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14714936 No.14714936 [Reply] [Original]

I don't believe that two adults can genuinely love each other, which makes the bond inherently flimsy; not a good investment to make - emotionally, financially, spiritually, mentally

It's an extraordinary gamble to take - why take it? It's like this fake thing that both parties know can break any time. It's kind of retarded.

>> No.14714952

Amazing, I was thinking about this exactly just right now and I’m not joking

>> No.14714968

You're supposed to have children and love them even more

>> No.14714975

The entire original point of marriage was a man getting complete sexual commitment from a woman in exchange for resources.

This is ONLY possible if the woman is a virgin prior to marriage

Anything besides no human no diamond is cuckery of the highest degree. It’s slavery

>> No.14714982
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>not making massive pump & dump gains from a volatile dating market

>> No.14715026


>> No.14715036

Being a bachelor is awesome when you're winning. If you're some middle class poorfag that can't get laid or do cool shit then it sucks ass.

>> No.14715046

That's what I'm saying - Getting married & living in the suburbs can suck my fucking dick;make the world your bitch. Be somebody. Get rich & famous. Have sex with a shit load of women - routinely

Laugh at the rest

>> No.14715083

>thinks marriage is about sex.

Doesn't know.

>> No.14715110

long CRISPR pair-bonding bird genes

>> No.14715118

As it was originally intended, a male gets sexual resources and the female gets physical resources and protection

You fucking low Iq retards are only viewing it from a warped post boomer POV. Marriage in the modern world is just a way to cuck yourself for no reason nothing more

>> No.14715210

Been with mine for 12 years, married for 5 (no fucking kids, now or ever, because fuck kids, and fuck this gay irredeemable earth).

You are mistaken.

We are literally the best thing in each other's lives, by far, and it won't break "at any time" except by death.

Everybody's mileage will vary based on a lot of things, and ours isn't the norm, but a genuine companionate relationship that isn't merely a transactional arrangement is 100% possible.

>> No.14715317


You're retarded. What makes marriage such a shitty deal is that most women are retarded but protected from the consequences of their choices by government.

I see my future wife and my soul melts. And she doesn't nag, hasn't even smoked a cigarette, and has a fucking brain (engineer).

If you pick a retarded woman (most of them), expect retarded results

>> No.14715345


Feel the need to add, "sophisticated" women are still fucking retarded. Artsy women are still fucking retarded. Choose someone you could imagine waking up next to and not blow your fucking head off the moment she opens her mouth.

>> No.14715360

>t. Every man until he finds out he’s getting cucked or gets divorces raped

You’re so deep amongst the trees that you can’t see the forest. Marriage for men isn’t a fucking cakewalk or an easy time. You have to put up with constant shit testing for the remainder of it

>> No.14715402


You have to put up with constant shit testing if you marry a retarded woman. If she nags, dump her. I do not tolerate the slightest bit of nagging.