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File: 137 KB, 1280x720, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14682523 No.14682523 [Reply] [Original]

>he thinks he is smart
>doesn't have a gf
this board is dunning kruger center

>> No.14682619

is this mother/daughter/BF?
sauce it faggot

>> No.14682669

>waste of time (and money)

>> No.14682706
File: 278 KB, 1007x1074, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dunning kruger

>> No.14682714

what's the roi on a roastie?

>> No.14682736


>> No.14682818

>thinking you need a gf to get laid
>thinking that's the smartest way to get laid
What is hookup culture?

>> No.14682825

what is STDs

>> No.14682833

roasties are a waste of time and money. cmon OP. the only thing that matters in life is figuring out why it all exists. for example the rate at which we perceive time decreases as the cells in the brain become longer and larger, resulting in the signals to take longer to perceive. time flies as a child. as the universe expands things become further apart like the neurons in our brain causing light to take longer to travel the vast distance. the rate at which we observe change in the universe decreases over time just like the rate at which an human experiences time as they age. the universe we exist in is a simulation. i can prove this to you, but the energy required to explain this to a normie who is a light weight in physics is too much. all i can tell you is in 10 years i will unite quantum and macro physics resulting in first contact with our reptilian inter dimensional friends, they are watching, always.

>> No.14682908

STDs are a myth. Good job falling for the condom Jew

>> No.14682933


>> No.14682942

>dunning kruger
it's so funny to me how idiots identify themselves by shoehorning this term into everything

multilayered irony

>> No.14682956

can someone plz sauce this porno

>> No.14682972

Based and redpilled

>> No.14683151

Pls sauce

>> No.14683172

it's not a porno

>> No.14683214

sex with a condom isn't worth having, the people who chase it must be the same people who lease luxury cars and buy mcmansions, as if they had never experienced any alternative

>> No.14683270


>> No.14683280

Good goy, continue to watch porn.

Based. Who else hookerpilled?

>> No.14683332

Scotty doesnt know

>> No.14683344

you have no higher education I can tell.
>for example the rate at which we perceive time decreases as the cells in the brain become longer and larger, resulting in the signals to take longer to perceive.
this is pretty much BS

>> No.14683357

I would fuck either or all three of them.

>> No.14683387

How is this in any way related to business and finance. Stop cluttering up this board with this asinine garbage.

>> No.14683433
File: 15 KB, 640x480, 1348761128643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna try polyamory
there's tons of hot as fuck chicks on okcupid that say they're into it
i have enough money to be any girl's primary object of affection and who cares if they get some side action
let's see how it works out

>> No.14683480

>someone called me a dunnigkroger brainlet and it deeply affected me because it was true now I will call others that because it’s a popword like yikes

>> No.14683510

You can't get STDs if you immune system is strong. It's literally impossible.

>> No.14683674

Dunning Kruger confirmed

>> No.14683778


Get tested for fun then

>> No.14683861

Hah! Jokes on you, my girlfriend says I'm smart but secretly I think she might be a retard because she apparently likes me.

>> No.14683885

It is the opposite for me. As a child, time seemed to go so slow and now, the more I age, the quicker it flies by.

>> No.14684073

because thats how it works, that anon is a retarded druggie

>> No.14684215


Yes goyim, keep making money and spending time making ((money)) . Forget about finding a wife and having kids. Oy vey

>> No.14684275

It's because each year is a smaller fraction of your life as you get older.

>> No.14684286

It's not too bad if you get the extra thins, I usually have sex unprotected until I want I bust inside the girl. Although I'm uncircumcised so that probably helps.

>> No.14684305

my trans gf is extremely smart. i feel like i don't deserve her

>> No.14684311

based and pharmapilled

>> No.14684323

your trans gf is a mentally ill guy, that's why...

>> No.14684329

Something you get from your roastie gf after she's ready to settle down. But in all seriousness finding a gf is more about chance and confidence than intelligence, doesn't matter how smart you are if you never meet the right woman and woo her.

>> No.14684367
File: 186 KB, 861x877, 1559421480772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you need to be smart to get a GF

I'm ugly and anxious, nothing to do with my intelligence.

>> No.14684664


>> No.14685422
File: 763 KB, 1200x1200, 43136A33-6ACE-4A81-AE75-1B114C7E35CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you underestimate the state of modern women and how overvalued they are at the moment. They all think they are gods gift to humanity thanks to thirsty betas flooding their social media with likes and praises. Settling now is like buying at the top. Crypto will unironically be a market correction creating an entire new generation of wealthy NEETs who don’t care about (((modern women’s))) tricks and manipulative ways. Good women exist but they are a needle in a haystack. I like to think that constantly bettering myself and state of mind I will find one, one day. Until then I am patiently accumulating wealth, broadening my knowledge and improving my body and spirit.

>> No.14685679


>> No.14685750

It is just a YouTube video. Fap to her instagram instead:

>> No.14685993

Truth, std's are very exagerated. Statistically, you could fuck raw the nearest 200 women and the most you would get is some tame treatable stuff like chlamydia, and that would be rare, and stuff like AIDS would be like less than 0.1% chance.

>> No.14686042


>> No.14686215

well, that was disappoint

>> No.14686244

so no mother/daughter porn?
get the fuck outta here

>> No.14686308

I'm gonna be the one to say it

If you don't have herpes you're a virgin

>> No.14686323

every smart guy and great mind in the past did not bother with women as they drag you down in the long run.

>> No.14686329

>tfw I had the misfortune of seeing some of this fucker's videos
it amazes me that millions of people watch this retarded garbage

>hey guys hewe's anotha scwipted pwank
They literally talk like this

>> No.14686342

n i g g e r
i've banged alot of chicks and thank god i dont have one or two, recently tested
u can keep tat shit to urself

>> No.14686611

t. virgin

>> No.14686704

schizo there is no reason it all exists
any theory you hear is just a "maybe it's like this" and nothing more
sit back and enjoy the ride til you die forever

>> No.14686784

Because you're fucking busy now with responsibilities and everything is monotonous with fewer events having the novelty of a "new experience."
You basically become desensitized to life unless you experience something totally new more often.

>> No.14686793
File: 72 KB, 600x878, 3cc65fd1642c47c53edf09a054c6e7ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we dont care about the ugly looking rat spic.

The blonde you retard

>> No.14686817

>Sir Isaac Newton
>Nikolai Tesla

>> No.14686890



>> No.14687824

This is for the ugly rat on the right. You got a name for the one on the left?

>> No.14687846
File: 421 KB, 1745x1123, blackpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls only care about looks (face, height, and frame). You can be the smartest man in the world but if you're sub8 you're lonely.

>> No.14687868

>Anon you have such a big brain I want to be your gf
When does this ever happen you dumb faggot ?

>> No.14687953

Condoms only make sex shit if you have mutilated jew cock