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1469237 No.1469237 [Reply] [Original]

Should I tell my manager about my depression to get free therapy?

I work in a very 'Forward' corporate facility. One of the benefits is company paid therapy sessions with a third party. However there is a limit of how many you can have without further discussion with HR/whatever. I've hit my limit.

I'm in a relatively low (but secure) position, how damaging to my career pathway would this be should I seek to take it further with this company?

>> No.1469243

If you've already used up all your free sessions I see no reason why they would pay for more. The real question is do the therapy sessions work and why are you depressed.
Do stuff to get better anon, good luck.

>> No.1469255

I wouldn't. There are free group sessions available in your community.

>> No.1469285

No. Never show your hand at all with that shit. It will be used as a reason to pass you over for promotion in the future. Keep that to yourself.

>> No.1469624

Absolutement non, OP.

>> No.1469631

The ideal answer would be that you could tell your boss and get more counseling sessions.

That said, here in the real world, >>1469285 is right. A nefarious boss or coworker could use that shit against you in promotions/etc. Even the most "nice" and "forward" places get like this sometimes.

Frankly, I'd just consider finding a therapist and paying for the additional sessions out-of-pocket.

>> No.1469634

never trust those faggots with personal info

>> No.1469721

That's it, decide what's best for your mental health

>> No.1469735

Don't tell your boss. Now, while the free therapy is an additional benefit, most health insurance nowadays covers mental, so try offsetting session costs with that.

>> No.1469777


I wouldn't.

Besides, doesn't insurance cover this?