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14713387 No.14713387[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who here has no gf?

honk honk

>> No.14713448
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Pickle likes cookies!

>> No.14713464

Imagine not making pit smoked hog with that pig

>> No.14713485

Prostitutes are cheaper and don't take half your stuff.

>> No.14713493

26 years old, i made $170k+ this year and im a relationship virgin still.

i really must be some sort of complete fucking retard autism specimen

>> No.14713499
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>Y n G0JEM

>> No.14713503

Imagine what this thing could do with a bodacious BRAPper..

>> No.14713512

I started dating fat chicks from chain restaurants. I have this one prime chubster from BWW and it is glorious. I like to smell her stinkiness and feel her weight as we bang

>> No.14713559

Prostitutes have stds

>> No.14713657

do you feed her cookies in the morning?

>> No.14713719

Not cookies persay. That is definitely one of the perks though. They are always down for a tasty treat followed by a banging. It’s lavish. Fat chicks will bang anytime you can even wake them up from sleeping

>> No.14713743

Don’t have, don’t want
t. Asexual

>> No.14713749

Why? You tryna smash?

>> No.14713769

You have no gf bc ur fat

>> No.14713786

I was very sexually active in my 20s. Now I’m 31 and don’t have or want a gf. I don’t get laid either. I just stay at home and live the neet life

>> No.14713807
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I've had women and good jobs making over $250k. I make barely $80k now and married to a stupid whore. I'd much rather trade her in for a good job back.

>> No.14714034


>> No.14714149
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closest goyim ID I ever saw, on a pig post


>> No.14714200

I'm 28 and will become a fearsome wizard in 2 more years.

>> No.14714231

Im not sure. I fucked someone last week. I may have a gf now.
How many fucks does it takr before she counts as a gf?

>> No.14714253

Honk honk honk!

>> No.14714260

If she's crazy, prolly just one kiss or sleepover

>> No.14714897

smokey whoring himself out for cheeseburgers again

>> No.14714983


>> No.14715219
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My gf literally spoonfeeds me flan during the money shots in pimple popping footage. Stay lonely faggots.

>> No.14715298
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>get dat mozzarella

So fucking true. You’re obviously and unironically getting your share my dude.

Fat chick fucker with over 120 kills (skinny, fat, old, young) AMA

>> No.14715825

tallest one?

>> No.14715872
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Several at 6”2 but most were much shorter. I like tall AND bulky but it’s a rare combo

>> No.14715946
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i am dead broke and have absolutely no future, but I'm handsome enough to have a gf. the sex and cuddle time definitely helps numb the pain. Though honestly I'd rather be rich and a virgin.

>> No.14716112

I have never had a women
30 years old. But I fucked with prostitutes

>> No.14716167

I can only imagine what you two goblinos look like

>> No.14716172

>Prostitutes are cheaper
100$ x 1hour is not cheaper, unless you don't have a 100k+ per year job

>> No.14716194

Fucking based

>> No.14716223

>but I'm handsome enough to have a gf
you don't know how luck you are, nigger

>> No.14716236

Im 32 and have a wife. Fuck this shit don't do it. I read posts like this when i was horny and single and didn't believe BUT I'M TELLING YOU THIS IS THE TRUTH. Be like Leo, date and never marry

>> No.14716238

Same. I'm 30 years old and fucked 14 prostitutes. But never been in a relationship.

>> No.14716283

Ah, just tound out you were a cuck didnt you?

>> No.14716402

In fact I now that marriage is a meme
When a lot of people tell you ''never get married'', it means that there must be somenthing true behind
The marriage has sense only ina society where girls they are submissive, def not in this society.
If one is ugly is better to fuck prostitutes, if you are handsm fuck them and don't get marry

>> No.14716432

I'm too skinny. What do I do, bros?

>> No.14716459


>> No.14716483
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I literally had a gf for a single day. When I met her, we hit it off perfectly but I found out she was from a different state and the next day was her last day in the state. The next day, we got together in the morning and spent the whole day together. I showed her around town, the beaches, and this cool mountain that over looked the city. We held hands there both smiling like idiots at each other. We talked nonstop having a great time. At the end of the day and I dropped her off at the airport. We both knew we couldn't do a long distance relationship and this would be the last time we would see each other. Even though this made the day more enjoyable, knowing our time was limited, it was still sad saying good bye. We kissed each other and I drove off home, listening to Bolt Thrower to get my mind off of the day. We haven't talked since.

