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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1468039 No.1468039 [Reply] [Original]

Looking to go back to school and get a degree in finance. Other than working 80 hours a week what are some pros and cons? How tough are the classes and training?

>> No.1468099

Inb4 kneepads

>> No.1468108

Are you getting a bachelor's in finance or a master's in finance?

A bachelor's in finance is not that rigorous by itself. Also unless it's from an ivy/target school it's not really going to get you any cool jobs.

>> No.1468144
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it's a very easy degree that pays and employs well compared to how easy it is to get. wonder how so few go to finance. it's the least popular in most business schools. 70% people in business schools go for marketing kek. even accounting is more popular than finance.

also in general, people who have some money to invest are more interested in finance degrees. it's also very hated degree. probably the most hated there is. probably because people have this view of finance people acting arrogant, some jealous, and the view of greedy banksters etc.

>> No.1468356

My undergrad is in Econ and desu I wish I had gone finance and just taken the same math/stats classes that I did with Econ. I feel like Finance is at least a practical degree as opposed to Econ. The Econ theory classes are interesting and it is fun to learn about but I could probably learn that stuff on my own time, or even had just taken it as a minor.

Also, I feel like Finance is a better degree for networking than Econ, since a lot of Econ majors seem to just want to go on to teach Econ.

>> No.1468502

Unless you're going to a top 20 school or have connections you're better off in 99% of cases doing Accounting and getting your CPA.

Money wise, work/life balance wise etc. Accounting + CPA is the way to go, the only thing Finance has going for it is "prestige" and working in anything except an investment bank which very few people actually do is not prestige.

Alternatively if you find Accounting really boring do Economics with a lot of Quant Maths/statistics and get post grad Econ degree like a masters

t. got a finance degree and it's not what The Wolf of Wall Street would have you believe

>> No.1468570

Why do people work 80 hours a week in finance if the markets are only open 7 hours a day?

>> No.1468574

Someone redpill me on what you can actually -do- with a finance degree. Where can it get you?

>> No.1468895

Anything to do with choosing investments or managing money.

e.g. I worked at an accounting place and they had a finance department which was basically only superannuation. They basically recommended what kind of super they should go for or they gave them a fund they made (not really, it was just like big banks and asx100 shares that paid good dividends) and other shit like that.

Is this a joke?
Finance isn't only markets, not by a long shot. Even if you mean the guys that deal with equities as their job, they do lots and lots of research with math, groundwork or comparison to other companies. It's a bit hard to do that when you are watching the markets pretty closely. IB, probably the most sought after financial area, doesn't even deal with the live markets, simply put they are basicallyconsultants and underwriters for companies. Nothing to do with markets.

>> No.1468916

Holy Mr. Finance Expert at what firms have you worked and what positions?

>> No.1468918

Lads, I'm having a fucking crisis. I was a direct admit to the Business School at my College, and was majoring in finance. But now, part of me is thinking of going CS before Sophomore year starts. Honestly, which one is more likely to lead to a cushy job where I don't have to do shit?

>> No.1468924

I'm also falling for the Military Meme and am in ROTC. Will 4-5 years of active duty service basically make me forget programming? I don't think I'd have the time to really be keeping my skills sharp, but I'm not really sure how fast coding as a skill depreciates.