 2012 - 2013 was the greatest, so much was going on and many quality posts. Now it's just retards arguing about ecelebs and redditors arguing with discord trannies

>> No.14719119

>but you’re really saying that /pol/ has a higher avg. IQ?

Did I say that, or do you have just have poor reading comprehension abilities? Yeah bro, you're so fucking high IQ. You've completely ascended by posting here, clearly.

>> No.14719137

What is /POL/?

>> No.14719153

The content on this board is absolutely 10x worse than /pol/. This board is completely low quality. Its like 90 percent shitcoin spam and softcore porn. Even this thread is thinly veiled chainlink spam.

>> No.14719275 [DELETED] 

I think you misunderstand the Ron Paul/It's Happening era for some kind of /pol/ ideological renaissance
Yes I'm aware /pol/ was made during that time but also that time was one of great ideological questioning, about 4-5 years after the great recession
People were mad, mobilized, and willing to consider any alternative to the system that had gotten them were they were
Thus fringe ideologies got more spotlight and each believed it was "their time"
"it's happening"
We still have that potential energy stored up in the minds of the generation raised in the midst of that time, but we can't waste it.
You must never underestimate the Normie's capacity for complacency

It's /pol/ but emphasized
Damn I wish we had italics on 4chan, it's the only textual additive I've ever longed for for all these years

>> No.14719297

I think you misunderstand the Ron Paul/It's Happening era for some kind of /pol/ ideological renaissance
Yes I'm aware /pol/ was made during that time but also that time was one of great ideological questioning, about 4-5 years after the great recession
People were mad, mobilized, and willing to consider any alternative to the system that had gotten them where they were
Thus fringe ideologies got more spotlight and each believed it was "their time"
"it's happening"
We still have that potential energy stored up in the minds of the generation raised in the midst of that time, but we can't waste it.
You must never underestimate the Normie's capacity for complacency

It's /pol/ but emphasized
Damn I wish we had italics on 4chan, it's the only textual additive I've ever longed for for all these years

>> No.14719329

The propaganda is strong. People react really aggressively at the suggestion that Jews are problematic. It's the truth though.

>> No.14719380

I fucking despise pol niggers. this is biz u motherfuckers stay on your low iq incel boards.

>> No.14719411

back to /reddit/ newfag

>> No.14719414
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Delusions of grandeur

>> No.14719427

I think a lot of biz users are graduated poltards. Once reddit and the normies/shills killed pol and turned it into Godlikeproductions 2.0, we found solice in solid gains. Now I just go back occasionally to keep up with happenings, but the magic is gone. Biz is my only board now. Pol is waste of fucking time, instead of being mad at the world/women, you should be conquering them. Gains4lyfe

>> No.14719460

I used to think /biz was schitz until I spent some time on /pol

>> No.14719466
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back to /pol/, this is an incel free zone

>> No.14719495

Fuck of newfag, this board is mostly /pol/tard refugees

>> No.14719531
File: 22 KB, 559x498, 1562701446211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the anons here are /pol/ though, inlcluding me. At this point you're just going over to the ones who haven't got it yet and never will.

>> No.14719577

It would be like going and asking them all to lift, then taking backlash from the bitter anons there to mean /pol/ isn't in shape. Whereas a minute on /fit/ will also show that most of the anons are /pol/.

If you make a post about fitness or crypto in pol i won't respond despite being heavily into both. I have places to talk about those. So you'll get those with a chip on their shoulder piling in.

>> No.14719692

Here's the recipe to cheat the system.

1. Find the most expensive university that you can find with your IQ/SAT/GPA grade and apply for it with a student loan.

2. Skip all your classes and use your loan to invest in crypto, buy ChainLink (LINK) and Bitcoin.

3. 10 or 100x your money and apply for residency in Georgia. Either you pay 100k for residency and only have to go there once every 6 months, or you get the normal one where you need to live there for 6months a year. This nets you a 0% tax on your income and capital gains so you can cash out your crypto.

4. Hyperinflation or cancellation of your student debt loan will likely become happen so don't worry about it. They won't come after you in Central Asia.

5. Live the good life, you have made it.

>> No.14719714

>Biz doesn't actually care for Pol.
get the fuck off my board, nigger

>> No.14719734

Yeah this is smart. The problem is at 17 when planning these things you are more concerned with getting drunk with girls at college parties.

>> No.14719766

You can do it at any age where the college will accept you (they will because they want money) with a Bachelors or no degree.
Just apply for some masters program

>> No.14719809

Trumptard spotted

>> No.14719812
File: 114 KB, 1024x908, IMG_2375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've held 20k LINK for 2 years and even I'm not this deluded.

>> No.14719832
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x1900, 1553897598214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all of pol are the_cuckold refugees who want to MIGA with Zion Don
lurk moar newfag

>> No.14719860

stfu faggot

>> No.14719865

This thread is a big non-white cope.

>> No.14719873

imagine not being white

>> No.14719958

I've already been to uni and had my loan.

>> No.14720132

You're already fucked bud. Soon, you'll read some article about how 4chan is a hive of dark racist hatetivity. You'll shoot over to pol "just to look around" and you'll find a red pill. It'll happen goddamit. "Let's see what's going on with the trial of famous Jewish financier Jeffery Epstein" for instance.
You're there forever.

It'll happen. Sell your link, and get off this board before you get stuck!

>> No.14720150

Shadilay friend. We'll save the world for these faggots anyways.

Also, anyone who uses the word incel as an insult has to go back

>> No.14720163
File: 66 KB, 454x582, reeeeeedd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a dumb fucking bitch if you think /fit/ and /pol/ don't have 90% of the userbase in common.

>> No.14720173

you can tell that everyone hating on /pol/ is a newfag. hating on niggers is a time-honored 4chan tradition

>> No.14720181

>Biz and fit
>/biz/ and /fit/
>Biz and fit
some of the saddest spergs on this site are encountered on these two boards, never mind /fit/ is faggot central.

>> No.14720199
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>never mind /fit/ is faggot central
you just don't get the humor and board culture, newfag

>> No.14720203

Fpbp op eternally btfo and /threaf

>> No.14720205


>> No.14720320
File: 34 KB, 367x512, 1548319980738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing post-2016 /nu/pol
2011-14 /pol/ olderfags with any sense eventually moved here.