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File: 1.39 MB, 7200x7200, youtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1471207 No.1471207 [Reply] [Original]

I am starting a YouTube journey and I thought I'd post it here.

I started uploading video's 5 days ago and already got 10.000 views total. I have more 70 video's uploaded and I upload about 10 to 30 video's a day.

My aim is to get 1 million views a month, this would be about 1000 euro's a month I would get from adsense.

I did some calculations and I calculated that 100 video's = 10.000 views thus I would need to have 1.000.000 / 10.000 x 100 = 100 x 100 = 10.000 video's uploaded.

Since I upload an average of 15 video's a day that will take me 2 years of uploading. Than I can live of my passive income stream. Considering that if you have 10.000 video's some are bound to go viral because this is mathematically inevitable it should probably take much less time to hit 1 million views a month so my guess is at 5 months in.

>> No.1471215

Your idea doesn't take into account the fact that you are a dull person

Stay suckin

>> No.1471217

who cares
As long as I don't have to be in a wage-slave office I'm happy

>> No.1471221

Keep at it bro.

I dont think YouTube is the best platform to make money on. Videos are hard to find. The risks are high. And the ad revenue is low.

But if you've found a winning recipe and make it then it would be awesome. And people will be led to your videos by YouTube strenghtening your position.

>> No.1471225

I'm uploading public domain government video's...in a way I'm getting my tax money back Youtube says you're allowed to monetize these. They're pretty dull video's but people still watch them

>> No.1471227

I do find it hard to imagine you can keep making so many videos a day. Unless you have a massive amount of cat videos / gaming footage ready.

What is your niche?

>> No.1471231

That's a good model. Some companies do the same with images, music and books.

>> No.1471274

Today I uploaded 50+ video's, goddam

>> No.1471305


Please link your channel. I have to see this.

>> No.1471308

Here's the thing, if you have 10.000 video's (and this can be done hardcore mode 100 a day for 100 days) you only need about 1 to 2 views a day on every video to get 10000 to 20000 views a day. This is about 10 to 20$ a day. Of course with 10000 video's some of them are bound to become popular and thus earn you more, you'll get about 50$ to 100$ a day with this method after about 400 hours of initial work (about 4 hours a day of uploading)

>> No.1471311

I'm not going to link it because some here will be dicks and report me

>> No.1471315

I am uploading another 45 video's.

I get my video's from government archives


United States government creative works, including writing, images, and computer code, are usually prepared by officers or employees of the United States government as part of their official duties. A government work is generally not subject to copyright in the United States and there is generally no copyright restriction on reproduction, derivative works, distribution, performance, or display of a government work. Unless the work falls under an exception, anyone may, without restriction under U.S. copyright laws:

Reproduce the work in print or digital form
Create derivative works
Perform the work publicly
Display the work
Distribute copies or digitally transfer the work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending

>> No.1471472

>100 videos a day
Are you Webdriver Torso?

Youtube analytics favor consistent uploads, so you wouldn't be able to live off of it for very long. It'd be better to pace it. I don't know how much viral content you'll get out of government archives. You'd be better off making top 10 videos or social experiments.

>> No.1472036

I get 100 euro from 1 million views

most of my traffic in spanish unfortunately... i dont know how to get the usa kids watching my shit

im making videos that have no text so they can potentially go viral worldwide

i only have few videos but high quality original content, so i get a lot of views and a good following, problem is rate is low, like 0,65

is the ip you upload from relevant? what matters to rank a video in the usa?

>> No.1472041


Are you one of those goys that post product videos from Amazon?

Guessing you script some scrapper that copies and converts images into videos?

>> No.1472054

no, im not giving details lol

>> No.1472414

I hate arrogant fucks who believe that by making Youtube videos, you are entitled to receive money. No, you better create original content. You better create good content. And you must be able to hold people's attention.
If your sole purpose of making videos is to make money, you are doing it wrong and people are going to see right through it.
Don't do Let's Plays. Don't do Unboxing vids. Don't do Make-up tuts. Don't do reviews. Don't do the Leafy-esque drama shit. Don't 'vlog' unless you are a very very interesting person and have a very very interesting medium to do these boring videos on. Maybe if you had a time machine to 2007, you could do these videos, but I guarantee you will go nowhere.

>> No.1472477
File: 745 KB, 1392x792, gaytuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you're saying all I have to do is:

>be gay
>vlog about my boring life

Is it really that simple?

>> No.1472529

I don't make YouTube video's, the government makes them and I upload them.

