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14686035 No.14686035 [Reply] [Original]

It took me a while to figure out that life is utter shit.

First you start learning at school. Constant bullying and loser teacher make your life hard.

If you happen to live in a 1st world country you can afford to study to enhance your chances of earning more money later in life.

When you finish your studies you seek a job, which is a humiliating process. After that you work for some boomer to become richer and richer while you 'have to earn experience to be in the same position some day'.

You are getting older and older and suddenly all the roasties come at you to take your precious money and nail you down as a beta provider.

And when you have raised your kids and stopped working your pension is probably so low that you can't even afford basic food.

Has life always been this shit or did the boomers fuck up the way of life in western civilization

>> No.14686130

based mcafee really raised the pot

>> No.14686195

>he hasnt made it based on generational wealth and has to suck some stranger boomer dick to work his way up
lmao. feels good to have blue blood.

>> No.14686222
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>> No.14686233

plot twist: he just wants to eat his dick on television

>> No.14686259

You just described the life of a beta/omega male. Doesnt mean its like this for every man lmao

>> No.14686266

the documentary/attempted hit piece on netflix is fucking gold if you havnt seen it already, do your self a favy, john has lived the life many of us wished

>> No.14686288

Hey op, most of your problems could be adressed if you managed to get a little bit of money. Have you considered that?

>> No.14686496

t. just blew all my beta bux on shit altcoins
Laffin at you

>> No.14686809

W-will it give me friends?

>> No.14686846

tfw neetbux aristocrat and will never have to think about any of this

>> No.14686899

I don't know about a documentary on shitflix but I do know he claimed he has attained quantum immortality.

>> No.14687161
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Good Lord, I think I got whiplash from checking this thread so hard