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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14688473 No.14688473 [Reply] [Original]

Hold the line.

>> No.14688511

Double bottom...even a triple bottom...just let me break even...

>> No.14688530

we are going in for a poker lads

>> No.14688534
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Buckled in for moonride

>> No.14688569

Some faggot market sold is all.

>> No.14688592

Sold earlier and let me tell ya it feels good to verify with my eyes that this shitcoin is no longer in my portfolio

>> No.14688593

The more it drops, the more I buy.
These weak hand faggots are losers for a reason.

>> No.14688608

there's literally no fucking reason for this to be happening other than whale manipulation

bullish as fuck

>> No.14688633

>11m locked tokens to be dumped
>pathetic burn at a rate of 40k vidt per month

>> No.14688643

I’ve deleted my blockfolio. The price drop is bullish. Thanks panic sellers! All of this FUD means it’s time to buy! Bots are causing a lot of this I think. Did you know an EU blockchain woman is an advisor? Selling now is like selling ETH at $3.

>> No.14688666

it went up way too fast. this is simply a correction back to last support. I told you fags it was going to drop. I'm back in now.

>> No.14688669


>> No.14688676

>an EU blockchain woman is an advisor

Pffffttt hahahaha ok just admit it lad that’s fucking retarded ahahaha

I need a blockchain to verify the amount of vidty salt incoming

>> No.14688727

Literal troglodyte doesn't understand what unlocking tokens means or that they'd have 40k burned this month if they stopped doing any business for the rest of the month tomorrow. More pajeet-y FUD like this is bullish, convincing yourself after selling the bottom

>> No.14688740

Where the fuck did you pull that number out of your ass? The last burn was for 350k and it screwed us over this month as less VIDT are needed for validations, but it’s still way ahead of schedule. The burn rate will be decided by the price on the 31st. The lower the price, the higher the burn amount. I’m hoping for a massacre, I bought in at 7 cents so I’ll just enjoy mr bones wild ride and accumulate if it bleeds to the point where all hope is lost.

>> No.14688767

the price pump fucked us over*

>> No.14688851
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Kek still holding but that was funny

>> No.14688858

desu I'm not worried in the slightest just hold a bit team has always delivered when they hyped news. T1 exchange is gonna happen I hope rather sooner than later.

still I doubled down on VIDT during the dip. basically 5x to 1.5 USD has now become a 10x for me.

>> No.14688906

why the fuck do you want to hold a pump and dump?
are you retard son?

>> No.14688938

They are in denial right now. They will start to panic as the price continues to drop.

>> No.14689045

>The burn rate will be decided by the price on the 31st.
it's decided for a whole quarter at a pumped price

>> No.14689094

I thought this was reset monthly? I’m driving on the highway someone confirm

>> No.14689132

Sorry guys, I cashed out my VID to buy more LINK while its down. Basically I dont think LINK will stay down for as long as VID goes sideways. I was disappointed that their exchange announcement was coinexchange or some shit I don't use and don't consider a major help to the coin. I'll buy back in this weekend on a dip though. I still believe in this coin long term.

>> No.14689351

>I’m driving on the highway someone confirm


it was quarterly for the first two quarters of the year but now they're switching to monthly

>> No.14689375

I knew this was a pnd. It’s literally a one trick pony. So glad I sold at 130

>> No.14689387

I love this thread so much. Just pure, unadulterated newfag cope and bagholder bingo all around. Unable to admit that they bought into an obvious pump and dump. When you guys eventually snap out of it just try to learn from this. Remember how the whole thing went so when you see the same shilling patterns again (rest assured the next big pnd is already underway) you don't get justed.

>> No.14689402


>> No.14689451

Nah I'm already dead inside. I'll hold these fucking bags until 1 vit.

>> No.14689456

Wat? They never announced coinexchange what are you even talking about

>> No.14689502

LMAO at weak handed faggots saying it's a PND.

Necer listen to biz if you want to male it guys. They are all either trying buy low or sold fir a liss now fudding out of spite.

>> No.14689512

this, low effort FUDer
the top 100 wallets have all accumulated from the weak hands that have dumped. if it was a pnd they would’ve market sold this to 0, instead they’re stacking up on faggots that had 1-20k. explain that.

>> No.14689522
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>> No.14689542

that’s not the t1 exchange faggot, that’s another random one like latoken adding it. that’s not even t2, that’s like t5 lmao

>> No.14689602

I said yesterday already that we moved back to lit already.

It will dump even more by the way.

>> No.14689622

no need to FUD when its dipping plenty already. I said I would buy back in later. I just don't expect any movement any time soon, so I'm freeing up my funds and will put more in later.

I honestly don't know or care what consitutes a T1 exchange, since I only use a few. Not a big deal anyway. Even if they get on some big exchange, we know how that will go. Big green dick with all the people FOMOing in, and then a big dip with those same people panic selling after. I'm looking at long term gains with this one anyway. I'll get a new stack soon, just can't wait forever for this thing to break 40 cents again.

>> No.14689703

Why buy back in a pnd? We are in the dumping phase and the next phase is even worse.. oblivion. Soon nobody will be talking about vidt. Just like chx, rlc and the pnds from before

>> No.14689727

This is how pink wojaks are made. Impatient/emotional buys and sells

>> No.14689737

Lmaoo 27 cents

>> No.14689781


If you think Vidt is just some empty PND then please neck yourself immediately because you are too stupid to function.

>> No.14689811

That’s what they said about each and every pnd that ever came on biz.

>> No.14689814

This aged poorly. 26 already.

>> No.14689818

Relax buddy :)

Take a deep breath.

>> No.14689824

Ahh, so many morons that treat crypto like some casino or speculation asset without actually trying to learn what this all is.

Crypto is a new way of value exchange. A coin is not a stock that judges the financial health of the company. A coin is a piece of digitally native property that is unique, limited, and has utility. It's part of a beautiful system that encourages honest behavior through financial gain. When you buy a VIDT coin, you are buying the motivational element behind an ingenious system that allows for the verification of documents in a trustless, efficient and capitalistic manner. It's like a Mexican standoff. I trust the document because it's VIDT certified, I trust the certification process because it cost something to the person wanting the validity and paid something to the person certifying trust, every member of the cycle is given what they want, the perfect deal. It's cooperation through greed, it's progress through positive reinforcement.

When you buy VIDT, you are buying a piece of the internet's notary system. In a world of fake news and forgery where anything can be copied, manipulated and twisted, truth has immense value. The economic system of VIDT is the idea that we exchange value for truth. Do you want to invest in truth or not?

>> No.14689843


Someone is upset they panic sold for a loss.

>> No.14689897

Nope I made like 1% profit. “Panic sold” at 130.

>> No.14689927

lmao what a LOSER you are panic selling for 1 percent niw fudding to make your feeble ego feel better