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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14718235 No.14718235 [Reply] [Original]

Whew. Haven't seen this much ETH FUD since 2017. Bullish af right now.

>> No.14718250


shut the fuck up I'm still trying to accumulate my 32

>> No.14718257
File: 10 KB, 250x250, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good

>> No.14718325

Bougth the link dip with eth. Gonna buy the eth dip with link. Sorry for swinging

>> No.14718377
File: 438 KB, 1879x1081, 4105A934-90BD-4389-B94F-72F1ADC1BE09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14718413

you ever notice how no one at ethereum will deny they're anti-white and want communism
it's all right there, I have no idea why anyone would support this poorly designed shitcoin

>> No.14718561

And no one at Bitcoin will deny they're pedophile drug lords. Your point?

>> No.14718623

no one at bitcoin ever supported that stuff publicly so why would we assume they're into it
people at ETH are anti-white communists and open about it you see the proof in that guy's image

>> No.14718676

big blocks, bloat chain, premined (72,000,000 tokens), ICO scams hold the rest of the tokens, openly anti-white, openly communist, sees no problem with child porn, premined and ICO scam owned and moving to proof of stake, developed by jews
seriously why would anyone ever support this fucking garbage it's worse than facebook coin

>> No.14718684

The irony is that even in November 2017 when this leashless pajeet said those things that hurt your feefees, he had already left the Ethereum Foundation. Not to mention two entire years later when some poor fudster tried to dig them back up, and then screencapped his own posts like an absolute mong, lmao.

>> No.14718696

he was given a piece of the 72,000,000 premine and they're moving to PoS
he has a say in the future of ETH no matter how much you pretend he doesn't

>> No.14718703

>Literal tard

>> No.14718710


why do you care this much about one person go fight him or something we're trying to make money here

>> No.14718720

I don't think money skelly could beat anyone in a fight

>> No.14718742

because the system is bullshit and I don't want people using it
because once they're integrated they have to serve their anti-white jewish masters or "fork off use secure scuttlebutt"

it will propagate more globalism shit that's destroying the west
ETH is a problem not a solution

>> No.14718749

>I don't know what the Nothing At Stake problem is
Seconding >>14718703

>> No.14718768

is there a metamask for EOS?
Or whats are other alternatives to ethereum

>> No.14718772

literally over half of the coins were premined
the other half are in ICO scammers wallets
there will not be any sense of decentralization inside that system, especially once PoS is enabled

>> No.14718778


yes, it's called scatter

>> No.14718780

Cashed out for RSR
Can't hold this in good conscience

>> No.14718816

>Goodbye, Scatter Extension
This extension is very old, and we at Scatter no longer maintain it which makes it unsafe to use.

>Because of this we are disabling it until it gets some love.

>> No.14718879


desktop version still works fine, sucks about the browser extension though

>> No.14718922

bro you're getting mad at a half white half pajeet who's eternally butthurt about being a mystery mix and rides his lucky break being in the room when ethereum was made to promote his shitty pseudo charities that are guaranteedly some kind of con to put money in his pocket
you're literally looking at some loser and making this elaborate theory he's a mastermind. i guarantee you halfjeet already spent most of what he had trying (and failing) to woo white women

>> No.14719047

How quickly will eth jump back up once this shitfest is over?

>> No.14719079


>> No.14719132

Hate to be the one to break it to you anon, but when the FUD is factual, it ain't fud.

>> No.14719172

instead of reubttling facts, you ignore and distract by launching a salvo at btc. that's prime grade bagholder COPE fren. if you can't see that you aren't gonna make it

>> No.14719473

it isn't just him it's the entire ETH development team
keep digging this is their ethos

>> No.14719489


>> No.14719516


This is up there with the most retarded shit I've read on here and that's saying a lot.

>> No.14719566

sorry you're a brainlet