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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14714053 No.14714053 [Reply] [Original]

What happens if you default on student loans and you don't have a job, live with your parents, and don't have any assets?

>> No.14714080

It means start from square one and get a job, job/school, two jobs .... Etc

>> No.14714093

But I don't wanna. I just want my Altcoins to moon and then I can pay.

>> No.14714096

It's okay, even if you went bankrupt the Jew still gets his money

>> No.14714097

You can also put your loans on deferment or some shit like that

>> No.14714110

your parents will be disappoint and put you up for adoption. Or sale to the highest bidder, even chinks

>> No.14714120

Damn your parents must be proud.

>> No.14714125

Well just hope they don't try to garnish your wages if they do get some under the table jobs until then, but the deferment will hold the debt off for a while or you can take an online class and get another fasfa check and keep working

>> No.14714141

The only asset you have right now is (((YOU))) so you better earn some profits man and set some aside

>> No.14714162

I already tried that but they want my taxes or proof of income and I can't provide either.

>> No.14714176

Work part-time for a non-profit. In 10 years the government eats the loss. Only way to discharge fed student debt currently...

>> No.14714201

I think student loans are federal so basically there is no escape. If it was from a private bank then you could just default and they fuck your credit for 7 years.

>> No.14714224

IRS breaks down your daddy's front door with a battering RAM and throws you in a labor camp you stealing piece of shit