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File: 315 KB, 747x1243, 759AC3E2-D360-4D61-A4B4-55AE8A06B98A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14695955 No.14695955 [Reply] [Original]


Official thread for waiting for the commencement of the dumpage

>> No.14695961
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Oof, and yikes.

>> No.14695969

lol, get fucked litionfags

>> No.14695980

None of the bagholders even did research on the linkedins? This is just being discovered now?

>> No.14695983

>It's a serial PnDer episode
get rekt faggots

>> No.14695986
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>> No.14695996

strong buy signal

>> No.14696007

Sub .20 imminent


>> No.14696124
File: 135 KB, 716x667, 4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders working hard to get back in... ya'll gonna die poor and still burn in hell.HAHAHAHA

>> No.14696154

>post own telegram message in hopes of "owning" those idiots on 4chins


>> No.14696173
File: 10 KB, 200x313, 7B83B9FA-3D95-443F-A53D-18816A7135CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outsourcing to Belarusians, lead dev is the head of a different project
>said lead developer doesn’t even mention LIT on LinkedIn
>wow so bullish $25 EOY

>> No.14696186
File: 834 KB, 300x220, 1562708001212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tempted sometimes to buy into such blatant shitcoins. Then this kind of thing keeps happening.

>> No.14696189

dude, there is a difference between fud and the fact that LIT has no software developers employed other than a bunch of belarusian consultant fags. Their fucking lead dev lists a scam that he exited on his linked in and does not even mention lition. How can anyone still take LIT serious?

>> No.14696234

As a vidtard I’m hard as diamonds holy fuck, imagine investing in something which doesn’t even have dedicated developers, just outsourced third world retards. Then imagine trusting a bunch of fucking krauts lmfao

>> No.14696242

>how can anyone still take LIT serious?
Muh SAP bruh


>> No.14696244

The FUD is working!! It’s working!!!

Keep it going, we gotta get it down to 20cents before we can switch back to shilling

>> No.14696248

took my 40% gains on this shitcoin and never looked back lmao

>> No.14696279

YES! Keep going with the FUD.
>muh thirdworld

Eastern Europeans >>> Shitskin from any kind.
Bring it down to 1,5k sats so I can go all in.

>> No.14696285
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>> No.14696290
File: 49 KB, 640x360, 40006017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aright everybody, back to the VIDT pile

>> No.14696300

Lol when nobody in this thread realizes that a consultant who works full time as your developer is the same thing as having a full time developer except you don’t provide full time employee benefits

>> No.14696303

Solid buy sign. Only buy when I see these baseless attacks. Someone working hard using different IPs to grab some, so I buy too.

>> No.14696304 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 742x75, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what more do you need to see than this beautiful aryan face you fucking pajeet

>> No.14696316

this is the worst hopium I’ve ever seen, your devs are post-cold war coding contractors, the lead of which exit scammed his last project. this isn’t ironic FUDing for accumulation, this is your coin about to drop into oblivion to never be heard from again

>> No.14696345

it simply isnt true, FUDsters getting desperate
just check linkedin yourselves, faggots

>> No.14696361


Im cool you being a brainlet. Wont sell my 10k.

>post cold-war coding contractors

While seeing upon the western world, I'd rather have them instead of coding trannies. Keep coping, wh1toid.

>> No.14696374

I checked and sorry to disappoint you Rackesh, but this time it is true. https://www.linkedin.com/in/josefsevcik/

>> No.14696399

Screenshot faggot, not all of us are wagecucks with linkedin accounts

>> No.14696411

Also is the lead dev from Slovenia or Czechia and is located in Switzerland. There must be a reason an eastern european lives in one of the most expensive places in the world. (Protip: He's paid pretty good ---> does his job well)
Keep the funny meme pics up doe. I want to have 10k more of dem Litties.

>> No.14696412

Group of broke people looking for how to get in on a solid project.

>> No.14696415

None of these retards would believe it anyway and just say its fake

>> No.14696446

Senseless Fuds... this is 100M Mcap due soon. Instead of jumping in you vidt loser tryna fud your way in.

>> No.14696467
File: 170 KB, 653x1072, Josef Svecik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go desu, fresh from linkedin. Oh btw. "Decent" , the other thing he lists there, is another failed crypto project. Buddy s a serial 'entrepreneur'

>> No.14696478

CTO of SAP ain’t pulling a fast one. If you think someone like that would scam or associate with anything less than quality... you’ve never spent any time around C-suite execs

>> No.14696484



>> No.14696495

This ... the advisor on the board of directors of Lition is the CTO of the largest software company in the world. Why would he get so involved and go on camera for multiple interview regarding Lition, and risk his reputation on a “scam”?

>> No.14696508
File: 13 KB, 742x75, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what more do you need other than his beautiful aryan face

>> No.14696616

these vidt fudders are really frustrated....

>> No.14696621

I feel bad for the weak handed faggots that sold HAHAHA

>> No.14696644

Jesus christ this coin is a dumpster fire

Just a big giant scam, glad I sold before the major dumping began

>> No.14696715

Seems like German vidt fudders woke up.

