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14695642 No.14695642 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone even understand what is a cryptocurrency or wtf the descriptions of coins say? It is just technobabble that you can't understand unless you did a CS degree. How can you even know what coins have potential to grow if you don't understand wtf the descriptions mean?

>> No.14695671

i don't have too know CS, LINK will parse all those jasons for me

>> No.14695676

All you need is the willpower to believe the meme magic, fren.

>> No.14695678

You mean you're not using a coin description explainer? You really do know nothing about technology.

>> No.14695687
File: 58 KB, 800x600, 19498AF9-2DD4-40AD-BD53-37FFC5D2ED8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a CS degree from Caltech so I’m one of the few on here who understands what they mean

But it’s much easier just to buy the memes and not ask questions pic related

>> No.14695688

let me translate them for you: bullshit

>> No.14695690

A cryptocurrency is a network built on the principle that if it is more profitable to do the right thing, then there is no financial incentive to do the wrong thing.

If you are looking into a crypto, the first thing you should ask is "How will their network ensure profitability of operators.". Then, you should look to their utility.

>> No.14695698

I still don't know what dag means

>> No.14695751

>Does anyone even understand what is a cryptocurrency or wtf the descriptions of coins say? It is just technobabble that you can't understand unless you did a CS degree. How can you even know what coins have potential to grow if you don't understand wtf the descriptions mean?
It's really not hard if you know how to read and write and have some time to focus on learning.

>> No.14695768


>> No.14695826

The average crypto "investor" everybody.

>> No.14695851

You need a LOT of time to focus on learning because if you start doing research more, you will just keep encountering more and more unfamiliar terminology and technical detail. Basically you NEED a CS education to understand.

>> No.14695866

i dunno but i tripled my money anyway

>> No.14696326

>I have ADHD so everyone in this imageboard must also be a 10 second attention span retard who can't sit down and learn about something without going to college

>> No.14696348

r u i

>> No.14696737

kek, didn't know i had a CS degree

>> No.14696859

I did a CS degree. You don't need one, you can learn that stuff yourself, but you do need to spend an equivalent amount of time and effort actually studying this stuff if you want to be an expert.