I am now 5 days in and I got 143 video's uploaded and 10 organic subscribers. About 10 of my video's have more then 500 views and 1 got more then 3000.

This is easy as fuck.

>> No.1472544

What's your keyword or title strategy?
Do you post any links off-site or are you relying simply on people searching for the topics related to the videos?

Now you probably won't want to answer, but what video or topic is getting the most traffic? Any speculation why?

>> No.1472584

If you want to live off adsense being like Leafy is exactly what you want to do.
He gets the same views as quality content creators and it only takes him 5 hours to crank out a video.
This is speculation, but I'd assume you could make more money than him if you lived off Patreon though.

>> No.1472590

I'm really considering moving to the US and do the most stupid pranks with my French accent

>> No.1472663

>What's your keyword or title strategy?

-Short Catchy Titles
-Associated Keywords
-Tempting Thumbnails

>> No.1472675

Any clues as to what you talk about? Im actually interested and will sub, also willing to turn off adblock for you honey ;)

>> No.1472721

What does your channel start with, just the letter.

>> No.1472793

167 video's now. Today I want to reach 200 at least.

>> No.1472849

>Don't do Let's Plays. Don't do Unboxing vids. Don't do Make-up tuts. Don't do reviews. Don't do the Leafy-esque drama shit. Don't 'vlog'

So you want to be poor?

>> No.1472857

What are those videos?

>> No.1472863

OP said they are non-copyrighted US Government videos... now that might be war footage, educational videos or other information campaign material, stuff for the National Parks Service, Presidential Inaugurations, hell... does anyone know if the Nixon and LBJ tapes are public domain?

>> No.1472874

>Guessing you script some scrapper that copies and converts images into videos?
holy fuck that's a good idea, cheers bud

>> No.1473557

This yes

>> No.1473570

I have access to 500 gb of not uploaded government material. Don't ask me how.

>> No.1473583

I was at 175 video's but now I am back at 150 video's because I deleted all those with copyright notices.

Still going to continue though. The sad thing is these government video's are uncompressed and fucking big.

>> No.1473587


>> No.1473590

I think that at 1000 video's I will enable adsense on my video's. I already got it associated and can do it anytime but I want to wait a while because i don't want any sudden copyright material and in the short amount of time I want to cash in as much as possible so I might even wait till I have 5000 video's, and then wait another month to see if some of them get taken down due to dicks reporting them for copyright. Even though it's public domain there are always some dicks out there

>> No.1473614


>> No.1474207

Make a torrent and gimmie gimmie

>> No.1474426

Are you that Snowden guy?

>> No.1474538
File: 34 KB, 700x466, 356356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont wait m8. just enable it now. i have adsense on my vids and sometimes i upload copyrighted material but the whole 'three strike' thing is bullshit, its just a spook. unless you upload movies or tv shows

>> No.1474861


The plural of "video" is "videos". Not "video's". I seriously hope that English isn't your first language.

>> No.1475082
File: 44 KB, 625x579, Benito-Mussolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't my first language. I am Dutch.
When I use my phone for posts, they get really screwed up.


>> No.1475118
File: 7 KB, 771x71, 044ad7b252da6cd085c75133790a84c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1475129

OP what's your channel called I wanna see these government archives. Also free views??

>> No.1475132


>> No.1475135
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 1454359242098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying video is'nt

>> No.1475169

enjoy the ban

>> No.1475171


>> No.1475409

I am now at 243 video's

>> No.1476240

I notice that even though the videos I upload are public domain, about 30% still gets put a copyright notice and is not elegible for monetization. I immediately delete all of those.

>> No.1476252

The copyright sytem of YouTube is truly broken.

>> No.1476255

Someone else is probably monetizing them.

>> No.1476363

So here are my stats after a week or so,
265 video's.
No revenue because i haven't enabled ads yet.

>> No.1476365
File: 31 KB, 1163x610, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.1476370

It will take about 40 weeks to reach 10000 video's at this rate, at about 1 to 2 hours of work everyday.

>> No.1476376

>i haven't enabled ads yet.
why? seriously what could possibly be the benefit of waiting?

>> No.1476388

Cause the revenue would be shit.
Once I have 10.000 video's and if enable it THEN, I will make 10 bucks a day with it immediately. If I enable it now, I make maybe 10 cents a day with the risk of losing adsense completely if I get copyright strikes.

I'm not into this for a short term gain.