Let me guess what is comming next:
Muh Git not active, but can't explain difference between fork and merge.

Clear buy signal

>> No.14696739


Their github is inactive as fuck tho

>> No.14696766

probably because muh SAP developers are working on it, lmao

>> No.14696768

When will you VIDT fudders realize that they literally paid someone to make those top tier memes ? (Gotta say those memes were spicy though )

>> No.14696786


>> No.14696789

If you like keep fooling yourselves fudding Lit,only dumb and blind person who cant read and do a quick research will be fooled. Fud or not I'm buying. When I see these senseless fuds it's clear theres a aim. Someone tryna buy. So I buy too. Thanks a lot for helping me grab a few more and I keep buying cause you not getting them alone I'm sharing it with you.

>> No.14696804

I hate it when projects do not open source their code and do not regularly push their commits to github, in 9 of ten cases it means the code is shit or nowhere near where it should be. The lack of inhouse developers makes this whole project look mostly like a marketing campaign. There are red flags all over this shit.

>> No.14696812

>actually thinking VIDT was coordinated paid shills and not just a bunch of sperg neets getting in early and ruthlessly shilling it all day
>implying LIT hasn’t done the same thing, only with lower quality memes
seek help and cope harder

>> No.14696826

These vidt fudders looking for some Lit...Caue vidt has no actual token use case.

>> No.14696834

JeT FuEl CaN't MeLt StEel BeAmS

>> No.14696844

Are you guys fucking retarded? You know that no one is actually holding VIDT and LIT anymore right?

>> No.14696892

T. Vidt sperg

The netherlands must be some second Judea KEK

>> No.14696919

Also for the brainlets still fudding cuz of muh non-aryan devs:

Outsourcing is a very common thing in IT...for BIG PLAYERS. Last hint for you fucks to grab a bag or you'll cry like you would have missed LINK again.

>> No.14696935


Yeah for basic stuff not for something like this lmao obviously you've never worked in any decent firm in IT

inb4 hurr hurr i'm a senior google engineer

>> No.14696953

Y'all sold off all your precius tokens at lose cause you though BTC was heading to mass, now it's done on you btc doesnt have the momentum to go up and alts are getting ready to move so you now fudding so you can buy back some gem. Losers, never chase btc you never gonna make it that way. When you get a solid one like Lit you never sell of for anything. Hold for 200M Mcap, which is coming soon.

>> No.14696956

except LINK didn’t outsource devs, it had them in-house on the payroll behind sergey. and sergey wasn’t a shit dev from 2 other failed projects. you faggots are in hardcore denial. enjoy the drop and bleedout.

>> No.14696988

They literally have two in house developers , if you took the time to do a little research you’d realize this is a baseless claim ...

>> No.14697010

Well I just talked with some LIT officials...this Jospeh guy just didnt gave a fuck about updating his LinkedIn BWAHAHAHA.
Whats even funnier is that they DO have devs inhouse which even won longhash hackathon.
I cannot imagine the absolute seething state of the fudders rn HAHAHA.

>> No.14697027

How big are your bags, anon?

>> No.14697032

Not sure if this is the publicity SAP wants to be associated with.

Next they expose faces and LinkedIn profiles from the SAP contact persons here.

Bad taste and karma exposing non-public people like the led dev with picture and name here.

>> No.14697041

What does it matter if they outsource their devs, it's globalization y'all dumb illiterates, masturbation has eaten up IQ. Retarded losers. Your fucking mama underwater is made in China, your fatheds tie and ur toothbrush are made in China. What matters is the quality. Go back to elementary school or better look for something else to fud...

>> No.14697046

Someone please check the SPHTX chart
This is your future Litidiots

>> No.14697183


Oh no no no litiots just give up already. This coin is the joke of the entire crypto community

>would buy waltonchain before lit
>would buy BSV before lit
>would buy bitconnect before lit

>> No.14697211

Oh you’re the

>oh no no no
guy that’s been fudding since we were at 15 cents

>> No.14697261
File: 170 KB, 360x346, downloadfile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy in at 2k and shut the fuck up.
You cannot be more obvious that you are either some VIDT nigger or an accumulator.

>> No.14697503

yeah I most say this all gives me strong Waltonchain and Vechain vibes: mostly focused on marketing, muh Partnerships, no focus on software development and a general lack of transparency. Yikes, this ain't 2017 I doubt that this will work out.

>> No.14697651

remember kinect? that god awful fucking retarded pos? go back to its reveal in 2010 iirc, there were dozens of high level cxos from multiple companies larger than sap shilling that scam. you can still find interviews and press conferences by them shilling kinect.
yeah, if you think cxos are all extremely smart and considerate people, you havent spent a second talking to them either.

>> No.14697679


Oh no no no he doesnt know bitconnect

Makes sense then you'd fall for a shitcoin scam like this newfag

>> No.14697819


Literal Pajeets shitting up this threads with baseless assumptions. The grip of my iron hands gets tighter the more you mongrels shit up these threads.
Already at 15k. 5k more for a node. See you on the streets of Mumbai when I come visit your shithole country to have holidays there while you serve me.