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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14709110 No.14709110 [Reply] [Original]

Is 1800 V-ID enough to make it?

>> No.14709137

I don’t even think my 12k stack is enough to “make it”. I’m confident in a 5-10x but I want triple digits EOY god dammit

>> No.14709268

so you're saying i should have atleast a 100k stack to make it

>> No.14709375

50,000 is a comfortable amount.

>> No.14709407

Well I only have 1500 so I hope that'll be enough lol.

>> No.14709447
File: 752 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20190606_161210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I thought my dick was hard with a 5k stack... Need to ride or die I guess

>> No.14709794

Depends what "make it" means to you. If it's paying off student loans/car loans, probably. If it's buying a new house, no. I'm in the top 1000 wallets with 4k, and I expect it to pretty easily make it to $5. Long term, I'm hoping for $20-$50, and if the adoption trend continues (the validation wallet's going haywire) we've got a good shot. The coin burns and buybacks help. Constantly taking coins out of circulation. Unless you're good at daytrading, I'd just leave this and check back every month or so. If you're hoping this coin goes 1000x though, that's a task

>> No.14709958

i dont plan to daytrade, the exchange i was using was a bitch to buy off of so i dont see swinging it as being a smart thing for me to do.

but i can always dump more money into it, and was trying to figure out a decent size "make it" stack

>> No.14710487

worthless coin, don't fall for this pajeet scam.

>> No.14710547


Stay poor retard.

>> No.14710548

don't delude yourselves, very optimistically it might reach $1, but not higher than that

>> No.14710564

Thats what I said about link for years... would have made it...

>> No.14710578

it was halfway there with minimal effort and exchange exposure

>> No.14710634

are my shitty api tokens that do fuck all going to be worth anything significant in the future bros?

>> No.14711069
File: 180 KB, 744x481, 1562029925407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking THIS

>> No.14711145

That picture is raw as fuck, saved for my VID-t folder

>> No.14711203

Sure will. As long as they write to five (soon to be six) different blockchains, can be utilized via drag and drop to facilitate ease of use for boomers, you can gather up partnerships, prove immutability, etc etc etc.
Seriously, no one fucking cares that this token performs a simple function or that you could program a similar one for a business independently. This is about removing the barrier to entry and solving a problem tons of businesses have in a way they can understand. Feel free not to buy, but you're really just fucking yourself over.

>> No.14711515
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>> No.14711538

VEE ID is literally a checksum on a blockchain...
wtf? is there something I am missing on how useless this is?

>> No.14711564

>ride ends at 26MM MC

fuck off retard

>> No.14711605

nope thats literally all it is

token not needed

>> No.14712281
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>> No.14712344

ironically yes, it can actual go to $1000 unlike LINK and its 1 Billion token supply kek

>> No.14712833

Will this ever get to $100 guys?

>> No.14713465

Binance Chain & DEX in 2 weeks confirmed