>> No.1476425

This is genius and I would like to do this. Do you work anywhere else and are you just going to use this as passive income?

>> No.1476442

I've planning create Counter Strike Global Offensive videos.

>> No.1476445

Tell me your segment or type of content so I can profit in my country.

>> No.1476474

>tfw no content to upload for ez money
congrats op

>> No.1476596

How do you get access to these 1000's of uncopyrighted videos? I need these

>> No.1476705


>> No.1477240


So I have 285 video's uploaded now and looking at my statistics I already get 1000 views a day on average since I started.

This is going to be much easier than I thought. If 285 video's mean 1000 views a day than some calculations give me that i only need 2850 video's for 10.000 views a day! This would mean that with 10.000 video's I would get 35.000 views a day, with adsense enabled that is about 35$ a day.


>> No.1477243

bad logic

>> No.1477245

Gonna start doing this, got pretty decent internet. What kind of videos should I upload? Recommendations?

I could always make a channel with weird stuff that makes people ask what the fuck I am doing, which generates the dank views.

>> No.1477251

So you live in the Netherlands, but upload US government material?

>> No.1477257


>> No.1477258

I will give the next update when I am at 500 video's.

>> No.1477261

Not just US government material, just all kinds of public domain material. But there is US government material in between it

>> No.1477269

Oh ok, that's really interesting. Do you use individual tags for each video? That would take very long for thousands of videos, but bring more viewers.

And about the videos that get flagged, wouldn't it be better to mail YouTube about it instead of deleting them?

>> No.1477283

Yes I use individual tags for most.
No, I don't contact youtube, too much work and i don't want to be on their list

>> No.1477305


>> No.1477308

Very cool idea senpai. Good luck, I wish you the best in your biz.

>> No.1477886

How's it going? :3

>> No.1477951
File: 10 KB, 988x77, 70b578df7548b97606ad9fdf68c18dd9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steadily going forward

>> No.1478004

> mfw when I thought it was pornhub
past few months I started getting interested into making youtube video. I already have a dslr and I would buy a shotgun mic for quality sound. I would make some dolly shots whit music, basically what people like. It would be a blog channel whit gaming and shit. I would use twitter as a way to advertise my channel and instagram. what do you think of it guys?

>> No.1478065

35 bucks a day isn't a lot of money

>> No.1478132

Don't worry we're sure he'll make it big like his hero Pewpewpiecake.

>> No.1478244

That will grow with time.
Once the view is in, the view will never get out :^)

>> No.1478448

are you indian? your logic is pretty indian like.

>> No.1478575

Why not just add your own affiliate links? I'm a total sperg and people still bought stuff after watching my vidyas. Need to make more of them fro real

>> No.1478707


>> No.1478709
File: 1 KB, 291x57, hasheer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this website.. looks decent enough. if you guys have a look and let me know. if you like it please please use my referal link so i can make money :) thanks https://hasheer.com/r/4yah5j

>> No.1478895

Really interesting thread, you can do this with old radio-casts and some old cartoons too (in some countries anyway)

>> No.1478975
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make a video, please go and vote them.

>> No.1479065
File: 31 KB, 778x391, Notgonnamakeitfam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna make it senpai.

>> No.1479069

1 view has been deposited into your account.

>> No.1479071
File: 565 KB, 500x624, 1464110618262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks senpai

>> No.1479075
File: 27 KB, 1145x575, 824aee2412050fe4bc82f08ea3b5ee1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from about a 1.5 weeks minus the last 2 days (analytics doesn't count the last 2 days)

I have about 345 video's now. Today I want to reach 400.

>> No.1479087

So you're putting in countless hours of work for nothing basically? Your best case scenario is making 1k Euros per month? Please tell me you're jk.

>> No.1479099

>Countless hours of work
About 2 hours a day for 6 months, or about 336 hours of total work, for a passive income stream of 500-1000 euro's a month that will continue without any more work putting into it
Just kys :^)

>> No.1479106
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 1464070786049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How are you getting views and why is it 0.00 revenue?

>> No.1479132

Weaboo weaboo you're just a weaboo

>> No.1479133


>> No.1479205

Read the thread.

>> No.1479215
File: 14 KB, 106x730, c81ee8ee57ce764d5cdae974218071d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did an accurate count and I am 10 days in now, with 11000 views, so thats more than 1000 views a day already. My aim is 10000 views a day for now so that´s about 100 days in.

I make this thread because it keeps me on track and so that you can follow this experiment.