>> No.14716643

Kek. What’s BWW?

>> No.14716813
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B-buffalo wild wings

>> No.14716826

Work out and eat.

>> No.14717462


What a little cutie pie.

>> No.14717531

Ahh I see another patrician is among us. Cheers buddy. The gays took over fashion and shamed normal people into avoiding thick chicks. The supply of chubby chicks seems to never end.

KEK they come pre-plumped and easy from that restaurant in particular.

>> No.14717577

based my brethren. thicc girls seem to put in a lot more effort in bed which is always appreciated

>> No.14717583

Guys trust me I wage at Buffalo wild wings and you do not want to go there if you value either your dignity and your money
I even work at the corporate store and regularly if we are slammed we will take wings spilt on the floor and throw them back in the frier and the non corporate hq places must be worse
Also it's fuckin expensive for what you get so why do you go there?

>> No.14717608
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Do you happen to be black?

>> No.14717631
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A mans gotta eat

>> No.14717646

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife

>> No.14717704

Yes they do and you can make them do things for you generally
Nah you loser. Blacks would like to have fat white chicks to themselves but I am putting a stop to that with my BWC
Kek I know it’s the worst place ever that is why I fish for hot fatties there. They tell me about all the server drama and general debauchery. BWW is the iconic American chain as far as I am concerned. Just a bunch of fat horny chicks raising hell

>> No.14717718

>Also it's fuckin expensive for what you get so why do you go there?
I go there to find easy chicks because so many of the servers there are down. I usually go on boneless day so at least if I do not get a fat sexy server it is not a complete bust

>> No.14717765

No girlfriend, mostly because I refuse to partake in the jewified normie culture of our modern clown world. Like most people who reject the modern world we are left alone, that is until one of us becomes a strong leader and unites us against the evil that is destroying our people and our world.

>> No.14717821

That’s understandable but you should find a white wife and make white babies

>> No.14717864

Based! This world is already ours!

>> No.14717946
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no gf, had one for about a year, ~7 years ago but I moved to another country for work while she was in school. She still sends me messages sometimes, maybe once every few months, she moved in with some dude and she told me she'd want to get back together with me if I moved nearby again kek. I have no interest in that but sucks for that guy that she's a fucking snake.
I've tried online dating but I couldn't stand any of the ones I've met, shit personalities, usually no skills like cooking or anything, nothing much in common, still lived with their parents and had no interest in improving themselves or learning anything new, didn't work or only worked part-time minimum wage jobs, bought into that feminism bullshit, and generally brought nothing to the table for a relationship. I'm not super attractive but I have my life together, degree/stable fulltime wagiejob/live in my own apartment, and holy shit it's retarded how low value women just look for someone to cling onto.
Haven't really bothered looking for the past few years, seems like a waste of time unless I get /fit/ so I can attract a higher value woman. I thought I'd be lonely but I don't really care anymore and I'm in my later 20s. I'd like to have a cool female companion to just chill and do shit with and travel and fuck but it's not worth the effort.

>> No.14718042

One of us, one of us,

>> No.14718066

It's as iconic as an Applebee's aka it's just shit that got big in the last 25 years

>> No.14718080

>23 khv
>intelligent, beautiful girl shows interest in me
>open up to her
>go all the way
>find out she has a boyfriend
>give up

If it's too good to be true, it always is. I hate this life.

>> No.14718090

Good job not procreating, the ONE biological imperative besides "stay alive long enough to do so"

Did you know that conservatives have more children on average than liberals?
Hmmm guess you failed that one too

>> No.14718091


>> No.14718291
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i know this feel exactly. pls dlet

>> No.14718904

literally me

>> No.14718913

this isn’t /r9k/

>> No.14718940

I'm a chad that's why I bought CHR

You can be like me too. Just no fap, meditate, work out, buy CHR.

Not difficult to pick up girls once you do that.

>> No.14718978

This happened to me as well. I continued to meet her and pushed her to dump her shitty BF. Today we‘re married.

Tl;dr: Just don‘t be a beta loser

>> No.14718999

>tfw no gf but wife and kids instead
I want to go back to my youth bois

>> No.14719406

Alright fuck it I'm going in. I've tried everything except for buy chromia so surely this will solve my girl problems.


>> No.14719503


what's your job ?

>> No.14719704

shit coin stacker. I've got gigantic bags of CHR and BCHABC

I'm replying anyway because I want my biz bros to make it like the rest of the chads in this chat.