Pic = views of my top videos

This is a long term project and I won't enable ads yet because I value my adsense account + the revenue I would make now would be of no use to me. I will enable it when I have between 1000 to 10000 video's because than I can get a useful amount of revenue from it. There's always a risk of losing your adsense due to whatever reason so in the time that I ahve it enabled and I have the account I want to make as much as possible and for that I need a lot of video's.

>> No.1479232

What is the name of your channel... how the hell do you have so many videos?

>> No.1479234

What is the channel called i want to know what content you upload (more specifically). If you're not going to tell us could you upload a webm or something?

>> No.1479256

Are you Wikileaks?
Is this how whistle-blowers make bank from inside the embassy?

>> No.1479282

It's just archives and other stuff
Posting my channel here would be suicide

>> No.1479426
File: 29 KB, 633x758, 1426206991881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YouTube just suspended my 2 day old account with 12 videos. What the fuck is their problem? I never broke any rules.

I sent them a mail, I hope they do something. If not, I have to start all over. :(

>> No.1479455

Wait, I just got a reply, they reactivated my account. I got the mail just 1 minute after mailing them, they probably haven't read it but reactivated my account anyway. Lol Google, you're a master pranker.

>> No.1479466

You mentioned earlier that you couldnt monetize some of your videos so you removed them. What if you start finding out that a large portion of your videos can't be monetized for some reason? Are you just going to run with what you have?

>> No.1479468

...but for some reason, I still can't log-in. I got the same error when I was banned.

I want to get off this prank.

>> No.1479471
File: 185 KB, 1016x570, nceöwde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot error pic

>> No.1479877

What are you uploading? I can't get any views on my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmVUBMSexKNAXK3t7cZLVOg
I've been using public domain movies but no luck. 750+ movies so far.

>> No.1479889

OP, have fun uploading videos. My account is still banned. ;_;



>> No.1479891

>750 movies in one day
How fast is your internet? For me it takes an hour to upload one video.

>> No.1479894

I don't know. I am just running a script I made in a server. It downloads movies and uploads then to YouTube.

>> No.1479913

It has no use to upload video's that are already on youtube

You'll get zero views like that, plus you need unique tags for every video.

Re-uploading public domain has been done and done before and I have seen channels with 1000s of 1 to 2 year old video's with zero to 1 view, doesn't work.

>> No.1479916

That makes me kinda jealous.

And kinda not because you're not getting any views.

>> No.1480029

When I find something good to upload I'll be making tons of $$$$

>> No.1480051

Go for it, dude! You'll be the next PewDiePie.

>> No.1480374
File: 9 KB, 594x315, firefox_2016-09-02_19-46-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1480534

i make 50k views daily and get around 5 bucks

>> No.1480536

the views get out.. with time if you dont keep uploading, views go down

my cpm is so low cause i get tons of spanish traffic, it sucks

>> No.1481421

How do you pick good tags? What should they be?

>> No.1482119

Can you tell me how exactly you're doing this? Does one need to have rent a server to do that?

>> No.1482603

I know how to program. So I wrote a program that uses the YouTube api to upload videos. You don't need a server to run the program but my internet connection is slow at home and I have limited bandwidth.

>> No.1482620

All of that fucking bandwidth tho. What kind of server deal do you have?

>> No.1482677

$3.50 a month for 100 mbps unlimited bandwidth.

>> No.1483873


>> No.1484692

If any of you are really interested in becoming big in youtube, let me tell you something that you should use.

League of Legends

Shit game, yea, but it gets watched by a bunch of 12 years olds. Buy a good microphone for 200 bucks, put on a deep voice, modify that voice with some software and try to be funny. Record in 1080p (60 fps if your pc can handle it).

I obviously wont put out my identidy but I make more than 100k a year through youtube. I hate the game, but you have to follow trends, like lately I have been uploading a lot of Overwatch.

>> No.1484705

Im too autistic to raise my voice, also embarrassed of my voice being heard by my mom/neighbours

>> No.1484718

You should try it, practice your voice in the mirror and do voice/singing exercises (youtube videos on it).

Don't forget to make a patreon video, saying how you desperately need money or that you're planning on making youtube your full time job (even though it already is). I pull around an extra 3k a month because of retards giving me money lol.

>> No.1484864

Do you have to be good at league? I am really bad at mobas.

>> No.1484929

>I obviously wont put out my identidy but I make more than 100k a year through youtube.
Prove it.

>> No.1484970

I also have a 20 inch penis